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Old 10-20-2003, 05:01 PM   #1

8IronBob's Avatar
Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone was putting together levels or episodes with Las Vegas. The reason I'm asking, is, I'm planning on doing a casino level or Hoover Dam, and possibly a theme episode that takes place there. Just playing it safe so that I don't duplicate anyone else's ideas or efforts in doing so. If there was one good level or episode of Vegas-style stuff done already, I understand, then I'll think of something else. If not, then please let me know if I'm cleared for designing a Las Vegas episode or level.
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Old 10-22-2003, 06:28 PM   #2

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Oh, my bad... That's where Duke Nukem Forever was taking place. Well, I guess that I'll go back to the drawing board. Well, a similar theme to that would be Detroit, or Niagara Falls, then. They also have casinos featured, and I'll probably whip up a few other locales as well. BTW, New York Rumble was only the beginning of what I'm capable of. That was a great little episode I put together about five years ago. Mmm, glad I'm back into things after all those years, now... Where's my grid paper and pencil at?! LOL
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Old 10-22-2003, 09:17 PM   #3

NetNessie's Avatar
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Well since DNF has been going on for a while, the whole Casino & Hoover dam thing may be a distant memory for the 3DR.

I think you can safely make those levels without having to worry.
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Old 10-23-2003, 04:59 PM   #4

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Thanks, Nessie, but I'll have to do some self-debating on what type of level or episode package that I wanna make. I don't know that a New York Rumble sequel would be an option, now that Duke Nukem has a Manhattan Project, as it is... Me being a Clevelander and all, I don't see much excitement here to do an episode based on C-Town at all. Maybe I can squeak in West Side Market and Browns Stadium, or Rock and Roll Museum, but those'll take a while, since some of the buildings are hard to duplicate, knowing the limitations that Build gives you. As for Vegas, well, I'll leave that to 3D Realms to do for DNF. I'm getting so many ideas floating around in the space of my head, that I just dunno what to come up with. I certainly don't wanna make an episode without a theme to it, that wouldn't be right... I certainly don't wanna design any level or episode that will duplicate anybody else's ideas in the works, or ones that are already out for a while. Just dunno what to do now.
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Old 10-27-2003, 05:46 PM   #5
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Hoover Dam, there's a Doom II level based on that (See attachment). It's not bad from a design point of view, but it sure is one hell of a struggle to get throgh it alive.

With that said, I have finished it on UV without cheats, so it is completable.

Just thought I'd post it since it may give you some ideas.
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Old 10-27-2003, 05:57 PM   #6

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Yeah, thank you for that. Well, for right now, I've decided that since DNF was taking place in Vegas, I changed my mind on that, since I just found that out. Right now, I'm planning an episode in Detroit, and calling it Motown Mayhem. I was thinking of calling it other things like Motor City Massacre, or Detroit Destruction, or things like that, but Motown Mayhem almost fits the story perfectly. You can find a separate thread, I think, with the name of the episode in the thread title. This episode idea is not etched in stone, I'm not ruling the episode in, yet... For right now, I'm going to put together a level which starts in Duke's hotel room, and notices that the streets of Detroit are being mobbed by a new alien force, when EDF was about to have a convention in town, and the aliens found out that Duke was going to be a lead speaker at the conference. The EDF commander called him at 3:15 in the morning and woke Duke up to inform him about the aliens trashing the downtown area. You'll like the first level that I'm putting together. Vegas may come later, but I wanna see what DNF will look like, "when it's done, " according to 3DR. Who knows, they may change the location of DNF again, it may not be Vegas, may be Chicago, for all we know! We'll see!
PC Specs (a.k.a. "Galacticus Prime"):
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Old 12-17-2003, 10:41 AM   #7
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Theres a level for DN3d and its called Viva Las Vegas its on my 1000 user map sever ill send it to you if ya want....

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Old 12-19-2003, 05:50 AM   #8
Grande 3:16

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Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
I started a Las Vegas map ages ago, but ended up giving up on it. You could use the art if you're interested.
Why are Subway restaurants above ground?
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Old 12-19-2003, 09:33 PM   #9

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Thanks for all your help. I'll probably trade a level for that level. I get the Las Vegas level for my rendition of the first level of Wolfenstein 3D that I converted to Duke 3D for an old episode I put together, as the secret level. Thank you for your offer, and I'll gladly make the trade for your level.
PC Specs (a.k.a. "Galacticus Prime"):
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Old 12-20-2003, 02:47 AM   #10
Grande 3:16

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Re: Anybody designing any levels or episodes of Las Vegas?
Check your email.
Why are Subway restaurants above ground?
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