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Old 11-19-2008, 06:03 PM   #41
Echo Black

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Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Mr Bear View Post
Long story short: No game can live up to a hype-machine lasting more than a decade.
Excuse me? We haven't seen hype through all of DNF's development cycle. I'm sure some hardcore fans have kept themselves hyped for it during all these years, though. When they start hyping DNF again properly, the brunt of their new customer base will be hyped for it from that time onward.
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Old 11-24-2008, 01:07 PM   #42

killallthattry's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
I know its hard for 3drealms to give some new vid or picture for the DN fans, and public. But it would be great if they did really soon. (Im not saying they should, just saying it would be great).
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Old 11-24-2008, 03:43 PM   #43
Mr Bear

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Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Echo Black View Post
Excuse me? We haven't seen hype through all of DNF's development cycle. I'm sure some hardcore fans have kept themselves hyped for it during all these years, though. When they start hyping DNF again properly, the brunt of their new customer base will be hyped for it from that time onward.

Yeah, I pretty much meant only everyone who has been at least semi-familiar with the game's development. But even a lot of "their new customer base" will most likely be bound to learn of the 12+ years the game took and they'll automatically think less of the it- "It took 1X years to make this?!?!?" And they'll probably only hear about the length of the cycle starting when it was announced in April 1997....they'll have no clue about the restarts, re-writing of the engine and such.

But amongst the people who are at all aware of DNF, just the fact that the game exists means hype.....especially after the 1998 release year promise was broken. Ditto 1999, 2000, 2001, etc....

Of course 3DR didn't anticipate it taking this long, but with the continuous confirmation of the game being in development, the hype will only continue to build, whether they actually do the hyping or not.
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:44 AM   #44

Kovacs's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
We know it's late. They know it's late. Everyone knows it's late.

On the one hand, it can never live up to over a decade of hype.

On the other, people would really like more info, snippets... hype.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

3DR's stance is "When It's Done."

This is clear and unambiguous. For a reason.

And anyone who needs an emoticon to detect the presence of sarcasm really needs to get offline and meet more people.
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Old 11-28-2008, 10:48 AM   #45

bhalbrook's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Does it occur to anyone else that next month will be a year since the "new" teaser was released?

The deluge of little news items and hype that followed showed that we were all still waiting and interested...and hopeful, but it's all died down now and its been another year...

I don't know. I thought Duke 3D was the most fun game I ever played or ever have since. I didn't want to give up, but I am starting to laugh and make fun of myself.
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Old 11-28-2008, 02:51 PM   #46

zwieback's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Kovacs View Post
We know it's late. They know it's late. Everyone knows it's late.

On the one hand, it can never live up to over a decade of hype.

On the other, people would really like more info, snippets... hype.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

3DR's stance is "When It's Done."

This is clear and unambiguous. For a reason.

And anyone who needs an emoticon to detect the presence of sarcasm really needs to get offline and meet more people.

and what if it DOES live up the hype?
They Live - "Brother, life's a b*tch, and she's back in heat!" <- put that in forever.. please :)
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Old 11-28-2008, 10:50 PM   #47

StrikerMan780's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Kovacs View Post
And anyone who needs an emoticon to detect the presence of sarcasm really needs to get offline and meet more people.
Excuse me? Do you realize how difficult it can be at times to detect Sarcasm in TEXT?! You don't have the indicators of sarcasm in text, that are in say.... SPEECH. You don't hear tone of voice, nor speed of speech, nor any laughs.... nothing.

Emoticons are useful as a visual cue to replace the audible aspect of sarcasm.
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Old 11-28-2008, 10:58 PM   #48
d3ad connection

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Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Kovacs View Post
And anyone who needs an emoticon to detect the presence of sarcasm really needs to get offline and meet more people.
Now I can't even tell if that is sarcasm.
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Old 11-29-2008, 05:32 PM   #49

LiquiD's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
The game was doomed from the beginning. If only they called it Duke Nukem Tomorrow... Things may have been different. :O

All jokes aside. I know believing in this game can sometimes feel like believing in leprechauns, dragons, and unicorns, but sometimes you gotta believe in something.

I personally believe in Eskimos...

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Old 11-29-2008, 06:58 PM   #50
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
According to GB, development has been "on track" since they restarted in "late 2002/early 2003".. Obviously 3DR have learned from their mistakes and DNF will be still "on track" in 2009.
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Old 11-29-2008, 07:19 PM   #51
oak man

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Hhg Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
...Texas where the cocane and prostitutes are cheap ...
This is true!
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Old 11-30-2008, 03:03 PM   #52
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought
Originally Posted by Kovacs View Post
We know it's late. They know it's late. Everyone knows it's late.
The word "late" doesn't seem to be the appropriate word anymore. It's gone way beyond late.
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Old 12-01-2008, 02:02 PM   #53

Stuarrdo's Avatar
Re: A (small) concern of mine- and some food for thought a way - can't believe that the 2001 trailer is now almost 8 years ago...

and in april i will be the first time in America, New York - to be a part of the german-delegation for the Model Nation United Nations at the UN-headquarters, with 3000 other students...

and during my studies still waiting for good old duke...

crazy world

sorry for my bad english i came from a far far galaxy...
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