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Old 06-09-2012, 12:02 PM   #1

jpb6891's Avatar
Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
I was wondering if someone would be interested in helping me make the original Rise of the Triad story. All of the files are on here. They just have to be cropped. We could follow the original design sheet and make Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad. It can be a prequel to Rise of the Triad. Would anyone on here be interested in coding and making maps? The game will consist of four episodes. It will be made in SDL.
jpb6891 is offline  
Old 06-09-2012, 12:23 PM   #2

MrFlibble's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
Nice idea, but I'm afraid I can be of no help here... Good luck with the project though!
It's time to go retro and play old games. Come get some!
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Old 06-09-2012, 12:42 PM   #3
Commando Nukem

Commando Nukem's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
I'm pretty sure someone else tried this and they were shut down for it.

Not that anyone is really around to shut you down at this point.
Open Maw Productions
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:28 PM   #4
KO Gilligan

KO Gilligan's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
I'm afraid my experience is very limited, but I should send you a PM.
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Old 06-10-2012, 08:25 AM   #5
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
I'm sorry I cannot help you either, but you won't have a hard time doing this. Take a look at the Wolf3d mods, specially EoD and you'll see that most of these concepts were used on that. I look forward to see this.
filipetolhuizen is offline  
Old 12-10-2012, 06:26 PM   #6
Flying Techbot
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
It's a shame that 3D Realms never successfully pulled off their original conception for Rise of the Triad. It DEFINITELY would have enhanced the gameplay of the original Wolf 3D, and it would've been fun to use the additional weapons. The bosses of RotT in their alpha form are pretty original for a Wolf 3D game, especially compared the bosses of SoD. Not that I am complaining. 3DR made a smart move to turn what was at first accidently infringing upon copyright into a graphically advanced and original game, which introduced a wholey new gameplay experience while still retaining the basic
W3D feel.

I wish I could have seen what the original concept would have looked like if completed. It would be cool if you found a way to enhance the W3D engine to feature some gameplay aspects of RotD while still retaining the classic look (though, it may still be improbable to get a W3D mod to do that, even with the assistance of modern computer programming). I hope you are inspired in your recreation.

I myself have been intriuged by the canceled W3D-2 project, and have been curious to see if a W3D mod could possibly be made to achieve the kind of ambition involved with RotT. I definitely want to do a Wolf3D-2 mod someday, though I don't want to recreate the alpha RotD. I've got a different story in mind for my idea, but the level of ambition behind 3DR's W3D-2 has inspired me.
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Old 12-16-2012, 08:31 PM   #7

ZuljinRaynor's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
There are a lot of really technically advanced Wolfenstein 3D mods and there are a few that have added elements from ROTT to them.
My vision is augmented.
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Old 05-29-2013, 06:59 AM   #8

jpb6891's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
The first Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad game will not follow the original design sheet for sprites completely. It will follow it storyline wise though. Expect new bosses and maybe some new enemies. Maps entirely made by me will be provided. The game will be 40 levels. Eventually, a special edition will be made that will use the original specs. Maybe not. I actually think the best thing to do is to find sprites on the internet and use those in the game. The game will come with a copy of the Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D, and Spear of Destiny Soundtrack. Also, the original title screen for Wolfenstein 3D ROTT will be used. Expect the original NME to appear.
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Old 07-30-2013, 11:09 AM   #9

jpb6891's Avatar
Re: Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad mod
Another person is also working on Wolfenstein 3D Part Two ROTT. We are going to have a lot of Wolf3D ROTT videogames being released. I am looking forward to it.
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