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Old 09-01-2009, 02:20 AM   #81
Re: Why the hate???
You guys can argue about this crap all you want, but I want to make something clear about facts in game development and DNF.

- The DNF game footage we saw is NOT the final view of the game. You don't know how far that footage was in the game. Alpha...Beta...Beta is farther along, but it is still not the "polish stage"

-The Polish stage is the final months of the game in which it gets polished and formed with all details, textures, and lighting as perfect as they can get. When viewed the footage vastly improve sin the Polish stage and some are just 9 months difference. You can be surprised by how much they can polish in 9 months hard work.

Example, take a look at Ghostbusters in which it was delayed by 9 months. boy did it make a true difference.
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Old 09-01-2009, 06:02 AM   #82
crunchy superman

crunchy superman's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Fact: They couldn't get DNF done in 12 years and finally ran themselves right out of the game development business.

Fact: All other DNF facts are meaningless after you re-read previous fact.

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Old 09-01-2009, 06:19 PM   #83
prophecy holder

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by WoodenSword View Post
Nobody's happy with what happened, but before making these nasty comments about gb and scott please take a moment and look at apogee/3d realms history of games and its contribution to the computer gaming world and you will see that you couldn't be more wrong.
They made Duke 3D back in 96 was it? Shadow warrior was made in......who the hell has heard of Shadow warrior?
"Ever since I was a little boy, dressing up has always greatest joy. But when It's time to be discreet, there is one thing you just can't beat and that's a strapless backless classical little black dress"
Last edited by prophecy holder; 09-01-2009 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 09-02-2009, 05:59 AM   #84

WoodenSword's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
I am talking about gb and scott's contribution to pc gaming.

I don't even know where to begin: shareware model, many legendary platform games, they have cooperated with and helped many legendary pc game developers in pc gaming,they even helped in wolfenstein one of the first FPS!!!!(they were more than just publishers), etc,etc,etc.

Duke 3D back in 96 was it?
And you are still on the forum of the company who build that,waiting for the sequel.That's something now, isn't it?

Shadow warrior was made in......who the hell has heard of Shadow warrior"
Well, you and me at least. And i think i have a reason to remember that game. It was great!
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Old 09-02-2009, 06:48 AM   #85

ReadOnly's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by WoodenSword View Post
I am talking about gb and scott's contribution to pc gaming.

I don't even know where to begin: shareware model, many legendary platform games, they have cooperated with and helped many legendary pc game developers in pc gaming,they even helped in wolfenstein one of the first FPS!!!!(they were more than just publishers), etc,etc,etc.
So what? Everything is in the past. They haven't contributed anything worthy since at least 2001.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:05 AM   #86
Re: Why the hate???
Oh, well done. I thought I was going to be disappointed in Readonlys post but he actually is right this time. bravo
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:54 AM   #87

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Re: Why the hate???
Hmm? Well, I guess that still counts as a compliment.

But since when did you start to expect a disappointment from my posts?
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Old 09-02-2009, 11:01 AM   #88

ZuljinRaynor's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Probably since you said you liked Twilight.
My vision is augmented.
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Old 09-02-2009, 11:17 AM   #89

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Re: Why the hate???
I always thought that I flushed my reputation down the drain once I created an Emo thread. But Twilight might have been the last nail in my vampire coffin.
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:08 PM   #90

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Re: Why the hate???
Sparkly vampires.
My vision is augmented.
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:56 PM   #91
Duke's New Chainsaw

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Re: Why the hate???
Hey guys what's happeni...

/thread blinds DNC

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Old 09-02-2009, 08:41 PM   #92
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by ReadOnly View Post
I always thought that I flushed my reputation down the drain once I created an Emo thread. But Twilight might have been the last nail in my vampire coffin.
Your still cool, at least your not a GB groupy trying to tell people to still believe in dnf.

Anyone who still believes is as crazy as the person who eats his own shit.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:57 PM   #93

defragen1's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
Your still cool, at least your not a GB groupy trying to tell people to still believe in dnf.

Anyone who still believes is as crazy as the person who eats his own shit.
i guess i eat my own shit :S
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Old 09-03-2009, 02:48 AM   #94

X-Vector's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Pics or it didn't happen.
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Old 09-03-2009, 06:27 AM   #95

Waiter's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by prophecy holder View Post
Shadow warrior was made in......who the hell has heard of Shadow warrior?
Everyone who has given a damn about 3DR for long enough to have any reason to bitch about them.
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Old 09-03-2009, 09:33 AM   #96

TheZachadoodle's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
Your still cool, at least your not a GB groupy trying to tell people to still believe in dnf.

Anyone who still believes is as crazy as the person who eats his own shit.
I already ate mine for breakfast it was a chocolate fudge pop tart which had a shitty filling.

But I am telling you there is going to be a Duke Nukem Forever no matter what you say even if you get everyone on this forum to disagree with me I still know that the developers are working on the game and I wonder,

is this going to end up like a retarded conspiracy theory for 9/11 or the moon landing?
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Old 09-03-2009, 10:12 AM   #97

ReadOnly's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by TheZachadoodle View Post
But I am telling you there is going to be a Duke Nukem Forever no matter what you say even if you get everyone on this forum to disagree with me I still know that the developers are working on the game and I wonder,
That reminds me...
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Old 09-04-2009, 02:48 PM   #98

Glyrion's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by Hudson View Post
Why the hate? Well that's a very valid question, one of which I think requires a respectable answer.

Now, as you read this keep in mind that I couldn't care less if DNF if ever released (personally I think it's already shit-canned permanently), you know why? It's because it's a video game. A video game I spent TWELVE ENTIRE YEARS waiting for yes, but a game none the less.

What really irritates me about the whole deal has relatively nothing to do with the game.. It has to do with the developers.. or more specifically the management of the development company.

They ran out of money. I can understand this. However they also fired every single employee in the entire company including people like Joe.. who stayed with them through it all.. with the exception of course of the two top men (who single-handedly tanked the entire company).

This, fine I can go along with. Gotta cut your losses, bad economy, etc. However to find out that after this whole disaster of mismanagement and an absolutely amateur clusterfxck of a development cycle.. lo and behold I find on twitter the one and only George fxcking Broussard GAMBLING IN VEGAS.

Now i'll go ahead and repeat that, so it really sinks in. After firing all their employees, tanking the entire company, and fighting bankruptcy.. The co-owner of the company is GAMBLING IN VEGAS.

If you want an example of the most pompous, arrogant, irresponsible, and just generally overall dickish thing to do.. folks, there you have it.

I'm sure that looks great to Joe Siegler, a man who bled "3D Realms" and "Apogee" for years.. or the entire DNF development team who get to look at his constant tweeting. Which seems that his life consists of only:
  • a) Gambling
  • b) Playing Video Games
  • c) Watching Television

This is why, my friend, there is hate. Well deserved hate.
Unbelievable, because the guy had to fire people he's an arrogant, irresponsible bastard for spending HIS money in Vegas? I guess he should never spend a dime ever again! Right?! All those poor helpless programmers, how dare he go to Vegas! He should be signing checks and pay them a salary still. I mean that's the least he could do for having FIRED people...!

Behold the day GB buys a new car, somewhere in china, a panda will look up and think about what a prick he was for firing those programmers.

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Old 09-04-2009, 06:10 PM   #99

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Re: Why the hate???
It was not just gaming in vegas. Boasting about this on Twitter was the main concern.
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Old 09-05-2009, 08:53 AM   #100

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by ReadOnly View Post
It was not just gaming in vegas. Boasting about this on Twitter was the main concern.
So what, he was showing his friends that he had a wonderful time and Vegas. There is no problem about it but you Readonly,Waiter, and Ironside are retarded enough to believe there is a problem with george and 3dr.stating that because they gamble with THEIR OWN MONEY they're nothing but fat worthless pigs who hated everyone and decided to fire them to keep their profit of 3dr and use it at Vegas.

You guys are really retarded to say that? 3dr go sued so that they are required to fire their programmers to keep a budget for 3dr not for them selves they used their own money. Not the company's money but their own money.

If you think that you can do an easy comeback to my statement then prove to me that they didn't use their own money but instead used the company's money. Not flat out blasphemy but proof can you do that?
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Old 09-05-2009, 09:02 AM   #101

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by TheZachadoodle View Post
So what, he was showing his friends that he had a wonderful time and Vegas.
I doubt that he has 4k friends.

stating that because they gamble with THEIR OWN MONEY
Only George was gambling. Or at least was telling everyone about this.

You guys are really retarded to say that? 3dr go sued so that they are required to fire their programmers to keep a budget for 3dr not for them selves they used their own money.
Get your facts straight. 3dr got sued because they fired everyone on the development team. Not the other way around.

Not the company's money but their own money.

If you think that you can do an easy comeback to my statement then prove to me that they didn't use their own money but instead used the company's money. Not flat out blasphemy but proof can you do that?
Who said anything about 3dr's money?

Almost everyone were fired and their former boss is telling the world that he's gambling in Vegas less than a month after closure. That's what out of place here.
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Old 09-05-2009, 10:42 PM   #102

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by ReadOnly View Post
Get your facts straight. 3dr got sued because they fired everyone on the development team. Not the other way around.
I didn't know that I thought that because 3dr got sued they were going to go bankrupt and so they had to fire everyone. Damn it I'm a ******* idiot on the web
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Old 09-06-2009, 04:55 AM   #103

Rapture_Rising's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by ReadOnly View Post
Get your facts straight. 3dr got sued because they fired everyone on the development team. Not the other way around.
Wait... I thought it was because of 12 years of imcompetent managment. Now im confused
Here we go folks... The rarest creature in nature... The Duketard. I will now approach him very quitely and... Jam my thumb in his butt hole. That should REALLY piss him off!.
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:27 AM   #104

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by Rapture_Rising View Post
Wait... I thought it was because of 12 years of imcompetent managment. Now im confused
Well, that's the reason they fired everyone.
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:51 AM   #105

Decker's Avatar
Re: Why the hate???
That cryout about GB's trip to Vegas was... something else.

It's very well in his legal and moral right to go wherever the f**k he wants and tweet about it regardless of what happened to the company.

Completely separate issues here, and any sane former employee would see that.
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Old 09-09-2009, 03:28 AM   #106

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Thumbs up Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by Decker View Post
That cryout about GB's trip to Vegas was... something else.

It's very well in his legal and moral right to go wherever the f**k he wants and tweet about it regardless of what happened to the company.

Completely separate issues here, and any sane former employee would see that.
Exactly. He can do whatever he wants.
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Old 09-09-2009, 03:53 AM   #107
Re: Why the hate???
So true, but I think he is out of buissness. What would you do? I would do the same!
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:14 AM   #108
alex d
Re: Why the hate???
People just use any excuse to moan and complain about how terrible it is that they don't have a game they've been waiting for. I guess it makes them feel like they're fighting the good fight or whatever against the vile evil of the people who were making the game and who deliberately buggered everything up and manipulated fans just to spite those waiting for it.

Ofcourse, the people constantly banging on about nonsense like that tend to portray themselves as suffering from the videogame fanboy equivilent of Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to their views on 3DR.
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:07 AM   #109

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Re: Why the hate???
Originally Posted by alex d View Post
People just use any excuse to moan and complain about how terrible it is that they don't have a game they've been waiting for.
I doubt that anyone on this forum needs an excuse to moan about waiting in vain.
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:59 AM   #110
alex d
Re: Why the hate???
Well, it seems they certainly do need any excuse to moan about it, otherwise they wouldn't use any excuse to moan about the exact same pointless and tired diatripe about the situation that they've been spouting for months.

As I said, it's like Stockholm for gamers. They've been held "hostage" for so long that through the hatred for their captors, they just can't leave them alone and obsessively bang on after them. For all the "no one cares" and "3DR and GB are shit and have ruined everything" that gets posted, it's clear the people still posting it care far more than the chilled ones who know it's just a videogame and nothing to get their panties in a twist over, especially not worth slandering people about with assumptions based on half-informed presumptions of non-facts created to fit their conspiricy theory.

If it's hurt anyone that much that they're so hurt, distressed and upset over DNF not being finished that they're still posting their outrage with rediculously underthought accusations months down the line, as people have been, then that's their own fault for putting emotional weight into it. It's just a bloody videogame.
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:20 PM   #111
prophecy holder

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Re: Why the hate???
I know for a fact that if this wasn't GB or didn't even involve 3DR or it's employee then most of you guys will be slandering that person for a while. If a guy from the company Blizzard or Id did this, there would be hell for that person for a very long time. People are not mad about a game, they are mad at a person who got many people fired and while they are searching for jobs in a crappy economy he is gambling in Vegas.

Not a good image of a person.
"Ever since I was a little boy, dressing up has always greatest joy. But when It's time to be discreet, there is one thing you just can't beat and that's a strapless backless classical little black dress"
Last edited by prophecy holder; 09-09-2009 at 01:25 PM.
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