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Old 02-24-2006, 01:56 PM   #41

Berntsen's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best Level: Tiberius Station

Eh, I simply enjoyed this map. The music in the background of this level is also the best in the game, IMO (Pizzed).

Worst Level: The Queen

This level was too large, and a bit bland. Also, some huge parts of the level was mirrored (i.e. had to walk trough two almost identical areas only to obtain different keycards) and although the end cutscene was good (as always), it just didn't make me laugh as the other ones had.
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Old 02-24-2006, 05:06 PM   #42

Enforcer22's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best Level: Raw Meat

Why? When I first played this level it quickly became my favorite. I love the level design and the challenges in this level (Like the underwater pool full of octabrains for example.) and the Karaoke bar is great. Also Duke says the classic, “Its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of gum” at the beginning of the level.

Worst Level: Fusion Station

Why? I find that level to be absolutely horrible especially in the level design. It’s challenging but unlike the other challenging levels out there (IE: The Abyss or Derelict.) it has a boring challenge to it. Then again I'm not really a big fan of the space levels (Save for a select few like the Dark Side and Lunar Reactor.)

Also the lighting sucked, I understand if the Developers wanted to design a level where you had to turn on the Night Vision Goggles more then once, but still...

My other favorite levelsIn no particular order)
Hotel Hell
Shop N Bag
Duke Burger
The Abyss
"Mmm that's one Doomed Space Marine," Duke-E1-L3.
"Get back to work you slacker!" Duke-E4-L3.
IMO: The Original DN3D/Atomic is the Best.Game.Ever
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Old 02-24-2006, 06:36 PM   #43

gt1750's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best level: <font color="yellow"> E3L1 Raw Meat </font>
Because: As said above. I really enjoyed dukematching there... those teleports... the microphone (BOOORN TO BEEEE WAAAAAILD )

Other great ones: E3L8 Hotel Hell, E3L9 Stadium, E1L1 Hollywood Holocaust, E1L2 Red Light District

Worst level: <font color="red"> E1L5 The Abyss </font>
Because: It's an abyss - rock textures everywhere. It's confusing me every time I play it.

Other bad ones: Whole E2 - I don't enjoy space levels much. Especially E2L8. E4L4 Babe Land - WHERE THE F ARE THOSE BABES?!? The rest of E4 was IMO not as good as 1.3D version levels.
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"One day when I get rich and win the lottery I'll buy the rights to DNF and finish it myself." - Yatta
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Old 02-24-2006, 06:56 PM   #44

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best Level - Freeway

TOTAL duke map, action, funny, challenging!

Worst Level - Spin Cycle

Not very good looking, and boring

Honorable mentions - Hollywood Hollocaust, Duke Burger, Hotel Hell, and Farenheit
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Old 02-24-2006, 07:49 PM   #45

Hellbound's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f

Holywood Holocaust - for "holocaust" in the title... no, just kidding, it's just well build, the first, the most known map.

L.A. Rumble - You can make the biggest battle in game when you'll come out from sewers and call some pig cops from the shelf and te back street (boys). And the level is intresting.

Hotel Hell, Freeway - Urban design is cool and some intresting things (like the "terminated"), some Battlelords and alot of fun.

The Abyss - because of it's specific atmosphere. There is strange ambience sound in some places and I was scared when I was young and playing this Anyway, the crushed ship underground is cool and those strange temples are cool.

Spin Cycle - just sux - gameplay, desing and all
The Queen - really bad map with no sense for me
Rabit Transit - It's boring when you're playing that 666 times, I don't know why.
Warp Factor - I don't like Star Trek and I don't like THIS space style map.
XXX Stacy - It's name don't fit to the design. There's almost none of XXX, the most of level is just toxic pool and some switches.
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Old 02-27-2006, 07:56 PM   #46

Enforcer22's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
"The Abyss - because of it's specific atmosphere. There is strange ambience sound in some places and I was scared when I was young and playing this Anyway, the crushed ship underground is cool and those strange temples are cool."

Yeah the Abyss is cool, another one of my favorites. One of the best parts of the level (Besides the two cool Easter eggs (IE: Dopefish Lives.) is that weird chant from inside the temples. At first I thought it was just random mumbling, but then I decided to turn up the volume and I realized the chant was, "The Lord is Able." I figured it was just another religious reference (Like the chapel in Death Row.) from offscreen monks or something.

However since its supposed to be an alien temple it could be the aliens referring to the Battlelord. So it could be the aliens chanting, "the [Battle]Lord is able." It sort of makes sense because the stain glass windows in the Chapel in Death Row have pictures of the Battle Lord on them.

Oh and when I first played the Abyss it scared me a bit too.
"Mmm that's one Doomed Space Marine," Duke-E1-L3.
"Get back to work you slacker!" Duke-E4-L3.
IMO: The Original DN3D/Atomic is the Best.Game.Ever
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Old 04-06-2006, 10:01 AM   #47
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Favorite Level: Incubator
I love the music and creepy atmosphere. And I love the hint of the green thingies taking over and caressing the babes.

Worst Level: Spin Cycle
Boring level. It always makes me dizzy.
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Old 04-13-2006, 12:46 AM   #48

gila's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
some best ones


Hollywood Holocaust - can't see why nobody mentioned this one yet, this was THE level!! this is where it all begun, when players were going "whoa!" to every little detail/gimmick. it's still a great one.

The Abyss - as mentioned before, it has very cool atmosphere. sometimes i get lost it this one and it only has one keycard!!


some maps are cool here too, for the novelty of being in "space" and to be able to see ship firing rockets in the Space Port, etc... can't say anything specific BUT the secret levels in episode 2 are super-lame. don't care that they are multiplayerish, even for multiplayer they are just too symmetrical.


wow. this one is whole city themed one. great episode, namely memorable levels were for me

Raw Meat - you know it. almost like a 2nd Hollywood Holocaust
Fahrenheit - my favourite multiplayer level
Hotel Hell - heeeeell yeeeah!
Freeway - awesome stuff, too bad it's a secret one, nice terminator easter egg.

bad level in Episode 3 is Tier Drops - it's done in the vein of Spin Cycle / Lunatic Fringe and well, it's crap. another ugly is the Stadium, it's too bland, i'd rather prefer another confusing big level like Abyss - makes you feel that "yea, this is the end.." they just got a bit lazy in the end.

i LOVED the two singleplayer levels Levelord put out as maps that didn't make it.

i'd prefer NO secret levels at all, instead put Launch Facility in the running order of E1 and put Freeway in the running order of E3, add 2 more 'regular' levels to the order of E2, extend overlord map a bit, remove Tier Drops from E3, add another level and entirely new good last level for the E3 that could end in a battle with cycloid. as for the omitted levels - i'd rather have them piled together as a multiplayer episode with the option to play these set of arenas in single player.
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Old 04-17-2006, 05:44 PM   #49
the longest death
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
best- hollywood halucost, cause its the first map and most rememrable.

worst-the jail map, to long and very weird. a submarine under a jail. whats up with that?.
Old 04-17-2006, 07:23 PM   #50
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
The submarine was so they could get prisionors in without attracting attention. also what better way to keep people from escaping than having hte only way in or out a flooded tunnel?
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Old 04-18-2006, 08:08 AM   #51

Fernito's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
I can't understand why people in general don't like Episode 4 levels. I think they simply rock with all those easter eggs. I love film-based levels
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Old 04-22-2006, 05:58 PM   #52
the longest death
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by Fernito
I can't understand why people in general don't like Episode 4 levels. I think they simply rock with all those easter eggs. I love film-based levels

what easter eggs, i didnt see any.
Old 04-22-2006, 11:27 PM   #53

gila's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
what easter eggs, i didnt see any.
read the huge faq on, check the easter eggs section.
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Old 04-27-2006, 01:16 PM   #54

DavoX's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by the longest death
what easter eggs, i didnt see any.
Basically episode 4 is all about the easter eggs.
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Old 05-02-2006, 01:34 PM   #55

crazyman's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best level: Lunar Reactor
Because: The music is nicely suiting to the situation (as if u have come far and are close to your goal).

Worst level: Occupied Territory
Because: It just felt too short and empty for me.
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:27 PM   #56
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
the best: hollywood hollocaust.
because: everyone knows that! seriosuly, it was the first fps that didn't have crappy level design like doom, I mean this was a MAP. A cinema, with seats, the concession stand, washrooms, vents, arcades. wtf it blew my mind tho.
the whole first episode was like that

the worst: i can't remember it too much, i think i hated the one where you start on the electric chair.
because: i hate maps where you have to start from scratch when they take everything away (i get reminded of halflife )
I play game.
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:01 PM   #57

Treupp's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
the best: dunno, hollywood holocaust, I guess
worst: death row... why? just like Rudder said, because you start without your weaponry, and tier drops... I always hated jumping and checking, what level am I on.
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Old 05-08-2006, 08:03 PM   #58

kaotic_oz's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
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Old 05-09-2006, 05:27 PM   #59

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Dopefish Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
hollywood houlocaust: it just plain rulz
the abyss: I like the atmosphere
toxic dump: the shrinking, the factory, and the area that would rule in co-op games at the very end, this level rules

hard to say, probably...
I forgot the level name but at one part you have to cross a lava area by shooting a button and a platform will zoom to you and basicly you gotta get to the top of the tower, yah i kno im just talking giberrish and thadha jasjkla hjkjsdh jakshd

raw meat: It's a classic.
la rumble: my best time on a level for one thing (32 sec, no cheats... wait my best time is on arena 12 sec) second the structure also cool.

I only have v1.3d


red light district: you need to find a secret area to beat it

overlord: how is this supposed to work???!!!

teir drops: sure it can be fun sometimes, but its just too gimikicy for me

I thought I said above
Last edited by Dopefish7590; 05-09-2006 at 05:32 PM.
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Old 05-12-2006, 02:25 AM   #60

kaotic_oz's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best Level: Critical Mass, why? Becouse the place is shaking appart and everything is trying to kill you even the level it self, its like the level just dosen't like you.

Worst Level: XXX Stacy, it was vary vary boring and extremly short and it felt like it was just filler.

Incubator and Occupied Territory also felt quite abit like filler
Last edited by kaotic_oz; 05-12-2006 at 02:34 AM.
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Old 05-15-2006, 09:26 AM   #61

Loke's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best: Babe Land, Duke Burger, Red Light District and Raw Meat are probably my favorites, I really like Episode 4 because it's so damn hilarious and got the most memorable areas and levels imo.

Worst: It was a waaay long time ago I played through Episode 2 so I don't really have any particular level, but I never really liked that episode... at all. Just frustrating levels with strenuous design and nothing really special about them, I never liked the fact that it entirely played out on a space-station (and a moon-base IIRC) either. The first level is above average though.
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Old 05-15-2006, 07:21 PM   #62
Commando Nukem

Commando Nukem's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
For me its really hard to pick... Im a big fan of Duke Nukem Zero Hour. Simply because things were slightly more fleshed out (Duke3D was definatly pioneering a lot of the areas of the FPS genre, including the character. DN:ZH really gave Duke a rounded out personality. and the adultness was back! Yeahhh!)

But for Duke3D

Best: Hollywood Holocaust. Definatly, I remember the first time I saw that level when I was at my friends house. Not only the game itself wowed me, but from the awesome introduction "Damn those Alien bastards are gonna PAY for shootin' up my ride!" to the really... at the time and from my naive perspective super realistic looking enviroments (It still has the feel if you play it with the right settings. The city stuff holds its own against several generations of games me thinks. Definatly HH.

Worst: Basically Episode 2. Im a fan of Sci Fi enviroments. I just think it was kindof a let down when you compare it to the episodes around it. The city enviroments and more "realistic" designs benefit Duke, over say space. Even if space and sci fi enviroments is where Duke set down roots in DN1 and DN2.

Thats my 34 cents....
Open Maw Productions
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Old 05-17-2006, 10:07 AM   #63

Loke's Avatar
Thumbs up Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Okay, I just played through Episode 2 because it was such a long time ago and I hardly remember any of the levels nor names. And I got to say, it wasn't really that bad that I can remember, sure it's the worst of all 4 chapters but it's not bad, better than average I say.
Occupied Territory was really hard (played on "Come got some", skill level 2 I think it is), with all those damn Battelords (my favorite enemy actually, he's just a pain in the ass to duel with ). Especially when they're in pairs. Argh.

Dark Side was the best chapter, not because it was long and had a lot of different areas but also because I liked the reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "2010: The Year We Make Contact", heh.

Anyways, good episode.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, where is the area that you can find Luke Skywalker? Which level and exactly where? Sorry for going off topic but I just want to know.

EDIT: Never mind, I found him.
Last edited by Loke; 05-17-2006 at 12:00 PM.
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Old 05-21-2006, 07:43 PM   #64
Triad Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best & worst maps, Let's see:

Episode 1
Best: Hollywood Holocaust (first is always best)
Worst: E1L8 dummy map (heh)

Episode 2
Best: Dark Side (overall very cool)
Worst: Spin Cycle (A circle! Woohoo.)

Episode 3
Best: Hotel Hell (very nicely designed)
Worst: Flood Zone (takes 2 seconds with jetpack)

Episode 4
Best: The Queen (just for the multiplayer, Deathtag forever!)
Worst: It's Impossible (seemed like too much of a gimmick.)
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Old 05-24-2006, 06:57 AM   #65

Kennerado's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best: Hotel Hell, Freeway (Car 54, where are you?), Hollywood Holocaust, Farenheit (KTIT King Tit!)

The reason is because these levels were really, really fun to play. Freeway was one big easter egg. Hollywood Holocaust was a great way to introduce people into the Duke Universe. As far as Farenheit goes, we used to have many LAN games on old ass PC's back in high school and this level was played most of the time.

Worst: Stadium was a let down, Rabid Transit. The game didn't have that many bad levels. Bank Roll was average but the hilarious message left by LevelLord on the map before it was great.

Edit again: After seeing the Duke in the Carribean topic I was reminded of the sweet levels that had. Mr Splashy's water park and the cruise boat levels were SWEET!
Last edited by Kennerado; 05-24-2006 at 07:09 AM.
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Old 05-24-2006, 04:03 PM   #66
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by Kennerado
Freeway was one big easter egg.
So was Fahrenheit, heh.

Originally Posted by Kennerado
After seeing the Duke in the Carribean topic I was reminded of the sweet levels that had. Mr Splashy's water park and the cruise boat levels were SWEET!
I've never played Carribean, but DukeDC had some sweet levels too. The only one I didn't really like was the Smithsonian level because of the massive size.
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Old 05-24-2006, 04:49 PM   #67

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by Dopefish7590
best level
hard to say, probably...
I forgot the level name but at one part you have to cross a lava area by shooting a button and a platform will zoom to you and basicly you gotta get to the top of the tower, yah i kno im just talking giberrish and thadha jasjkla hjkjsdh jakshd
It's fusion station
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Old 05-24-2006, 04:51 PM   #68

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by Rudder
the worst: i can't remember it too much, i think i hated the one where you start on the electric chair.
because: i hate maps where you have to start from scratch when they take everything away (i get reminded of halflife )
btw that's death row
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Old 05-25-2006, 08:20 AM   #69

gt1750's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by devin
The only one I didn't really like was the Smithsonian level because of the massive size.
Actually I liked this one because it was feeling like a real museum (except there weren't that many exponates).
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"There's no Photoshop filter for talent!" - HotShoe, S&D
"One day when I get rich and win the lottery I'll buy the rights to DNF and finish it myself." - Yatta
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Old 05-26-2006, 10:30 AM   #70
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
What does one mean with :-p
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:02 AM   #71

quirk's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Well the best and worst leval is tier drops its good becouse of the intresting set out and lots of kill but kinda nasty cause if you go up one of the drop holes the game conks out, for me enyhow eny similar issues?
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Old 06-07-2006, 07:44 PM   #72
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Hollywood Holocaust : your very first step in Duke3d!
Anything from episode 2 (with the exception of Dark Side maybe)
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Old 06-13-2006, 11:48 AM   #73
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by gila
i LOVED the two singleplayer levels Levelord put out as maps that didn't make it.
What do you mean?
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Old 07-08-2006, 04:30 PM   #74
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Red Light District
Cool music and locations. Strippers!!!

Cool setup. Scary music and setup.

Space Port
The whole space thing is cool. Nice setup for the episode.


Launch Facility
Confusing and boring.

Occupied Territory
Beginning is interesting. The rest is bland and unoriginal.
Old 07-08-2006, 08:40 PM   #75

Telee's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Worst: The Abyss

Incredibly boring. I also got lost tons of times.

Best: Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach

I know this isn't a level, but I'm obsessed with the whole episode. I like the sunny feel to it, and I love the new weapons and enemy clothes. I also thought the new music was cool. Perhaps I will make a user map for it someday
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Old 07-08-2006, 10:59 PM   #76

SomeDude's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best level: Duke Burger
Reason: Aside from it being a classic, I can't resist a good resturant/fast food theme.

Worst level: The starting one at Episode 4
Reason: Hard to navigate through the water for myself and I die too easily
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Old 07-09-2006, 09:37 PM   #77
The Red Slaughter

The Red Slaughter's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Episode One: L.A Meltdown
Opinion: Great episode, nice set of levels. Good City-themed maps. Battlelord rocks. The first time you meet him is just facinating.
Best Level: Red Light District
Reason: City themed level, good foe balance, strippers, Duke playing "push and destroy", the "invasion" style the level got with these aircraft with pigcops inside and the individual cabine.

Worst Level: Launch Facility.
Reason: No reason to be a secret level. Should be the last level. I mean, Duke don't simply teleported his ass to space, you know.

Episode two: Lunar Apocalypse
Opinion: Duke it out on space! Wahooo! Only bad thing about space levels is that they're too tight. But they're very well designed.
Best Level: Tiberius Station
Reason: Big Level with lots of foes to fight against, challenging level, cool moon sight, a cool space level with that "wheee, I'm in space kicking ass" feeling.

Worst Level: Warp Factor.
Reason: Begin the level. Step outside the elevator with low heath. Get blowed by these bots. Wheeee. I hate my life xD.

Episode three: Shrapnel City
Opinion: A great episode. The designers made it so that the player had to fight with all he had (Dificulty: Come Get Some). No pity upon the player. Big maps.
Best Level: Hotel Hell/L.A Rumble
Reason: Lots of foes, lots of gun fights, very well built and challenging level. The level Designers of DNF should try to follow the example.

Worst Level: Rabid Transit.
Reason: Like Battlelords? Yes. Like fighting two battlelords (one teleporting behind you as soon you find the other) and a Octobrain? With one of them shooting the back thingie?

Episode four: The Birth
Opinion: A Very cool episode, sorta like a improved Episode three. It's Impossible and Duke Burger where great levels, since they're hard. Babe Land was kind of strange, except the funny part of the end. "Going Postal" was a great level, especially the end where Duke fought LOTS of foes on the biggest battle of the game!

Best Level: Going Postal/Shop-n-Bag
Reason: Huge, good fights. Great music, and the end of Going Postal was the coolest part of the entire game!

Worst Level: The Queen
Reason: Bad Level. Good fights. Fighting the queen was VERY hard, she was tougher than Cicloid Emperor. The Drones made it harder, and I was out of scube when I fought her. The level design was just bad.
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Old 07-10-2006, 08:25 AM   #78

Chip's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Favorite level for each episode:

E1: Hollywood Hollocaust, its just a good map.

E2: Lunatic fringe, a map that is a 720 degree curcle. No other game can say they have one. And the freaky part is when your in the middle place and see 2 doors next to each other, go out through the left and it'll take you longer to walk around the outside to see the other door if you turn right.

E3: Hotel hell, a great and fantastic map especially for co-op.

E4: The first 6 (7 including the secret level) I just think those town maps are great, fantastic, they have really good level design.

DC: I can't think what its called but its that really really large map (level 4)

Carribien: The first 4 (5 including the secret level), Duke carribien is my all time favorite Duke episdoe, Its a fun episode that isn't dull and gloomy unlike most other maps / levels in every other FPS.

NW: Where it all began, basically no other level in the episode is any good and the music makes them even worse .

The maps / levels I don't like for each episode.

E1: Launch facility, not very long and seems to have a weak level structure to it.

E2: Fusion station, I just don't like it, the layout, the theme - everything about it!!!

E3: Flood zone, although the theme is good and the music sounds great, I just think that the map could have been made alot better.

E4: XXX-Stacy, too short, too easy especially for a late game level and it doesn't really have a theme to it. Also there are some things that make no sense such as shrinkers in the sewage.

DC: Brown water, I've seen so many sewer levels in Duke Nukem history that they have became very boring since they all look the same to each other.

Carribien: Voodo caves, Its not particualy bad and I have seen worse levels in my life but this one is the worse in Carribien. The level doesn't differ much from room to room.

NW: Land of forgotton toys, the whole episode in my oppinion wasn't at all good, and the music made it even worse but out of all the maps to it, this one is terrible - its as bad as my spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-10-2006, 09:47 AM   #79

gila's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Originally Posted by Hendricks266
What do you mean?
levelord put out four maps "that didn't make it" in the game (there were lots of others, it seems), 2 dukematch maps and 2 single player levels. one was sweeny's sewage processing plant and the other was a city themed level, i forgot what was it called.
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Old 07-11-2006, 04:12 AM   #80

Chip's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Is there anywhere that we can download those maps from?
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