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Old 07-05-2009, 02:04 AM   #1
Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
I'm looking for a bunch of games. I've been searching everywhere and I can't seem to find the full version mail-order Duke Nukem I with a Box.

Does anyone have the following games - In working condition with box, disks, and manual if it comes with one; ( I know you can find some of them on eBay once and while but I'm looking to trade or buy from here, if anyone has any.)

Catacomb 3-d
Duke Nukem I
Monster Bash
Jazz Jackrabbit
Doom I ( first full version release, before ultimate doom)

I would like buy these games if anyone has any. I can also trade I have a lot of rare old pc games that are sealed and NM etc..
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Old 07-05-2009, 04:09 AM   #2
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
I can't seem to find the full version mail-order Duke Nukem I with a Box.
DN1 was never released in a box, at least not officially by Apogee. Neither was Monster Bash. Not sure about Jazz Jackrabbit.

Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
Doom I ( first full version release, before ultimate doom)
Perpare to pay big money for this, if you want the original floppy version. Cheapest I've seen it go was $80-ish.
PimPamPet is offline  
Old 07-05-2009, 04:30 AM   #3
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Well according to an artist who worked for Apogee games the early games were released in a generic Apogee box with the logo on the front and some of the games on the back without any manuals.

I've seen Monster Bash on ebay in a box with box art, and manuals I believe.

Doom can go for much lower than that. It really depends where you can get it from.

---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

Jazz can be easily found but I would prefer to get it through here, if someone has it.
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Old 07-06-2009, 12:59 AM   #4
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
Well according to an artist who worked for Apogee games the early games were released in a generic Apogee box with the logo on the front and some of the games on the back without any manuals.
Like this?

Good luck finding this old stuff. :-)
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Old 07-06-2009, 07:54 AM   #5
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade

Thanks for the pic.
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Old 07-06-2009, 03:03 PM   #6

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade,149284/
this is what moby has for boxart it is the gt interactive shareware box art from 1993. back before the net was cheap
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Old 07-14-2009, 04:14 PM   #7
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
I'm looking for a bunch of games. I've been searching everywhere and I can't seem to find the full version mail-order Duke Nukem I with a Box.
Doesn't exist. Never did.

Does anyone have the following games - In working condition with box, disks, and manual if it comes with one; ( I know you can find some of them on eBay once and while but I'm looking to trade or buy from here, if anyone has any.)

Catacomb 3-d
Jazz Jackrabbit
Doom I ( first full version release, before ultimate doom)
Not Apogee games. Also, I know for sure that the original Doom release didn't have a retail box. First retail of the original Doom was Ultimate Doom, as I recall. I seem to remember there was a small box that id shipped it from their own HQ in, but the first RETAIL box was Ultimate, I believe.

Monster Bash
Doesn't exist. That was from our pre-retail era.

Originally Posted by PimPamPet View Post
DN1 was never released in a box, at least not officially by Apogee. Neither was Monster Bash. Not sure about Jazz Jackrabbit.
See above. You're right about Duke 1. Was never released in retail.


Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
Well according to an artist who worked for Apogee games the early games were released in a generic Apogee box with the logo on the front and some of the games on the back without any manuals.
For a couple of years we shipped everything in a generic box that was not geared towards any specific game. It had an Apogee logo on one side, and a 3D Realms logo on the other side, and various game screen shots on the sides. I know I have some pictures of said box somewhere - but finding them is a bitch in the 30,000 pictures archive I have on my hard drive.

I've seen Monster Bash on ebay in a box with box art, and manuals I believe.
Wrong. Monster Bash never had a manual. It also never had a box from us.

Like this? Good luck finding this old stuff. :-)
That is not valid box art - again. Same deal as before. Look what is there for the "back cover" image. Tells you who made it. WAS NOT US (or id - or id's retail partner for awhile, Activision). They appear to have taken our box art for the "generic box" (or possibly the second of the two print catalogse we had in the mid 90's), and "Wolfenstein-ized" it. THAT IS NOT REAL ARTWORK. Forget it.

Originally Posted by Jeffpiatt View Post,149284/
this is what moby has for boxart it is the gt interactive shareware box art from 1993. back before the net was cheap
That is not retail box art. Back in the day, any number of companies could make their own box art - FOR SHAREWARE. There's a ton of them floating around out there. Again, I'm repeating... THE FIRST FULL APOGEE/3DR GAME IN RETAIL WAS PLANET STRIKE. IF IT WAS RELEASED BEFORE THAT CHRONOLOGICALLY, THEN THERE WAS NO RETAIL FLOPPY VERSION TO FIND.

Now having said that... Some time in the late 90's Formgen put out what we at Apogee tech referred to as "shovelware" CD's. They put out some of our early games in retail on full version CD's. The problem was that the installer on there was crap. It never ran right, and today if you tried running it, it wouldn't even run. They created their own artwork for a lot of games, and some of the games they put out never appeared in retail any other time. They had some oddities as Paganitzu, Duke II, Blake Stone, etc... These CD's were yellow, and DID NOT HAVE ANY BOXES. It was a CD only, and was generally sold with the cheap ass CD collections you saw in retail stores. These were a very limited run, and several of them if I remember right we didn't even know were coming out until they were OUT. However, they were only printed once, and are stupid hard to find.

I have copies of them, but they're in my archives of stuff that got packed away when I was let go from 3DR. Someday if I'm going through my boxes I'll find them. But don't ask me to look - it simply isn't important to me to find these things anymore.

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Now having said that... Some time in the late 90's Formgen put out what we at Apogee tech referred to as "shovelware" CD's. They put out some of our early games in retail on full version CD's. The problem was that the installer on there was crap. It never ran right, and today if you tried running it, it wouldn't even run. They created their own artwork for a lot of games, and some of the games they put out never appeared in retail any other time. They had some oddities as Paganitzu, Duke II, Blake Stone, etc... These CD's were yellow, and DID NOT HAVE ANY BOXES. It was a CD only, and was generally sold with the cheap ass CD collections you saw in retail stores. These were a very limited run, and several of them if I remember right we didn't even know were coming out until they were OUT. However, they were only printed once, and are stupid hard to find.
I found a picture of one of them. The one for Duke Nukem II. Look at this picture, which came a thread where people were posting their collections of stuff. I had posted several pictures which was my entire collection of "Duke Nukem stuff". In the bottom of the picture is one of the yellow formgen retail CD I mention here. All of these CD's were yellow like that, and had similar packaging.

I still can't find a good pic of the "generic box" from the mid 90's.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
Last edited by Joe Siegler; 07-14-2009 at 03:58 PM.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:49 PM   #8

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
i mentioned that was an shareware box for monster bash it looks like they used the old catalog artwork. if it had an box it would look like this. i remember seeing these boxes at Electronics Boutique.,100997/
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Old 07-15-2009, 12:10 AM   #9
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Jeffpiatt View Post
i mentioned that was an shareware box for monster bash it looks like they used the old catalog artwork. if it had an box it would look like this. i remember seeing these boxes at Electronics Boutique.,100997/
That looks like a box that shipped with the yellow FormGen CD's I talked about. If you go to that link I posted about where I showed all my "Duke stuff", I believe that box is in there.

When I said it was "CD only", and no box, I don't think that applies to all of them - just to early ones like Paganitzu and Crystal Caves.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 07-15-2009, 06:15 AM   #10

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade,3958/
I am guessing but the early titles did not get retail floppy disk runs. for a bunch of the titles the apogee catalog received 2 runs from formgen and one from wizardworks, and possibility one from gt interactive.
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Old 07-17-2009, 02:06 AM   #11
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Also, I know for sure that the original Doom release didn't have a retail box. First retail of the original Doom was Ultimate Doom, as I recall. I seem to remember there was a small box that id shipped it from their own HQ in, but the first RETAIL box was Ultimate, I believe.
Actually, they did release the original Doom through retail outlets in some countries outside the US.
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Old 07-17-2009, 02:48 AM   #12
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
I own the floppy disk version of duke nukem II CIB. Too bad the disks don't work anymore.

Yeah there are full versions of european releases of the doom before the ultimate doom was released.

Curious about the small box ID shipped in, that wasn't for retail.
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Old 07-17-2009, 05:43 AM   #13
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
I just discovered that there is a picture of the box for the full version of doom, not the ultimate doom, for the U.S release:

The shareware version of Doom says it's shareware on the top of the box. I don't know if was left out of the scan or this is the full version.

If this is incorrect please let me know.
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Old 07-17-2009, 08:29 AM   #14

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
the top two seem to be the id shareware packages.
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Old 07-25-2009, 10:02 AM   #15
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
For a couple of years we shipped everything in a generic box that was not geared towards any specific game. It had an Apogee logo on one side, and a 3D Realms logo on the other side, and various game screen shots on the sides. I know I have some pictures of said box somewhere - but finding them is a bitch in the 30,000 pictures archive I have on my hard drive.
Apogee Mail Order boxes front view
Apogee Mail Order boxes back view

The first box has some variations (3?, 92/93/94-95), the screenshots on the side changed in time (EDIT: Also the contents on the back). The second on the picture (3DRealms logo, from 95-96) also have screens of Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and even Blood on its side.

Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
That is not valid box art - again. Same deal as before. Look what is there for the "back cover" image. Tells you who made it. WAS NOT US (or id - or id's retail partner for awhile, Activision). They appear to have taken our box art for the "generic box" (or possibly the second of the two print catalogse we had in the mid 90's), and "Wolfenstein-ized" it. THAT IS NOT REAL ARTWORK. Forget it.
Well Joe, I really envy you but.. why wouldn't this be "valid box art"?. Apogees official distributor/authorized dealer in the Benelux, HASA Software Applications is also mentioned in the old product catalog. It's a very cool package, I think Apogee send them this art to create a cover and yes they Wolfed it a little by including the title and a screenshot. In my opinion this counts as a real foreign release. Please see the complete package:
Wolfenstein 3-D published by Apogee Software and distributed in the Benelux by HASA Software Applications

The most awesome Wolf item, my personal favorite, distributed in the UK. The 3-episode version as well as 6-episodes. This again is by mail order, as Apogee did not release Wolf retail.

The original mail order DOOM has many variations, but all including the same tiny box. Take a look here @ RetroGameLand. Also released is a 5.25 floppy version, which I'm very proud of
Version 1.9 (not Ultimate) is shortly shipped on a CD in sleeve, I just don't know if there was a box included, mine doesn't. Original DOOM was retail in e.g. Australia.

Check this, original ROTT poster/flyer included with the first mail order!
(Haven't marked it, personal purposes only please)

All my items are for sale and I'm open to consider any bid. Nice weekend yall
Last edited by 3DSM; 07-25-2009 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 02:00 AM   #16
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Awesome post/collection!
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Old 07-31-2009, 05:48 PM   #17

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
I just discovered that there is a picture of the box for the full version of doom, not the ultimate doom, for the U.S release:

The shareware version of Doom says it's shareware on the top of the box. I don't know if was left out of the scan or this is the full version.

If this is incorrect please let me know.
Hello yellowdagger...
You are correct that the shown box is a full version of DooM 1. I THINK what Joe S meant about DooM 1 retail was this... what would be informally considered a "full retail" box which in the mid 90's would have been approximately 9-1/2"x8" (24cm x 20cm) and a box near that size was never released for DooM 1 as far as I know. The "tall-thin" box for DooM 1 as shown in the image link to MobyGames posted was shipped on both formats, full version and shareware. The only significant difference in these two boxes is the text indicating Shareware and some box screen shots maybe. (As was Heretic) I consider this tall-thin box the "Retail" box of DooM 1. I bought mine directly from id Software shortly after it was available. They are available from various sources from time to time like eBay or Amazon, but because of rarity, they can be relatively expensive depending on condition and completeness. I have sold many of them over the years, but I think I am completely out at this time. I will check next time I am home and PM you if I have any extra.

Good luck with your collection.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:53 PM   #18
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by yellowdagger View Post
Jazz Jackrabbit

I got here by going to the "Epic Games" site.
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Old 08-01-2009, 01:06 AM   #19
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
I tried contacting 3DSM a number of times so I'm still awaiting a response from him. Thanks for the offer though

It's funny how in retro stores both online and in the market don't consider selling or stocking up on pc dos/windows games circa 1986-2000. I understand the manuals and floppies can be missing or hard to find, but thats why selling them complete in box should be the only option. You almost have an equal amount of classic titles on consoles that you do on computers.

If anyone is interested I have pc games to trade that are MIB.
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Old 08-01-2009, 04:51 PM   #20

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
on there are plenty of old pc titles up for sale i sold a copy of SOD through them.
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Old 08-01-2009, 07:47 PM   #21

joey007's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
True, but sometimes it's hard to find the good ol' old Dos games (other than Apogee/3d realms)
THE sig of useless words. Panda bears are the least racist mammal theyre white, black, and Asian! :p
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Old 08-02-2009, 11:49 PM   #22
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Wow, the forum is really slow over here. It's been over a week and I haven't received a response from some people.
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Old 08-04-2009, 02:04 AM   #23
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Check this out :
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Old 08-04-2009, 06:50 AM   #24

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
neat but it seems to be locked to a certain model of pc.
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Old 08-04-2009, 04:09 PM   #25
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
@yellowdagger - Spending most hours at work where 3DRealms and plenty other sites are being "Websensed", even gmail so annoying.. I'll PM you tomorrow as I would have more time then

---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

Cost me over 60$ but its worth, Extreme ROTT released in Australia! Never knew it existed, see the pictures! 1, 2, 3
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Old 08-05-2009, 07:16 AM   #26

DOSGuy's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
It was designed for this system:

The 9801 had 8 color graphics with resolutions up to 640x400.
"Today entirely the maniac there is no excuse with the article." Get free DOS games at
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Old 08-11-2009, 08:10 PM   #27
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post

Wrong. Monster Bash never had a manual. It also never had a box from us.
You're right. Like most Apogee games, it didn't have a physical manual, as the game had its instructions included in the game.
So, what old DOS games you have? I have Monster Bash.
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Old 12-17-2009, 01:38 AM   #28
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
see if you can find it here
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Old 12-17-2009, 12:20 PM   #29

marioman360's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
I still can't find a good pic of the "generic box" from the mid 90's.
are these the box(es) in question?
Please forgive the stupid username.
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:49 AM   #30
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by marioman360 View Post
Yeah, that's them.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:50 PM   #31

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Just for the record... I have a (FORMGEN) Fully Registered Version of Duke Nukem II, on 3.5 floppy disks, that came in a box by FormGen.
I have been argued it didn't exist... (Formgen) I AM AWARE IT IS NOT AN APOGEE BOX however... but I never said it was. (its Formgen)

It looks just like the box here...,100997/
(but mine isn't a CD version as the one pictured there)
Mine is just like the one here in Joes Collection... standing up on the right.

I would have any Apogee box I can have in my Duke collection, but Apogee didn't make any for this one... so I have the closest I can... the Formgen boxes. Mine was bought from ShopKo for $20.49 While this might not be considered "valid box art" I like it anyway and I feel it compliments my collection.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
Last edited by MrBlackCat; 12-26-2009 at 08:56 PM.
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Old 12-27-2009, 02:05 AM   #32

Iggy's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by MrBlackCat View Post
Just for the record... I have a (FORMGEN) Fully Registered Version of Duke Nukem II, on 3.5 floppy disks, that came in a box by FormGen.
I have been argued it didn't exist... (Formgen) I AM AWARE IT IS NOT AN APOGEE BOX however... but I never said it was. (its Formgen)

It looks just like the box here...,100997/
(but mine isn't a CD version as the one pictured there)
Mine is just like the one here in Joes Collection... standing up on the right.

I would have any Apogee box I can have in my Duke collection, but Apogee didn't make any for this one... so I have the closest I can... the Formgen boxes. Mine was bought from ShopKo for $20.49 While this might not be considered "valid box art" I like it anyway and I feel it compliments my collection.

Yeah I see those popping up on eBay from time to time, I got two copies myself, one of them still sealed (photo). Naturally, it'll be kept sealed. Although I opened the boxed copy of Raptor I bought sealed (which comes from FormGen as well).
Duke4Ever || The Game Collector's Market - Forum for game collectors.
"That Nordbergian wench could be a handful! Several." - Gnarl (Overlord 2)
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Old 12-27-2009, 03:55 AM   #33
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Maybe you guys would be interested in this one as well:

Duke Nukem Shareware

Never seen it for sale though. Luckily I am not loking for one myself. I have also seen Blake Stone in a similar package with the same drawing style. That one is drawn in a first person view. The gun aiming at several (frankenstein like) monsters.
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Old 12-27-2009, 04:08 AM   #34

Iggy's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by omega_supreme View Post
Maybe you guys would be interested in this one as well:

Duke Nukem Shareware

Never seen it for sale though. Luckily I am not loking for one myself.
Saw it twice myself, I made a bid on the second copy but didn't won it. It got sold for about € 55,- I believe.

Originally Posted by omega_supreme View Post
I have also seen Blake Stone in a similar package with the same drawing style. That one is drawn in a first person view. The gun aiming at several (frankenstein like) monsters.
I know, I have a sealed copy of it for sale on eBay (link).
Duke4Ever || The Game Collector's Market - Forum for game collectors.
"That Nordbergian wench could be a handful! Several." - Gnarl (Overlord 2)
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Old 12-27-2009, 08:57 AM   #35

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Yeah I see those popping up on eBay from time to time, I got two copies myself, one of them still sealed (photo). Naturally, it'll be kept sealed. Although I opened the boxed copy of Raptor I bought sealed (which comes from FormGen as well).
Cool... next time someone says they don't exist, I'll use you as a reference also. Thanks for the link/image.

Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Saw it twice myself, I made a bid on the second copy but didn't won it. It got sold for about € 55,- I believe.
I don't think I have that one either actually. Hmmm. I will have to check when I unpack and sort. I have seen it before, but it has been a while.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I know, I have a sealed copy of it for sale on eBay (link).
That one is a unique box. I got it for very little on eBay a couple of years ago myself.

Hey... what are all the FormGen boxes you guys have? I will get an image of mine when I start unpacking. From memory I have Mystic Towers, Duke Nukem II and a couple more... seems like Halloween Harry maybe. I have several types of the Catacombs series also. I think they are Froggman maybe. Even though I generally only collect First Person Shooters, I used to play others sometimes which is where my other FormGen items came from.
I will get all my odd ones together and get a picture some time soon.

I like how you (iggy) have such nice images of many of your collection. This is the condition of my collection right now... (link below) except I moved all of them from the truck into the house of course. At least I have them at my current home now. I am working on the new room for them now. It will take several months as I have to move a wall inside my house and there is some plumbing and a fair amount of wiring to do.

Unlike Iggy's collection this is the state of my collection.

But it will be better soon.
Also, when I finish my computer room and sort out any duplicates I will post them somewhere and let you know.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
Last edited by MrBlackCat; 12-27-2009 at 08:59 AM.
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:57 AM   #36
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by MrBlackCat View Post
Unlike Iggy's collection this is the state of my collection.
That's a lot of boxes you got there. :-)

I plan to do a little eBay hunting soon, my boxed games collection could use some expansion (I've only really gotten into it over the past 2 years or so).
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Old 12-28-2009, 05:25 AM   #37

Iggy's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Anyone looking for a sealed boxed copy of Duke Nukem II? The seller has a similar copy of Mystic Towers as well.

Some other auctions I found that might interest some people;
- Duke Xtreme (boxed and sealed)
- Duke Nukem 3D - Atomic edition (MAC)
- Duke Nukem porcelain statue
- Heretic shareware (boxed and sealed)
- Blake Stone - Aliens of Gold (boxed)
- StarGunner (boxed)
- Duke Nukem PS1 memory cards
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"That Nordbergian wench could be a handful! Several." - Gnarl (Overlord 2)
Last edited by Iggy; 12-28-2009 at 06:09 AM. Reason: Added some more auctions.
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Old 12-28-2009, 05:59 PM   #38

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Lots of good stuff there... I haven't seen Mystic Towers that often. I did get one in a lot some years ago though.
I am surprised those Duke Nukem PS1 Memory Cards lasted through the weekend at that price. I consider those really rare. I would like to get the one for the N64 also... I don't have that one.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:03 AM   #39
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by Iggy View Post

I am tempted by this one for a while now. After Doom, Heretic is really one of my favorites to collect.
The price is still a bit too high for my taste though. For half that price I wouldn't hesitate for a second.
This is a really nice copy. THe problem is that these "game dealers" never lower their prices, even after
6 month or more.
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Old 12-29-2009, 08:36 PM   #40

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Anyone have some old Apogee and DOS games for sale/trade
Originally Posted by omega_supreme View Post
I am tempted by this one for a while now. After Doom, Heretic is really one of my favorites to collect.
The price is still a bit too high for my taste though. For half that price I wouldn't hesitate for a second.
This is a really nice copy. THe problem is that these "game dealers" never lower their prices, even after
6 month or more.
There is a gray area on what a game is worth after a certain point. Part of said point is how much someone is willing to pay for given quality. An example would be boxed DooM original... great condition boxes are out there for under $100... but as new boxes are extremely rare. Like $1000 rare.
This Heretic Shareware box looks very good in the image. $49 for it would be a premium price for sure, but it might be a premium box and be easily worth that to a certain person. I have mostly 7's,8's and 9's, so to speak, in my collection. I open all of my games or trade my as new games for others 8's and 9's if available.
I bought original DooM and Heretic direct for myself, but the Heretic shareware I bought in the last two or three years if I remember correctly... and I am almost certain I paid less than $15 for it. I have mine listed as a "7.5". It has some compression wrinkles and some minor seam warpage. Good enough for me though.
As far as not lowering their prices... some dealers know what a game is worth based on its condition and their experience selling games. Because of this, they know the right buyer has to find it.
That is how I look at "high" prices for games.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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