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Old 03-21-2007, 08:07 AM   #1

Jiminator's Avatar
Scott Miller Interview

Some interesting details here. hope this is not disallowed.
big badass nasty weapons here....
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:07 AM   #2

peoplessi's Avatar
Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Around the world, the name Scott Miller is obviously quite a common one but if you�re into your PC gaming (and more importantly, you have been for a good few years) then you�ll know exactly which one we�re talking about! His bio lists an impressive array of achievements but this Scott Miller just happens to be the Vice President of Action Entertainment Inc., who are in turn a part of Apogee Software Ltd.

Oh and 3D Realms just happens to be a part of the group too! 3D Realms made Duke Nukem. Yes! THAT Scott Miller!
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:13 AM   #3
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
You hame managed to post a topic at exactly the same moment.

Pinch each other!
Chances are I lost my point in this post after about two lines.
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:18 AM   #4

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
YG: The point about using a digital service is a good one as we've seen a huge increase in its usage for shipping games; the two most well-known being Steam and Direct2Drive. Finally, concerning DNF, we enquired as to what platforms the game is being planned for: multiple or PC only?

Scott: The plan is definitely to bring DNF to multiple platforms. We have not announced which ones, yet.
This was coming, since they hired for X360 developers so. Nothing unexpected here. Overall interesting interview.
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:19 AM   #5

Hudson's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Having published titles over a wide variety of formats (PC, console, mobile), one would expect there to be a favourite but purely from a business point of view, 3DRealms have a clear winner:

Scott: PC. It’s the most powerful. Plus, For FPS games, you simply cannot beat the mouse controller. It is still light-years better than a console controller for rapid, accurate shooter action.
Staying Frosty Since 09/06/07 - I love you Katie <3
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:33 AM   #6

Steve's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Thanks for the read
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:36 AM   #7
Kristian Joensen

Kristian Joensen's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Yes, indeed, this is one of the most interesting interviews with him. Very informing indeed.
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:42 AM   #8
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
I like what Scott said in his blog,

"There are two phases I love most about game development, the beginning conceptual phase, where the direction is set, characters created, gameplay hooks devised, and then the last few months, when it all comes together and you finally see the results of years of hardcore effort."

HO HO HO, now WE have a machine gun
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:57 AM   #9

trackit's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Since Prey 2 is already under production, we asked Scott if we be seeing a long term series of Prey games:

Scott: That is always the goal. With Max Payne, for example, we always planned for a long series. I’m still puzzled to this day why – after 3D Realms and Remedy sold the IP to Take2 – there’s not been a Max Payne 3. That’s a franchise that sold over 7 million copies between two games. We should be hearing about Max 4 in development by now
haha, look whos talking and wonder WHY there is no Duke Nukem 4 out? We should be hearing Duke Nukem 6 in development by now

(dont kill me, just had to say this )
Sorry, but you're reading into it too much!
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:05 AM   #10
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Yes, good interview ... It kind of confirms that there finally is progress with the game know.
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:05 AM   #11

LeadBullet's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
Fans of Prey will hopefully remember the aliens’ choice of music, which made sense when Scott had this to say about the importance of scores and audio effects in a modern game:

Scott: We believe strongly in the power of music, and we used award-winning composer Jeremy Soule (and his brother, Julian) for Prey, which had three hours of original music, plus over an hour of licensed music, like Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. I hope we have something equally as impressive for DNF.
I wonder if my really old prediction will come true, where after Lee Jackson was suddenly announced off the project that the idea of just not really having any kind of music at all would change as their options for sound people became open.
"The" "DNF release date" "is" "next" "month" - George Broussard
"Anyway, it's close to being ready." - Joe Siegler
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:48 AM   #12

dan2091's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview - The Man Who Would Be King?
....and I think a remake of Duke Nukem 3D would be quite fun, too.
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:55 AM   #13

Denz's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Prey has obviously helped bring the name of 3DRealms back to the forefront of gaming again and we don’t think that this is something they want to let go of. So just what steps can a company such as 3DRealms do to maintain the momentum and awareness?

Scott: The main shift in our business strategy this year is that we will not limit ourselves to one external project at a time going forward, as we did with the Max Payne games and then Prey. I’d like to have at least 3-4 of these external projects going simultaneously from now on. In effect, 3D Realms is both an internal studio, and a producer of original projects working with external studios. We’ve been doing this since 1990 when we worked with Id Software, and it’s something we’ve always had success doing.
Dude more good games to come at the same time \o/

YouGamers: We know you’ve heard them all but what’s been your favourite Duke Nukem Forever joke you’ve seen?

Scott: It’s hard to resist the cold, cruel, but true: Duke Nukem Taking Forever. My two sons, in particular, love to slam me with this one.
Oh snap. That's one thing that only these two boy can do. No other dude on the planet can do that.
crunchy superman said:
10 years and two complete restarts - that's either one very effective filter, or a whole lotta shit. :D
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Old 03-21-2007, 12:11 PM   #14

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Why was this thread moved, it had more then enough points on DNF. Even though not being entirely of it, but.. Nah, maybe it's better here.
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 03-21-2007, 12:29 PM   #15

Mr.Fibbles's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
It is more directly related to 3DR/Apogee. He mentions DNF because that is their big name project.
Interesting article. It is good to hear that 3DR is still strong and moving ahead.
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Old 03-21-2007, 12:54 PM   #16

Wheeljack's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
it comes down to our desire to not let fans down with anything less than perfection. However, perfection is not possible – that’s the biggest lesson we’ve learned.
Sounds like the lesson the creators of STALKER have learned as well. Lot's of features had to be cut to get that game out for real. My guess is now that DNF will not be as interactive as it was planned to be. But... oh well - will we ever get to know what was planned and not implemented into DNF?
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:14 PM   #17

Montykoro!'s Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by Wheeljack View Post
Sounds like the lesson the creators of STALKER have learned as well. Lot's of features had to be cut to get that game out for real.
I buy stalker...and the game is a "trimed" version of the "real" vehicles... "empty landscape" buggy IA short game play (11 hours in mi case )

If DNF is relase "trimed" never Know... the "when is done" politic is a very good form of trim the game and nobody notes that... you don't know the "insane interctivity" whats mean...or the "megon" engine...never Know the Real only know the release game... "when is done...."
"Those damn PigCops are gonna pay for spreading Swine Flu!"
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:24 PM   #18

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
it comes down to our desire to not let fans down with anything less than perfection. However, perfection is not possible – that’s the biggest lesson we’ve learned.
I hope this doesn't mean that DNF will be a less innovative shooter. It would be etremely sad if DNF isn't much interactive. I want to fry a rat in a microwave and send an e-mail within the game and of course freeze the floor to make piggys go flying...and stuff like that
George, is DNF still a very interactive game?
Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:29 PM   #19
Kristian Joensen

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Re: Scott Miller Interview
Ehh, you guys are misunderstanding that quote. He didn't mention anything about taking anything out of the game. At worst, it is about not putting more IN the game.
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:29 PM   #20

Assault's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
There really isn't that much in there, even though it is the first time I read someone say that their mistake was setting the bar too high.
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Old 03-21-2007, 02:05 PM   #21
Re: Scott Miller Interview
ahh, come on guys. Will it not be more fun if the game actually is released even if it means maybe some interactivity or other stuff is reduced a little. You can't fantasy about this game for ever ... It they can get it out faster without implementing rat-frying I surely hope they do so.
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Old 03-21-2007, 02:27 PM   #22

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen View Post
Ehh, you guys are misunderstanding that quote. He didn't mention anything about taking anything out of the game. At worst, it is about not putting more IN the game.
Yepp, cause 3DR isn't GSC-Gameworld
Okay, if i overthink it once again, these are sweet news. Cause since 18 months 3DR is concentrating on a shipping product and not trying to make a perfect game! As long as Duke 4 stays a near to prefect game, this should be enough!
Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 03-21-2007, 02:59 PM   #23

Jiminator's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
face it, no matter what is released, lots of people will be here saying it sucks. look at the expectations for quake4 or doom3. if it is a fun to play shooter on the level of prey I will be satisfied. Any more than that and it will be a bonus. People now are starting to rip into stalker, which I think is very sad considering it was a small russian dev group that made the game.
big badass nasty weapons here....
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Old 03-21-2007, 03:01 PM   #24
Kristian Joensen

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Re: Scott Miller Interview
Yep a very good point. A very minor quibble GSC Gameworld is situated in the Ukraine not Russia.
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:35 PM   #25

alexgk's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Interesting interview, specially the multi-platform part. I'd rather play DNF in my 360 than my crappy PC.
Playable demo this year! Confirmed!!
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:50 AM   #26
Dead Meat
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Very informative interview.
Old 03-22-2007, 03:23 AM   #27

JustMe2's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by alexgk View Post
Interesting interview, specially the multi-platform part. I'd rather play DNF in my 360 than my crappy PC.
Amen brother... If a game is not on the 360, I don't even consider it!
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:20 AM   #28

Spyd's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
As late I'm seeing more info on DNF that we are used to.
I hope this is a good sign.
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:58 AM   #29

slapnutz's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Multi-platform??? Well I guess they gotta make cash somehow, after burning through all those wasted years.

I want Duke on PC, I dont care if its on consoles, as long it does NOT take away from the PC version.

(and give us all the gfx adjustment sliders in the option menu!!!)
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Old 03-22-2007, 06:03 AM   #30
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by slapnutz View Post
Multi-platform??? Well I guess they gotta make cash somehow, after burning through all those wasted years.
Dude, Apogee is much bigger then you think. They do a lot more then you realize. Their a software company.
Last edited by DragonflyWolfTen; 03-22-2007 at 06:06 AM.
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Old 03-22-2007, 06:06 AM   #31
Kristian Joensen

Kristian Joensen's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
What in the WORLD are you talking about ? They make no none gaming software(not counting this website or development tools used FOR making games(DNF to be precise).


Looks like shacknews and have picked up on this story.
Last edited by Kristian Joensen; 03-22-2007 at 06:14 AM.
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:49 AM   #32

Antosa's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Very interesting
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Old 03-22-2007, 10:08 AM   #33

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen View Post
What in the WORLD are you talking about ? They make no none gaming software(not counting this website or development tools used FOR making games(DNF to be precise).


Looks like shacknews and have picked up on this story.
It seems like he doesn't even know he is talking about most of the time
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 03-22-2007, 04:44 PM   #34

Lethe's Avatar
3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Here's what CEO Scott Miller said in a Q&A posted at YouGamers:

"First, we fully admit we're screwed up the development of DNF, and it's now an industry joke. I laugh (and cry) when I think about it, too. Our fault is that we set the bar too high, and we tried too hard to make the game to beat all games,"


"In the last 18 months we've taken a much more realistic look at the project, we've hired a truckload of experienced help, and I personally believe we are now on the right track&finally."

Hmmm, more realistic look at project? I just hope it don't means that they cut helluwa lot of stuff just to finish it as soon as possible.
all I know is that scientists have proven that the Universe was
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Old 03-22-2007, 04:50 PM   #35
Kristian Joensen

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
They have admitted that many many many many times. Also there is already a thread about the interview.
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Old 03-22-2007, 04:54 PM   #36

Lethe's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen View Post
They have admitted that many many many many times. Also there is already a thread about the interview.
Sorry if the interview was already posted. Mods please delete it then. Actually, I don't think that they ever directly addmited that they screwed up with development like you're saying...
all I know is that scientists have proven that the Universe was
specifically designed to make trouble
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:03 PM   #37

AlienAssKicker's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Wasn't their screw up a well known fact in the gaming industry before they even admitted it?
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:05 PM   #38

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Yes, this happens when you move the thread to
Other _Apogee/3D Realms_ Games. Which I am still against, it was properly fitting to here, at least as good as there. The forum description doesn't say "everything that concers Apogee/3D Realms in general goes in here".
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:08 PM   #39

Lethe's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by AlienAssKicker View Post
Wasn't their screw up a well known fact in the gaming industry before they even admitted it?
Yes but 3dr sounded totally confident whenever somebody asked them about the game.
all I know is that scientists have proven that the Universe was
specifically designed to make trouble
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:09 PM   #40
Kristian Joensen

Kristian Joensen's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
It is not that weird that you couldn't find it, since it isn't in the DNF forum. as far as the screw up thing, here is quote by George:

I would have been happy playing two or three less than polished Duke PC titles just to keep the spirit alive rather than wait this out.


And I'm right there with you. I wish that had been an option. I've said before, and I'll say it again, we screwed up on early versions and made some mistakes. This hasn't been a journey of perfection. It's been a journey of just trying to finish what we started, and make it as cool as possible. I would love to have been on Duke 7 by now, but that's not how things panned out. So all we can do is finish this game, and make it the best that we can, then move on. That's what we're trying to do now.
- George Broussard, May 10th, 2005.
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