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Old 03-16-2008, 03:00 AM   #1

moron's Avatar
Exclamation 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
well I was cleaning out my computer today and I found some old fan fiction from many moons ago cant remember who made it but its funny as hell

here it is

PS sorry had to break it up


DATE: 6-1-99
TIME: 10:45 PM
LOCATION: Draco's House

At Draco's house, it was silent. It had gotten dark early this year, for some odd reason. No noise was present, besides a slight humming of the fridge. His parents were asleep. His brother was asleep. But Draco's bed lay unmade and empty.
Slowly, the door opened in the living room. Slowly it moved, sheding not light but more darkness from outside into the room. The door opened and the man who closed it took no time in getting the door closed, doing it exactly as little sound as needed would be made.
The man covered in shadows jumped about, making use of his paintball training and making no sound. A normal being would have made enought noise to wake the neighborhood.
But this was no ordinary man by any stretch of the imagination. This was Draco, a member of the 3drealms message board.
His nickname comes from as long ago as Ancient Athens. A man back then by the name of Draco first wrote out the laws of his people, thus stopping the unfair practices of not telling people the laws unless they broke them. His laws were so over-the-edge that people made the term Draconian.
This man was Draconian... this man was Draco.
Draco knew he had to keep quiet, as his parents would be asleep, and they would not want to be awoken. He told them he had a date and he'd be home by 9. He did have a date with his girlfriend, and the date was over by 9. But they went to her house and...
He was in a happy mood, needless to say. He was tired from it but was so entralled with himself that he couldn't dare try and sleep. He sat down on the couch, making no sound again.
What to do.. he thought. He could listen to some CDs. Nah. Too noisy. He could go over to his druggie friend's house and boast. Pyro's done it too, he wouldn't care. He could play his brother's Pokemon Game and release all his Pokemon and give him a newbie game. Too predicable.
I could go online...
The voices in his mind could not find any reason to deny him of this.
Draco slowly got up and slid downstairs faster and quieter than the best catburgler in the world. He turned on the light and it took him aback at first while his eyes reset themselves for light.
He walked over and hit the 'surge protector' on his PC. A surge protector is the thing that controls power output to a computer. He never has to worry about lightning storms while on his computer - it deals with it before any damage can hit.
<<BAHH-YOOOP>> The surge protector kicked in, starling Draco.
"Shit." Draco said, the first words he muttred since "That was the greatest..."
The computer began to kick in, which starled him alot, since his computer is not know, for starting up as quietly as he'd like. Beeps, bloops, and AHHH-OOTs registered loudly.
Afraid he'd wake up his parents, he jumped up and ran upstairs to see if these noises were reaching his parents, who would not only kill him for playing on his computer so late at night, but also being late after his date. What were you doing, he knew his father would ask. He knew there would be no way to tell him.
Now in the darkness again, he couldn't see a thing, but he didn't hear any of the noises from his computer. For a period of about 3 or 4 minutes, Draco squatted silently, not only listening for any noises but waiting for his infernal machine he called a computer to run through its startup programs. When he went back down, his computer would be up, logged in, and Internet Explorer 5.0 up and ready for orders. Thank God for macros!
Draco walked back downstairs and did a few things online that he wouldn't want known. Then he decided to stroll on by the 3drealms message board. He didn't visit all that much, he knew that, but when he did his posts and comments usually brought about fairly good responses.
He stopped in the General Messages forum, where he usually deals with. One of his rare topics hit about the 30 replies mark, which was good for someone who visits rarely compared to the bigwigs of the forum, like Aurora51, Badger, Uncle Duke, etcera.
He started to go to some other areas, but he didn't post or anything. Draco was a lurker at heart, for he always relied on his favorite passage from the Rememberance:

"And never forget that help will come
from the most unlikely of quarters
and success rests upon the shoulders
of those kept shadowed untill need."

Draco then knew the last thing we wanted to do online before getting off for the night was checking his Hotmail email account.
He punched in the URL for The browser snagged at 'Website Found, waiting for reply..." so he clicked the 'stop' button and pressed enter again. Same thing. Then, he tried it again, and IE couldn't find the site itself.
Draco paused and noticed that it was 11. Not an iota of sleepiness was in him, but he knew he wanted to check out his account. He did that at least once a day.
So, Draco got in a corner of the room, turned off the lights, and began to meditate.

* * *
Last edited by moron; 03-16-2008 at 03:04 AM.
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:01 AM   #2

moron's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Draco's meditation was confusing even to him. He did it almost every day, in good days and bad. He was sure he wasn't asleep, as he was completely consious of everything that happened around. He did it for as long as he want, and he'd get up. And it was precise. If he wanted to meditate till 12, at exactly 12 he'd come out of his meditation, without fail. That confused him to no end, and it frightened him.
* * *
At 12:30 PM, Draco came out of a brief meditation period, just long enough for his browser to get 'unsnagged' and be able to bring up his hotmail account.
After having to reinsert his password and account name (draconis25), he actually got into his account.
He had 250 unread messages.
"Fnord..." Draco muttered the famous non-sequiter, and slowly clicked and read all of them.

* * *
At 1:30, Chris had gotten through 249 of his emails. A third of them were personal correspondence, another third were porno ads which were just mirror addresses to ones he'd already viewed, and the last third were flaming him for his 'Dopefish Cross' picture, whiched poked fun at Christianity by replacing Jesus with a computer character Dopefish, from a game in the early 90s.
The last one's subject was 'Important information for our members!'. Draco figured this was a porno ad, but he didn't care.

* * *
TO: Draco ([email protected])
FROM: Joe Siegler ([email protected])
SUBJECT: Important information for our members!.

Dear Draco,

Have you ever wondered what your friends on the 3drealms message board looked like? Ever wonder what you would do if you all visited 3drealms?

Well, Draco, look no further!

We here at 3drealms are proud to announce that all 3drealms Message Board members that have posted a topic or message in the last six months or more a full paid trip to 3drealms for a party!

Contact this person to make sure about this and set up where we can contact you through the phone. The person on the other end of the line will set up when the party will be and stuff life that. He or she is also there is tell your parents this is NOT a joke.

Draco, this will be the greatest party ever.

Joe Siegler

PS: Unfortunately, we cannot bring your friends along for this. Flying 500 plus people is hard enough, he don't need another 1000 too boot!

* * *
Draco stared at the email for a good 20 minutes, happy and sad at the same time. He wanted to bring his girlfriend, Marybeth, but they wouldn't allow it. But, he got the chance to go to 3drealms and meet his friends from the 3drealms message board, not to mention George Broussard and Joe Siegler.
Maybe I'm dreaming all this, Draco thought. Maybe for the first time I fell asleep during my meditation. Huh. I know, I'll check it again in the morning after I wake up."
Draco turned off the computer, and went upstairs to bed.

* * *
DATE: 6-1-99
TIME: 7:45 PM
LOCATION: Aurora51's House

Aurora51 saw the email. He didn't know what to say. Words could not describe his pure joy.

* * *

DATE: 6-1-99
TIME: 8:45 PM
LOCATION: Badger's House

Badger saw the email. He took a long sigh, closed the email. He opened it up again. Reread it. Closed it. Reread it. Another sigh.
He slid out of his seat at first, afraid his knees would turn to a thick paste.
Badger walked 3 feet away from the computer, and made a WAHOOO type of noise, more like a triumpant yell with more than a dash of an animal's voice.
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Badger's mom yelled.
"Nothing mom!" He said.

* * *

Members from the 3drealms bullentin board were receiving their emails. Joe Siegler no doubt made sure regulars past and present got this invitational email.
Of all the members, the comment most said was "YES" or "OH LORD". These people were not just happy about this, they were almost orgasmic.

* * *

DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 12:45 PM
LOCATION: Draco's House

"Are you sure I can't come along?" Mary Beth asked, Draco's must trusted friend.
Draco was already packing his suitcase when he told her the news. He knew full well she'd be pissed that she couldn't come too, but he told her anyway. Mary Beth was one of the few friends of his that he was completely honest about. Others were more allies than friends, and he only told them what they needed to know.
Not Mary Beth.
"Yeah, I'm sure. It's for your own good, really. I mean, these guys on the forums type good and all, but the truth is I don't know what I'm heading into here. They may act fine with a girl like you there, but judging by some recent things that happened on the boards, (The 'Jessica' post came to Draco's mind), they may act all odd on ya, and I can't risk that."
"I think its just cuz you'll act all geeky around 'em." she smiled.
"Maybe so. I am the master of adaptation, as you know. Talk to me about sex and I can spout the info you wanna know. Talk about sports and I can tell ya the spread. Put me in a room with 3drealms fans, and I'll become a geek. Damn MB, you know me better than anyone!" Draco smiled right back.
They were chatting for a few minutes, nothing mentionable. I saw it. Wasn't that great. or its not that I don't like it, it was new, thats all.
"So when do you gotta be at the airport?" Mary asked.
"Ptoo.... the guy on the phone said the best time would be at around 3, so I got some time."
"Well, I'm gonna miss ya..." Mary said, and they kissed.

* * *
DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 12:55 PM
LOCATION: Draco's House

Draco moved the pillow from his face.
12:55. Wow. Anyways, I got a...while before I gotta .... get on the plane, so it won'"

* * *

DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 2:55 PM
LOCATION: Draco's House

Draco opened his eyes. Mary had gone.
"HOLY ******ONII! 2:55! Holy ******* shit! I'm gonna be late!" Draco swore like the dickens. He got up, put his clothes on as well as he could considering the fact he was tired and couldn't quite tell his difference between his hands and feet, and ran downstairs.

* * *

DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 3:55 PM
LOCATION: Plane, heading for Texas

* * *

Draco barely got on the plane, but he was alright. 3drealms forked out the money for 1st class tickets. First class. Draco never got first place in anything. Never. He put on his headphones and began listening to some music he brought with him. Worse case scenario, all the other members were complete dorks. If that happened, he could tell girls that the tracks he had with him (from computer games) were made by his band, and maybe get some Texan Tail. Of course, some of them were tracks from his band, but not alot.
Remember doofus, ya gotta a girlfriend! Reality told Draco.
Oh yeah... better not risk it...
Draco wasn't even in a meditative state when he noticed somebody was staring at him. He looked over and saw a kid that looked younger than him.
"Whadda want?" Draco didn't mean to be mean, but he was always a shy person and never knew the right way to start a conversation.
"You have that 3drealms insignia. You heading to Texas too?" the kid said.
"Yeah. Too? Yer a member too?"
"Yup. Too bad I can't tell you my alias. The guy on the phone said we're not to tell each other our member names. Shame really."
"No 'ffence then, then get outta my sight. I'll let it slip and I'll get my ass destroyed if I do."
"Okay. Bye." The kid muttered, and left Draco.

* * *
Uncle Duke went back to his seat, and looked back a few times, to see the kid he was talking to. He knew he was a member, but he couldn't quite tell who is was. Was it one of those flamers from the board Joe accidentally let get an invitation? He sure had the mentality of RattleSnake or Unrealuxxx or one of the more evil ones like X or O.
All he could tell was that his guy was.... interesting.
* * *

DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 10:45 PM
LOCATION: Plane, landed in Texas

The doors opened on the plane, and Draco got up from his long meditative state and got all his things in order and left the plane.
Draco walked around surrounded by his fellow passengers from the plane, trying to figure out where the **** to go. He had no idea, and as far as he could see, there was nobody there to welcome them.
This is ******* great... Draco thought, trying to find anyone, something that could tell him where to go. His directions were written by his mom, when she called the phone number it said in the email. Because it was his mom's writing, he couldn't read it. He told her he should write it down, but she stubbornly refused.
Like I said, ******* great. I bet this was all a scam. They get us kids here for money, and just let us die out here in Texas. I'm gonna be a ****in die kid in a week...
"Hey man! Why are you walkin' the wrong way?" The kid Draco talked to at the start of the flight ran in front of him.
"Wrong way? What do ya mean?"
The kid pointed to the right of Draco. There was a limo with the driver with a 3drealms sign.
"Whatever. I guess its the way to go." Draco said, and the kid ran like the dickens to the car.
Draco chuckled. He wasn't exactly making fun of him, but in Draco's eyes, that was a little...too exuberant. He slowly walked over to the car and got in.
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:03 AM   #3

moron's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
* * *
DATE: 6-5-99
TIME: 11:55 PM
LOCATION: Hotel for 3drealms Bulletin Board Members. Draco's room.

"So this is my room?" Draco asked to the orderly.
"Yes sir. The other members are in the rooms, but we cannot allow you to see them." The orderly was dressed poorly.
"You aren't an orderly, are ya...buddy?" Draco was sure of it.
"Yeah, I am, its just they said they didn't need me today. Me and my girlfriend were just about to... hey waitaminute. I can't believe I'm telling you this!" The orderly began to walk away.
"You and your girl were about to **** when they called you in 'cause of this party. So you did a quickie and got dressed in the car. That about right?" Draco knew this. He'd heard it all the time from his friends and himself.
"How did you know?" The orderly was severly scared out of his wits.
"Life. Things like that happen. Ya know, I remember when-"
"Alright, I gotta go." The orderly gave him some final words of caution and the usual boilerplate (This is the TV, theres the bathroom, etc) and left.
Draco got unpacked and watched some TV. He grabbed the Cable guide and began flipping. He wasn't even watching the shows just yet, just flipping.
He went to turn the page, so he put the clicker down.
Oh yeah. Ohhh yeah! Right there. Lower, lower..
Draco looked up at the TV screen, and thanked whatever God there was that Joe forgot to tell the hotel to block the 'inappropriate' material from the cable selection.
* * *
DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 9:55 AM
LOCATION: Hotel for 3drealms Bulletin Board Members. Draco's room.

Draco fished for the telephone. He knew where he was, he just couldn't quite tell how he was.
Passing over the remote of the TV, he touched what appeared to be the chips he had out. Passing that. Cheetos. Next, something wet. Then, something pointy. Then, he found the phone, still alerting him to a wakeful earth that he didn't want to return to.
"Unless you are a remarkably attractive women wanting a purely physical relationship RIGHT NOW, I'm hanging up..." Draco muttered into the phone. He sure as hell wasn't ready to talk to anyone.
"Well, sure..." a familiar voice replied.
"Oh hi, MaryBeth." Draco discovered where the bed stopped and the atmosphere began and pulled himself above the bed and took his first gasp on air.
"What is this about wanting a purely sexual relationship?" Mary condecended.
"Nothing, nothing at all... just tired is all. The ******* flight was so long, and then I got here in his dank pit with porno-"
"Um... Pnorno. Its a german chocolate cake with vodka." he ad-libbed. It wouldn't work; He knew MaryBeth wouldn't buy it.
"Nice save. So, hows the party?"
"Hasn't started yet." Draco grabbed the iteneraty and tried to find out when the party would start. "Says here we gotta be ready to go at 11:00. Then we got the outdoor welcome thing at around 11:30. After that, a tour of 3drealms. Then we get a 'special gift' which better be a ******* DNF demo, and after that I can't read that for without my contacts in." Draco slumped down back onto the pillow.
"Huh. Sounds like fun." Mary didn't really believe it. Her internet duties consisted of chat and email. Draco's was email, websites, and learning. Not about important things, more like unimportant data he could find.
"Bullshit, Mary, and you know it. If these kids are geeks, I'm comming home. Nuff said. It'd rather spend 3 hours with you than an hour with geeks."
"Well Chris, you were the one who went. Doesn't that make you a geek?" She laughed.
"Maybe, MB, maybe."
* * *
For the next hour or two, Draco and Mary were talking just like when they were just friends in Computer Class and Drivers ED - mainly sex and people.
"Alright, so turns out, you were right. She did tell Mike. So he wants to fight me! I mean, so what?"
"So what?" Mary was pissed. "You **** your exgirlfriend who is going out with your friend, and its no big deal???"
"Look, I know it was wrong. Just for the record, this was BEFORE we were going out. Hey, Mike was gone, we were both drunk out of our minds! Doesn't that count for something?"
"Damn. Anyway, so I ask Mike where he wants to fight. He tells me he doesn't care - he's calling for a Trial of Grievance!"
"What's that?"
"Its a thing me and Mike devised a LONG time ago for some laughs. Basically, the two people who are going to fight each get a sword and the first person to fall to their knees and drop their sword wins the match. And he wanted to do it!"
"So what'd you do?"
"Well, I had to go through with it. So, we go over to the park, right, and there's this HUGE crowd. Somehow, everybody found out about this, so there was a HUGE crowd loyal to me and a HUGE crowd loyal to Mike. Well, to make a long story short, I won."
"Yer lying, aren't you!?" Mary was always wondering if Draco was lying.
"Would I lie to you, my friend?" Mary knew the answer to that was an uncomprimisable NO. Draco would 'rather die than lie' to Mary, and she knew that.
"Ya know, we've been talking for awhile...are you getting charged for this call?"
Draco smiled, and knew the answer.
"I'm talking to you... I don't care..."
* * *
DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 10:55 AM
LOCATION: Hotel for 3drealms Bulletin Board Members. Draco's room.

Draco looked in the mirror one last time before he would have to go downstairs to get in the car. Each member who had been invited get his own car, to prevent each other from telling another who they were on the message boards. It totaled up to ALOT of cars.
Contacts: In. Black Fatigues, on. Hair combed in that way Mary likes, done. 3drealms VIP badge to let us in, on.
He went outside and got in one of the cars. He wanted to follow the rules of 'No telling your screename to others' and took no urges to glance at the others going into the cars.
The car was cool, even though it hadn't been so very warm in the morning when he went to get the paper and a cup of black coffee before Mary called. Ya know, he new he was a lucky guy to know Mary.
The ride was very fast; it didn't take long to get to the 3drealms complex. Huh. Complex. Just saying '3drealms Complex' made Draco think of some sort of castle. Who knows, maybe it was.
Was that a ping of fear I sense? Draco asked himself. He probed his body for fear like a tounge searching for a loose tooth. There was a hint of fear, but he couldn't exactly say what the fear was about. Fear of rejection? Possible. Fear of being in close proximinty to people who may or may not be the biggest geeks in the world? Yeah, that was it. If one thing pissed off Draco, it were big geeks who made him, a normal computer user with as strong a life offline as he had online, look bad.
I wish I could make a bet with someone that 60% of the people at this thing haven't had a girlfriend or gotten laid. He knew full well that nobody there would bet against him. He had friends on the board and he trusted a few of them, but he trusted friends he could hear, smell, and talk to with his voice rather than what a text box says was written by someone.
* * *
The car pulled to a stop, and the driver got out and opened the door.
Damn. 3drealms didn't pull any stops, now did they? Draco thought to himself.
There were many kids already there, and the hordes of cars he saw ensured there would be more on the way.
Draco was not 2 feet from the car when the driver sped away, making room for more and more cars that were parking to unload their passengers. He wandered around for a few minutes, and talked with a few of the kids. All of them tried to tell him their screename and tried to make him tell his, but Draco was one to only break the rules when he disliked the rule-maker, or he felt like it.
The sun was bright that day, so he decided to put on his sunglasses, the ones his friends call the 'Blackdeths'. These were normal sunglasses, but the thin frames were made of pure onyx, forming an imposing black cover over his eyes.
Draco continued to mingle with the populace, but nobody's manner of speaking definately reminded him of anyone. Accordance to policy, he never told his screename and walked away if someone was about to.
* * *
Aurora51 looked one last time as the man who was dressed in black from head to toe. He was about to tell who he was, and he slithered away, muttering 'later'.
A51 walked over the Badger, whom he was talking to a few minutes earlier. Sure, he broke the rules and asked who everyone's screenames was, but who really cared?
"You talk to that guy over there?" A51 asked while pointing to the guy, who was already talking with another person on the boards. He thought it was Buzzer, but they we pretty far away, and the sun was in his sights.
"Yeah. Just a minute, if that. Walked away before I could tell him who I was."
Aurora51 chuckled. He wondered who that guy was.
"Acts like a lurker. Ya think maybe Joe sent the invite to those flamers we had on the boards awhile back?" Badger asked, with just a hint of fear in his voice. Nothing major.
"Maybe, but I doubt it. Probably someone who came once or twice and got the invite. If you came to the boards once or twice and got the invite, would you have came?"
"Aurora, you know me. I don't care if I didn't know anything about the topic, I would've stayed on."
A51 smiled and glanced one more time at the unknown man.
"Yeah. Too bad..."
Badger hit Aurora51 in a playful way, and began talking about other things.
* * *
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:04 AM   #4

moron's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:32 AM
LOCATION: 3drealms.

Draco glanced at his watch and at the itenerary. It had been at least 45 mintures of schmoosing, and even though he enjoyed it, it was wearing quite thing. If 3drealms had its act in order, the commencment, consisting of Joe Siegler, the 'Web Guy' and George Broussard (3drealms's President), would being soon, and then everyone would get a few minutes of podium time to tell everyone else who they were and shit like that.
<boof><boof><boof> "Can everyone hear me?" A man said at the podium, hitting the microphone to see if it worked.
Draco glanced up and knew it was Joe Siegler, the person at 3drealms who runs the message boards and updates the website. Mr Siegler, called 'Joe' by almost everyone, was one of the nicest people Draco knew, as least the posts and stuff.
"Hey, this is Joe Siegler. I just want to welcome you all to the first annual 3drealms bulletin board party." Joe was kinda enthusiastic, but Draco, even with his sunglasses, the awesome looking Blackdeths, could see that Joe wasn't energetic, and he had slight bags under his eyes. He knew it had to do with this party. Getting 500 people to once place, especially when its YOUR people, would make anyone stressed.
Many of the people there began to cheer. Draco guessed a few of them were 3drealms plants, people hired to cheer so it wasn't dead silent in the room. It was something he's done at parties and stuff sometimes.
"Good. Well, as you might have guessed, I'm Joe, your moderator, and we all would like to welcome you too-"
Joe continued on with his shpeil for a few minutes. It got darker over 3drealms. Clouds must be commin' in, Draco commented to himself.
"-and after that we'll give you... WHAT THE ****???!!!" Joe screamed. Not girly, but it wasn't exactly rooted in testosterone either. He looked up.
Draco looked up as did everyone else. What he saw didn't scare him. Nothing scared him anymore. This, however, was giving him a ride for his money.
The 'clouds' over 3drealms pulled away, revealing a mass of metal that was green with brownish-green plates over it. The clouds pulled away more, showing that his thunk of metal continued what looked like miles away from 3drealms straight outwords. Circles and squares glowing white dotted the bottom of whatever monstrosity, which must have been keeping up whatever it was, as streams of white energy spurted out at random intervals, which died out into invisibity before they could interact with an Earth that never had seen this monstrosity before.
In the middle of this metalic monster was a 'pod' of sort, similar to the pods that may or may not have been holding up the ship. With the 'engines' pods curved in, this large one pushed outwards, and it almost looked to be only 30 feet above ground. The 'glass' of the orb was red.
Everyone stopped and gazed in awe and wonder at the center orb, which began to glow a yellowish-orange.
Draco, on the other hand, still stood calm and at peace. He probed himself like a tounge playing with a loose tooth. No fear... he commanded. it obeyed.
* * *
DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:34 AM
LOCATION: 3drealms.

Uncle Duke looked up at the...whatever it was. He nearly wet his pants.

DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:35 AM
LOCATION: 3drealms.

Aurora51 and Badger looked up, and then at each other. They ran and began to scream, which caused others nearby like Buzzer and Sinsear to run, causing others to run, untill everyone was running in a fast and animalic furor.
Except for a lone boy who stood silent, with the stoicm of a warrior, a boy who had seen Hell (figurately) and found Earth to be a walk in the park.

DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:35 AM
LOCATION: 3drealms.

Draco noticed that the populace had begun to run around like chickens with their heads off. Like people on rollercoasters minus the coaster itself. Like a... he ran out of funny ways to describe the systematic and obvious something that the mechanized beast had planned for Earth, and was starting with the large patch of land known to everyone there as 3drealms.
The orb near the center of whatever it was reached critical mass; It seemed to be at full power.
A thick beam hit the ground near the corner of the grass where the party was. It didn't seem real, as nothing happened. No fire. No sudden explosing as the beam began to spread across the park, hitting adults and childen alike as they ran. The adults stayed, but the kids were showered in reddish-yellow dots, and dissapeared. Whatever it was, it was killing the kids, and hopefully it was doing it quickly and painlessly.
Draco knew there was nothing he could do to save the people. he turned 90 degreees and walked as quickly as he could.
He could sense his own fear. He tried to force it down. It wasn't working.
From the corner of his glasses, he could see the bright red beam heading toward him; closer; too fast to avoid without running. And he wasn't about to run. If he was going to die, he was going to die like the way he was - showing no emotion or doing any action that would show them.
No fear. Don't run. Face it like you can. Don't show pain. Don't-
The beam caught up to Draco. He felt a brief pain, and then nothing.

DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:35 AM
LOCATION: Htde'eg class Mk'Rik'a'tic The'the'ts , Detention Pod 3

Draco felt a brief pain, and then nothing.
He noticed he was above ground. Almost like a cartoon he dropped, his long black coat, the one he got in trouble since Colorado for wearing ("Its not a black trenchcoat, dammit!") flowed with him like a cape of superhero, and landed around him.
He got up, and couldn't see. He grabbed his sunglasses and put them in his pocket. He still couldn't see. He blinked. Nothing.
Draco fumbled for his lighter. His mom didn't know he carried it.
The light illuminated his hands, untill he noticed he was holding it upside down and was burning his flesh.
Dammit, he mutted. He scoldled himself for speaking. At least I ain't blind..
Despite his skills, he couldn't find his lighter. But, he thought he felt it. He grabbed it father up. He felt flesh.
The dark figure pushed him up to his feet.
"**** off!" he screamed, and began to fight as well as he could. He had his knife out within 1.2 seconds, (I'm getting slow...) and he disabled it and he ran the other way.
This ain't like me, running from a fight, Draco thought to himself, and he flipped his knife so he could cut it if it came back.
The opportunity never came, and it pushed Draco down. His knife jumped from his hand like a fish out of water, and made a tink-tink-tink as it finally plopped down to the ground.
He struggled, trying to reach his knife, still covered to the hilt with a purple "blood'. He stretched and groaned, but it was holding him down.
If I get this knife, I can kill it. Hit anything long enough and it'll fall. Just gotta get the knife.
Draco felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. Whatever it did, it made a sound like one of those machines that shoots nails. Whatever it was, it made a pitoo sound as the object inserted itself into the back of his neck.
His eyes were going. Things diffcult to see. Draco still reached for his knife.
Gotta get to the knife. Gotta...get..theknife. The knifebebe..
Draco collapsed. He was nerve stapled.

DATE: 6-6-99
TIME: 11:45 AM
LOCATION: Htde'eg class Mk'Rik'a'tic The'the'ts , Containment area.

Aurora51 looked up. The door, at least what he considered the door, opened. Nobody came though, but a body was tossed into hit, hitting the wall and rolling untill whoever it was stopped, face up.
Badger came over, as did many of the other kids, to see who it was.
The guy was wearing all black, and his 3drealms identification was ripped off. He had brown hair, and his face was laden with cuts.
"This was that guy at the party!" Badger remembered.
"Anyone know who he is?" Aurora51 asked.
They spent 15 minutes asking everyone who they were. Sinear. Buzzer. Uncle Duke. Fool. Ori. Foofighter. Many others.
"So, the only ones we can figure out who aren't here-" Aurora51 started.
"Provided they didn't kill any of us." Badger commented. He was beginning to loose it.
"-This guy is either Draco or HopperRocket."
Rifleman, who was sitting down in the corner got up and looked at the guy laying who could be dead for all he knew and got a good look at his face.
"This isn't HR."
"Then its settled. This is Draco." Uncle Duke commented. So this was the guy who brushed him off on the plane!
"Draco, huh? Cool." Badger leaned over to gaze at his face. It had cuts on it, must've gotten in a fight.
Draco began to start to fidget, he was waking up.
* * *
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:05 AM   #5

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Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
He began to see again. At first, it was just the basics, lightness and darkness. Then, it changed to shapes. Then, it became a form, and it was looking at him
Whoever or whatever it was, Draco punched it, and in the space the being vacated by being knocked back, he backfliped and grabbed his smaller yet more balanced knife, located in his shoe so he could pull it out in the event of losing his first. He lost it in the fight, whenever that was.
Closing his eyes to aid in his gaining his sight back would give whoever it was ample time to disable him, so he just waited. His body was returning to its normal state of readiness. They took his coat, and his knife.
"whawahwah.. wahahaold on! Hold on! We're your friends!" One of the voices said. It had to be human.
Draco blinked and cleared the crud, still having his knife in the ready.
"Ugh. That... uh... doesn't make me feel any better.." he muttered.
Whatever they did to him, it was passing. He could see alot better.
They were kids, or at least most of 'em. Some looked older than him, but most looked young, around 12 or 13. They were the kids the 3drealms party. He thought. They could have used some recon they did to clone new kids and lull him into a false sense of security.
"Give me proof yer who I think you are." Draco muttered, still flashing the knife, and jabbing it at anyone who dared venture too close.
"Now, I'm sure if we talk-" Uncle Duke stepped toward Draco, his hand outstretched in peace.
He got too close for comfort.
Draco arced his knife hand, resulting in a fairly thin cut accross Uncle's hand. He winced, and pulled his hand back, in mortal pain. Draco noticed the blood was red, but there was very little of it. He'll live.
"Hey! I'm Uncle Duke! I'm not your foe! I am author of the 3drealms Message Board FAQ. I'm a regular and I'm 16 and you cut me!" he said.
Another kid bent down to help UD.
"And I'm Badger. I write the 3drealms fiction. I'm also a regular!" The kid was scared of Draco, and both of them knew and admitted it. It made Draco happy.
Other kids got up and helped Uncle Duke. Ouchmaker. Buzzer. Ori. Foofighter. Redum. Fool. Synastieia. Slaybak. Volt9000. Xhuman666. Many others.
They couldn't all be, could they? Draco thought.
He bent down and was briefly blocked by the kids. He still had his knife out and at the ready, so they parted like Moses and that sea.
Uncle Duke's eyes were dripping with fear, but no tears.
Draco took his knife and plunged it...
Into his sleeve. He cut a thin piece of fabric and held down Uncle's hand and tied it over the wound.
"And I'm Draco. Regular." Draco flipped the knife into the air and he grabbed/closed/put the knife back in his shoes.
"That'll heal. Don't play with it." he said, and went to the corner of the room, took out his knife and began to clean the knife, and sharpening it on the wall.
The 'light' above the room darkened several degrees.
It was a reunion. A dark reunion.
* * *
Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched.
* * *

Who has captured the members of the Bulletin Board?
Where is Joe?
Where are they, for that matter?
Will Draco learn to trust the members in real life?

All these questions and more will be answered in the complete version of:

Episode X:

Dark Reunion
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:27 AM   #6

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Very cool! I am going to ask my friend Draco if he wrote this.

and the last third were flaming him for his 'Dopefish Cross' picture
Nice... Wasnt that on Dopefission?
Last edited by Dopefish7590; 03-16-2008 at 03:36 AM.
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:37 AM   #7

moron's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
ya I think it was him
btw I totaly forgot about uncle duke recently this brought it all back the "old days" were cool :-)
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:12 AM   #8

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
I just texted him... It wasn't him.

Edit: Hey... There is a Draco registered on 3DR... Probably was him.
Last edited by Dopefish7590; 03-16-2008 at 04:17 AM.
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:50 AM   #9

moron's Avatar
Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
ya I thought thats the one you were refering to the pepole in the story are basicly teh top 5 posters from back in the day I was just a nube on the site back then
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Old 03-16-2008, 05:17 AM   #10

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Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Compared to a most people... I am a n00b. Look at my join date.

I don't know any oldskool dukers that well...

But this is off topic...
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Old 03-16-2008, 12:30 PM   #11

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Re: 3d Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
well its ok its only us talking I cant beleve Ive been here wating for duke for so long though
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:43 PM   #12

Superczar's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Yeah I remember this, it was from right before I joined, I was just lurking at the time...
'F*** Fresch!!!'.
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:22 PM   #13

Scotty's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
This looks like an early draft of Draco's "Maleficus Caelum", originally titled "Episode X".

What moron posted was originally released as "EXPSNEAK.RTF" on 6/25/1999.

The next draft is "EpX.RTF" on 2/27/2000, and the final draft is "MaleFicusCalem.RTF" on 5/6/2000.

If I remember correctly, Draco described it as "The Daikatana of fanfics", due to the 11 month development cycle.
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:37 PM   #14

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Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
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Old 03-16-2008, 11:21 PM   #15

moron's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Originally Posted by Scotty View Post
This looks like an early draft of Draco's "Maleficus Caelum", originally titled "Episode X".

What moron posted was originally released as "EXPSNEAK.RTF" on 6/25/1999.

The next draft is "EpX.RTF" on 2/27/2000, and the final draft is "MaleFicusCalem.RTF" on 5/6/2000.

If I remember correctly, Draco described it as "The Daikatana of fanfics", due to the 11 month development cycle.
do you have a copy or a link to the final? I never saw it.
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Old 07-24-2008, 07:14 PM   #16
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Sorry Joe, but I'm necroing this thread. I randomly popped in after hearing about 3DR's E3 video, read the notification, and... well, couldn't help it.

And goddamn. It's been so long, and yet I remember a lot.

I could go into how badly written that story was - or how I tried to make myself such a badass - but I figure everyone else could figure that out already. I'm embarassed by how bad it was.

I don't think I finished it - and it's long, long since gone. Hell, as I pen this, I'm not entirely sure if my memories are about this short story, or another one. I'll explain.

I've divided this into three sections - Backstory, This Story, And TLDR. Search this post for those words if you don't wanna read all of this.

(As I write this, I'm adding "if memory serves" a lot, since I'm trying to hedge my bets a lot on the facts. Forgive me.)


Back in my day, a then-major poster by the alias of DarkTayln made a 3DR Forum Fanfic, and had a bunch of people in it, myself included. I think it was about Joe getting a bunch of the then-major posters and putting them into a computer simulation called The Arena. (For reasons I fail to remember, but I suspect it was a "Joe is Evil, and he's doing it for shits and giggles" thing.)

I think DT was gonna write a sequal, but decided against it. I offered to do it, because my character 'died' in a very open-ended manner, and felt I could do something with it.

If memory serves, I decided to write a sequal. I remember the title of it - the Mark of Anera. The plot? A bunch of 3DR forum members were somehow dragged into another world, and asked to fight a series of monsters that had dominated world of Anera.

Hell, I even remember the plot twists.

* Anera wasn't another world, Anera was actually the Arena from DT's story. (Anera backwards is Arena).

* The monsters, after being defeated, transformed back into their true form - that of the the 3DR forum members from DT's original story. They all pointed to the entity that turned them into monsters in the first place...

* ... who was named Ocard (guess who that was!). When he was defeated and transformed back into Draco, he was angry at both the 'old' 3DR members for being defeated, and the 'new' 3DR members for "freeing" them.

* It turns out, Draco had survived the events of DT's first story, and realized that Joe was not truely defeated either. So he transformed himself into Ocard (and forced the change on the other 'old' members), for the sole purpose of keeping the Evil Joe S from being freed.

*... and the Kindly Aneran Guy that brought the 'new' 3DR members to Anera? Joe. *SHOCK*.

Of course, I never finished it. I can't remember the numbers, but the story was going to take forever to write. I prolly had eight 'new' 3DR members to write, and the eight 'old' ones... it never would have been finished.

But, thats not even this story. I'm only writing all this because, for some damned reason, I actually remember this crap.

This Story

I remember less about this story - hell, I don't remember if this and the Mark of Anera were the same stoy - but I do remember some random things:

* Wasn't related to DT's story at all.

* 3DR forum members, for some reason, were captured by the alien Mk'Rik'a'tic (an alien race that I had used in a completely-unrelated story long ago that, no surprise, I never finished). They were saved by the Illuminati (yes, the conspiracy Illuminati) to defend the Earth.

* I remember someone (can't remember who) completely bitching at me that I needed to rename the Good Guys from the Illuminati because of one thing or another. I think I settled on "Darkinati", but frankly I don't think I would've done it.

* I remember the "to be continued?" twist at the end. The alien commander, adrift on a piece of his command ship, would wake up in arm's reach of some alien buttons. He presses them, and dies. Back on Earth, Draco wakes up, and looks at a picture of the Earth he took from space. He imagines it on fire, and begins to laugh. Evidently, the aliens implanted them with mind-control chips, or something.


I wrote this 'teaser' of a story, and another 3DR Forum Fanfic, but didn't finish either of them. I was inspired one that, at the time, was pretty cool. Like most things, I didn't finish it.

God, that was long. Hopefully Joe won't be too pissed at me for necroing this thing. God, it's been... forever since I've been here.
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Old 07-24-2008, 11:17 PM   #17

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Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
LOL Draco! What the hell up man?
{<- machines have no conscience ->}
{<- “Shoot him!” They say, Who will be the killer? Who will be the winner? ->}
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Old 07-25-2008, 03:29 PM   #18

moron's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Dude good to see you here again and the back story is intresting
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:52 PM   #19

Scotty's Avatar
Goofy Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
Originally Posted by Draco View Post


* 3DR forum members, for some reason, were captured by the alien Mk'Rik'a'tic (an alien race that I had used in a completely-unrelated story long ago that, no surprise, I never finished). They were saved by the Illuminati (yes, the conspiracy Illuminati) to defend the Earth.

* I remember someone (can't remember who) completely bitching at me that I needed to rename the Good Guys from the Illuminati because of one thing or another. I think I settled on "Darkinati", but frankly I don't think I would've done it.

Rifleman was one of the peeps obsessed with conspiracy theories. Not sure if he's the one that bitched you out, though.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:16 PM   #20
Re: 3D Realms Fiction: Episode X: Dark Reunion
I'll be honest; I prolly won't be here for very long. I come back every once in a while, and re-discover that this place is way different than it was in my prime. Besides, I'm sure Joe (and his moderators? What happened to the "I don't need moderators!" Joe I loved?) doesn't need Yet Another Person Pointing Out The Absurdity That is DNF" person to deal with.

As for who it was, I'm fairly sure it wasn't him. Can't remember who, though.

Ryche - way too much, and currently way too tired to explain it all, heh.
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