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Old 09-01-2001, 04:03 PM   #1
I want my money back ! 3drealms has stolen $50 of my hard earned cash by shipping a game that does not work. PLease advise me on how I can get a refund. The tech support is a joke !
Old 09-01-2001, 06:36 PM   #2
Re: Refund
walk into the store where you bought it, and lay down on the floor and start crying. somehow this will grab the shopkeeper's attention, and he will gladly refund you money.
fractalgp is offline  
Old 09-02-2001, 03:55 AM   #3
Re: Refund
hey i have an idea, why dont you post the problem you are having ? and perhaps your system specs/driver versions and MAYBE you could be playing it in 10 minutes.
Spazer is offline  
Old 09-02-2001, 08:35 PM   #4
Re: Refund
Obviously I have posted my problem and specs previously and have followed the steps that were suggested by talonsoft. None of them worked.
As for fractalgp I don't need to be flamed by a punk.
Old 09-04-2001, 03:20 AM   #5
Re: Refund
Tech support is not a joke. Its very hard to troubleshoot a problem when you get customers who dont provide there system spec and a detailed description of the problem.

Post a description of the problem here and I will help you.
Old 09-04-2001, 10:22 PM   #6
Re: Refund
This is a copy of the post I put in the serious lockup thread: Hi everyone,
Time to add my woes to this thread. I've have tried to get this game to run for about a week now. Most of the time I can play for about 2-5 min
before system locks up. The latest was in chap 2 when I was at the top of the stairs and killed the guy at bottom of the stairs. The screen was locked up but the mouse pointer was now active, but it had no effect. Here are the specs from my offending machine ! AMD K6-II/450 128mb generic ram,Epox MVP3G5 w/2mb cache VIA chipset, Voodoo 3 3000 16mb,SB AWE 64, Samsung 20gig C [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] rive, Maxtor 8gig D: drive, Generic DVD Player, Yamaha 8/4/24 Burner
Adaptec SCSI controller,USR 56K Modem,
Of course I have installed the latest drivers from VIA, 3DFX 1.07, Creative Labs, etc...
I have installed the 1.01 Max Payne patch.
I have tried the command line options as specified by Talonsoft (What a joke they are!)But that is for another thread. My system can run Quake II, UT, SOF, HL, etc... just fine.
I know this was a little long but 3Drealms seems to want more detail, So here it is
Old 09-05-2001, 05:35 AM   #7
Re: Refund
Right, first thing, do you get the problem with the sound disabled? If so then its a graphics card/drivers problem.

If not then its either the hardware acceleration for the sound card or an IRA problem.

Post back with what happens and Ill help.
Old 09-05-2001, 09:16 PM   #8
Re: Refund
Yes, I just disabled the sound and the problem still continued. I have the latest official 3dfx drivers and the latest VIA 4in1 drivers. My Sound card drivers might need updating, I'll check it and upgrade if necessary.
Old 09-06-2001, 03:37 AM   #9
Re: Refund
OK, try the following:

Click start, run and type in msconfig. Click the startup tab and untick everything in the list except loadpowerprofile, scanregistry, system tray and task monitor and restart your computer

Also make sure any anti virus tools are closed.

There are some beta drivers on Give them a try. Please bear in mind that 3df went bust and no more official drivers will be released. If the problem is a drivers problem, its not remedys fault that 3dfx cannot to support their graphics cards. Also bear in mind that the game engine is a new one which is designed to run on the latest drivers. The 1.07 are dated november 2000!

Also please check this post:


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