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Old 12-28-2008, 12:50 PM   #601

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Maruno, read my post again.
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Old 12-28-2008, 01:29 PM   #602

Maruno's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by peoplessi View Post
Well, are those so that other people can pick them up too? If so, it will get unbalanced and will revolve on few weapons in the end.
No, I still don't know what you're on about. Your English isn't working. Can you rephrase it? It's your first sentence that doesn't mean anything.

Are you asking whether everyone in the game can pick up a "signature pick-up" item? I thought it was obvious that they can. When a "signature pick-up" is picked up, it immediately turns into whatever signature item the player than picked it up has.

Example: I've chosen the RPG as my signature item. I find a "signature pick-up" in the corner of a room - it looks like an RPG, and when I pick it up, it'll be an RPG. Another player (whose signature item is an Atomic Health) can look at the same "signature pick-up" lying on the ground at the same time, and they'll see an Atomic Health. If they picked it up instead of me, they'd get +50 health.
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:14 PM   #603

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Your "signature" weapons, are they such that other people can pick them up too? I can't see what was so hard in that. Seemingly in your second paraphrase you understood it? Come on.
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Old 12-28-2008, 07:53 PM   #604

Maruno's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Sorry, it just wasn't clicking. It could have been worded better, though.

As I imagine it, no, signature items cannot be dropped. That's why they're signature items - there's no point if just anyone can kill you and steal it.

An alternative is that, if the killed player's signature item (mainly applies to weapons) would be dropped, the game has that the dropped item turns back into a "signature pick-up" instead of staying as what the killed player had it as. But I don't think that's a good idea.

And even if you could steal other players' signature items, how would that break the game? It's not like the only way you could get an RPG in the map is to have it as your signature weapon - there'll be others lying around as well. The role of signature items is to give yourself a slight bonus by allowing you access to a couple more of your preferred item/weapon in each map. It's hardly unbalanced, because the other players can do this too (and since they'll probably want their signature item too, there'll be competition for getting the "signature pick-up"s). And after all that, the weapons will only have a limited amount of ammo, so they certainly couldn't change the course of the entire Dukematch.

But if you're that worried, then let the "signature pick-up" items respawn, but forbid players who have already picked that particular one up from grabbing it again (this means 2 or 3 possible pick-ups per game of your signature item, which is certainly not too much). "Forbid" as in "ban", not as in "now promise you won't try to pick it up again, there's a good boy".
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Old 12-29-2008, 06:56 PM   #605

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
I'm thinking this from another angle, mostly from if it's fastpaced and has weapons that will be instant kill, or near instant kill. Such weapons tip the balance if there is additional supply of them in the map.

The idea makes more sense now that you explained it, sounds like nifty idea, but still if you can choose whatever weapons you want, it will eventually just revolve around few "most wanted" weapons. Making the system essentially meaningless, for the most parts.

The thing is, is it really something that adds to the gameplay value? Or will it feel gimmicky?
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Old 12-30-2008, 12:46 AM   #606

alexgk's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
If it's at least half as fast-paced as DN3D was, then it's fine for me...
Playable demo this year! Confirmed!!
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Old 01-02-2009, 06:53 PM   #607

Alexander's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Happy New Year everyone!

Haven't been here for a while, hope you all are doing fine ... Ok, back to topic...

DNF without MP?
Sorry, I cannot imagine why 3DR would do that.
In todays world, most games have a certain MP aspect. Not because it's fancy, but because it keeps games longer "alive".
Solo games are of cource fun, too. But when you're done with it, the fascination is somehow gone. Sure you will play the game again, but not every day over and over the same story!
Multiplayer never get's boring. In fact look at Half Life.
People still buy the game just for the thrill to frag online for years since it's release.
On long terms you just make more money by implementing Multiplayer like DM, TDM, CTF, and who nows what else George has in mind!?

Thanks to the amazing amount of interactivity, which will hopefully stay in MP modes, you have much more possibilities to keep a game like this more interesting and fun to play.
If looks could kill they probably will,
in games without frontiers,
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Old 01-09-2009, 12:54 PM   #608
Re: DNF Multiplayer
This has probably been suggested before, but I hope that DNF will feature a splitscreen for the console versions. Another thing which would be nice eventhough I know it might be asking a lot is to have some kind of level editing tool, even a random map generator or something like that to create multiplayer levels.
Last edited by Johnnien; 01-09-2009 at 01:01 PM.
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Old 02-07-2009, 03:43 AM   #609

Stormfox's Avatar
Dukematch modes
Not sure if there's another thread about this buzzing around somewhere but if there is it seems to have died out a bit.
So, what do we want to see in Dukematch? Obviously fps games these days have some incredibly fun multiplayer modes with such games as CoD4 and others bringing in ideas of character progression and objective based gameplay (although this has been around for a while). Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a mode in which a huge battle between the EDF and the alien forces takes place over a large island or city filled with important objectives. The EDF has several troop types available and the aliens can choose to be assault troopers, pigcops, etc. and if a player from either side makes an uninterupted string of kills they are upgraded to the Duke/Dr. Proton (or Battlelord) and is given all sorts of cans of whoop ass.
I am certain that dukematch will have advanced greatly from a small number of players who all look like Duke shooting each other up in a pirate ship.
What do others want to see?
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Old 02-07-2009, 05:54 AM   #610

Reaper's Avatar
Re: Dukematch modes
Just regulah dukematch and vehicle combat. I once thought that team deathmatch with objectives and classes might be fun, but I don't feel it is a natural progression from Duke 3D, it seems more like something a team would make their own game out of.

Although I'd like to see a few multiplayer games that are really simple.. like everyone walks into a different room in a bar and they can go up to the slots or play pool or play cards.. You could even fit it in for downtime in a last man standing mode.

Also some wacky and simple gametypes would be cool. I can't think of any examples, but I'm sure it would make sense.

Really, though, all DNF needs is two-three moderately well done gametypes.
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Old 02-07-2009, 06:24 AM   #611

Rider's Avatar
Re: Dukematch modes
What I think DNF needs is a few simple but excellently done game modes. Something like Dukematch, Capture the Babe and maybe an Alien vs Humans thing, as already suggested on these forums.

Stick to a few, and polish them to perfection. The Community will do the rest.
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:27 AM   #612

vincentdante's Avatar
Re: Dukematch modes
I want something that indicates progression of skill like the rank system in cod4

how about the ability to level up guns and gear like in team fortress 2?
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:47 AM   #613

Stormfox's Avatar
Re: Dukematch modes
There needs to be something more than simple duke3d with pretty graphics to keep people playing after the next big fps comes out. Quake 4 chose the 'keep it simple' route and ended up being a game that was only worth buying for the single player (and that was barely worth paying full price for).
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Old 02-07-2009, 07:46 PM   #614
Re: Dukematch modes
Originally Posted by Rider View Post
What I think DNF needs is a few simple but excellently done game modes. Something like Dukematch, Capture the Babe and maybe an Alien vs Humans thing, as already suggested on these forums.

Stick to a few, and polish them to perfection. The Community will do the rest.
This would be pretty hilarious, watching a Duke carry a babe in his arms across the map, amidst RPG and chaingun cannon gunfire. I can see some woman's rights groups raising hellfire, though.
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Old 02-07-2009, 10:48 PM   #615

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Dukematch modes
Originally Posted by Reaper View Post

Also some wacky and simple gametypes would be cool. I can't think of any examples, but I'm sure it would make sense.
What about a mode where only ass kicks do damage..? Humiliating and challenging... Especially when all guys use Steroids to run behind fast you and kick harder as well, haha...
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Old 03-13-2009, 02:28 AM   #616
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Since I enjoyed Greed so much in UT3 recently (apart from a few badly designed maps) I could imagine that a simple but still great mode for DNF.

-Two teams: Red and Blue.
-Played on symetrical maps like CTF or on DM maps with 2 special delivery points.
-Each player drops a 10-dollar-note when he dies.
-The dollar-notes can be picked up by anybody.
-If a player already has collected some dollar-bills he will drop them all when he dies.
-A team can only score if a player with his dollar-notes delivers them to the opponent's base, which in this case would be a stripper.
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Old 03-13-2009, 11:37 AM   #617
Re: DNF Multiplayer
would require one thing - the other stripper accepts dollars and the other euros. otherwise it turns into a teamkilling match.

But in a deathmatch this would be cool - i mean when everyone shoots everyone.
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Old 03-13-2009, 11:56 AM   #618
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Antikorper View Post
would require one thing - the other stripper accepts dollars and the other euros. otherwise it turns into a teamkilling match.

But in a deathmatch this would be cool - i mean when everyone shoots everyone.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to add that teamkilling in UT3 is not possible unless you enable it via a mutator which nobody does anyways.
And by suiciding no dollar-note is dropped.
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Old 03-13-2009, 03:31 PM   #619
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Deathmatch with that dollar-note would be a daaamnn cool idea. A large multiplayer map with a few strip clubs where you would have to rush to use the money. :>
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Old 03-13-2009, 05:23 PM   #620

Parkar's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Antikorper View Post
would require one thing - the other stripper accepts dollars and the other euros. otherwise it turns into a teamkilling match.

But in a deathmatch this would be cool - i mean when everyone shoots everyone.
Problem is you still need to get them into the enemy base (this is the hard part) and if you drop them and the enemy picks them up it could backfire really bad. In other words team killing is just going to increase the size of the pot and give the enemy a slightly higher chance to score while you are respawning.
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Old 03-13-2009, 06:04 PM   #621

fast-1's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
You could always play like a mod. Or is that too much.
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Old 03-14-2009, 12:54 AM   #622

edithegodfather's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
I don't know if it's been posted before but a fortress type mode would be nice, one where a team defends and and another attacks, like assault in ut2004 or control point in team fortress 2; and leaderboards and stats are allways nice .
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Old 03-14-2009, 06:23 AM   #623

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Parkar View Post
Problem is you still need to get them into the enemy base (this is the hard part) and if you drop them and the enemy picks them up it could backfire really bad. In other words team killing is just going to increase the size of the pot and give the enemy a slightly higher chance to score while you are respawning.
I think, instead of each team having a base with a stripper, they only have a spawn point each, but share the SAME stripper to give the money to... This way it won't backfire if half of the team dies at the enemies base, since both teams have equal chances of delivering the money where it should go, and it only depends on who gets the better kills here and there... Would also make the map itself much more realistic with a single stripclub instead of two...
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Old 03-14-2009, 06:42 AM   #624

Parkar's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Micki! View Post
I think, instead of each team having a base with a stripper, they only have a spawn point each, but share the SAME stripper to give the money to... This way it won't backfire if half of the team dies at the enemies base, since both teams have equal chances of delivering the money where it should go, and it only depends on who gets the better kills here and there... Would also make the map itself much more realistic with a single stripclub instead of two...
Ehh, it would be even worse in that case since the enemy will have a really easy time to score the cash you drop. If you die in the enemy base they still have to get the cash all the way back to your base to score. It would also just make it a spam fest near the stripper/score point and the rest of the map won't be used at all. Everyone would just run stright there.
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Old 03-14-2009, 07:09 AM   #625

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Parkar View Post
Ehh, it would be even worse in that case since the enemy will have a really easy time to score the cash you drop. If you die in the enemy base they still have to get the cash all the way back to your base to score. It would also just make it a spam fest near the stripper/score point and the rest of the map won't be used at all. Everyone would just run stright there.
Well it would end up probably being the main combat zone, but weapons still lie around elsewhere on the map, and that would be around the middle point, so at some point you'd meet up with the enemy when collecting weapons... And apart from that, he'd still have to confront an enemy first, and walk all the way to over where he died before they can take the money he drops...

I see though, that at some point, when weaopns have been collected by both teams, they'd probably just go to the middle and start a killing frenzy from there...

Else it could just stay as the "go to opponents base to deliver money" which would basicly be like the "sabotage" mode in COD4, except here, all players can deliver the money anytime and not just one lucky player at a time...

It just seems too chaotic to run back and forth to two delivery points, it's like a reversed Capture the flag, with a flag dropping out of dead players, and you have to go to their base instead your own...

I dunno, it has to be played i think, to make out how well this idea really works... I like the idea of collecting money from dead bodies and delivering them to a strip club though, it sounds very cool to me...
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Old 03-14-2009, 07:37 AM   #626

Parkar's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Micki! View Post
Well it would end up probably being the main combat zone, but weapons still lie around elsewhere on the map, and that would be around the middle point, so at some point you'd meet up with the enemy when collecting weapons... And apart from that, he'd still have to confront an enemy first, and walk all the way to over where he died before they can take the money he drops...

I see though, that at some point, when weaopns have been collected by both teams, they'd probably just go to the middle and start a killing frenzy from there...

Else it could just stay as the "go to opponents base to deliver money" which would basicly be like the "sabotage" mode in COD4, except here, all players can deliver the money anytime and not just one lucky player at a time...

It just seems too chaotic to run back and forth to two delivery points, it's like a reversed Capture the flag, with a flag dropping out of dead players, and you have to go to their base instead your own...

I dunno, it has to be played i think, to make out how well this idea really works... I like the idea of collecting money from dead bodies and delivering them to a strip club though, it sounds very cool to me...
As was mentioned earlier in this thread the idea is exactly like Greed in UT3/UT2004. It's not exaclty a new concept and I bet there are tons of mods to diferent games with very similar rules.

It all turns into a big fight about the "pot" which is consitently increasing as long as it's not scored. On top of it you may sometimes manage to sneak some points a way from the big battle(s) and sneak them to the enemy base while the rest are fighting for the big pot. It's trully an insane gametype where most of the time you are consistently being killed but actually managing to bring a big score to the enemy is very rewarding. The tide can turn extremly quickly sometimes and sometimes it's a very long struggle where the pot is just moving slowly forth and back until one team manges to push it all the way. It is also very diferent from map to map.

Also there is no running forth and back at all in greed. You spawn, very quickly get some guns and head to the enemy base and usualy die on the way but even when you mange to score you are just teleported back to your own base. Even if you didn't you would probably just get killed right after. It's alsmot like ctf where you are constantly on a flag run. All the points are just picked up on the way to the enemy base.
Last edited by Parkar; 03-14-2009 at 07:42 AM.
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Old 03-14-2009, 07:56 AM   #627

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Sounds interesting, i have never played greed before...

However, doesn't this lead to easy spawn kills ..?
i mean what if one team got fully armed with big guns and everything, while the spawning players just start with thier default pistol/or whatever, and each time they're go out for battle, a fully armed team could be waiting for them and kill one after one, and quickly retrieve the drops to their base, since it's jsut around the corner (-it is near thier spawn i guess, since it's thier base)

But i guess since it works in UT3/UT2004, they must have done something to prevent that from happening...
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Old 03-14-2009, 09:50 AM   #628
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Micki! View Post
Sounds interesting, i have never played greed before...

However, doesn't this lead to easy spawn kills ..?
i mean what if one team got fully armed with big guns and everything, while the spawning players just start with thier default pistol/or whatever, and each time they're go out for battle, a fully armed team could be waiting for them and kill one after one, and quickly retrieve the drops to their base, since it's jsut around the corner (-it is near thier spawn i guess, since it's thier base)

But i guess since it works in UT3/UT2004, they must have done something to prevent that from happening...
It works even better in UT3 (which is totally and completely free on Steam this weekend). After you scored you are teleported back to your own base.

Trust me, I can come up with a solution how to explain that teleporting with strippers.

I am a professional programmer. So if DNF is fun and easily moddable as the UT franchise for example is, expect this gametype to be made by me.
Last edited by fuegerstef; 03-14-2009 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 03-14-2009, 12:02 PM   #629

Parkar's Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by Micki! View Post
Sounds interesting, i have never played greed before...

However, doesn't this lead to easy spawn kills ..?
i mean what if one team got fully armed with big guns and everything, while the spawning players just start with thier default pistol/or whatever, and each time they're go out for battle, a fully armed team could be waiting for them and kill one after one, and quickly retrieve the drops to their base, since it's jsut around the corner (-it is near thier spawn i guess, since it's thier base)

But i guess since it works in UT3/UT2004, they must have done something to prevent that from happening...
Actually yes to some degree especially with the Titan mutator on. But as fuegerstef mentioned you respawn back at your home base if you score and you would have to manage to push on all the way into the enemys base first in which case you do deserve the points you will get from managing to dominate their flag room. It's very hard to keep control though and the only times I have seen it happen is with multiple titans in the enemy base and they will die sooner or later.
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Old 03-14-2009, 12:29 PM   #630

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: DNF Multiplayer
Originally Posted by fuegerstef View Post
It works even better in UT3 (which is totally and completely free on Steam this weekend). After you scored you are teleported back to your own base.

Trust me, I can come up with a solution how to explain that teleporting with strippers.

I am a professional programmer. So if DNF is fun and easily moddable as the UT franchise for example is, expect this gametype to be made by me.
Originally Posted by Parkar View Post
Actually yes to some degree especially with the Titan mutator on. But as fuegerstef mentioned you respawn back at your home base if you score and you would have to manage to push on all the way into the enemys base first in which case you do deserve the points you will get from managing to dominate their flag room. It's very hard to keep control though and the only times I have seen it happen is with multiple titans in the enemy base and they will die sooner or later.
Well, it does sound pretty solid then, i'd love to see this with a Stripper and money version for DNF, would fit imo...

I do have UT3, but i guess Greed was added with one of the patches that have been released over time ..? I haven't played it for a long time...

I can't see this ship with the game, but i can see modders create a game mode like this... That shouldn't be too hard i guess, it's just a new map, and re-creating an existing gamemode, the rules and all already exist, so it's just about balancing the mode with the way DNF's general gameplay works like, and other minor stuff...
I Hope modders would make this mode, because it sounds cool, especially if you add that feel of Duke'ness to it... It shouldn't be TOO much like UT...
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