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Old 03-22-2007, 05:15 PM   #41

Lethe's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Yeah, it seems you're right... Thanks for information
all I know is that scientists have proven that the Universe was
specifically designed to make trouble
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:09 PM   #42

DiamondDave's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
I just wish there was some hint of a release date or a percentage of completion...
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:15 PM   #43
Little Conqueror

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by Lethe View Post
Sorry if the interview was already posted. Mods please delete it then. Actually, I don't think that they ever directly addmited that they screwed up with development like you're saying...
I don't think they used the term "screwed up" before.
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:25 PM   #44
Kristian Joensen

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
See the bolded part in George's answer in the quote I provided here.
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:27 PM   #45
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Maybe 3DRealms can buy back the Max Payne IP after they sell tens of millions of DNF copies.
Old 03-22-2007, 07:35 PM   #46
Re: Scott Miller Interview
What I was saying is they have more projects then DNF. I don't know this as fact but don't they make cell phone games and stuff. And didn't apogee branch off awhile back and open a office in Cali. I have been under the impression that they do more then just work on DNF with other projects outside of the Garland office. If I'm wrong that's cool, no big deal.
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:47 PM   #47
Little Conqueror

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Bah, I spent like an hour slacking off minutes before posting that, KJ. I forgot to hit post, and then you put that up. You and your encyclopedic database of quotes. :P
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:10 PM   #48

alexgk's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Playable demo this year! Confirmed!!
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:59 AM   #49

Kalki's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Scott Miller previously went on record to say "we suck, pretty much", when talking about the game's delay in a Next-gen podcast interview. He attributed it to being over-ambitious, etc.
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:17 AM   #50
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
What's all this crap about? "We suck, we screwed up, we set the bar too high". What the hell is going on? I think they know everyone is holding their breaths so it is a strategy to get us to release that breath and then they have the chance to wind us with some screen shots and a trailer. Cant fool me man, I am stocked UP! I'm ready for ARMAGEDDON!

Scott is no idiot!

I like how he started in Australia. Hey Scott do ever come here anymore?
Last edited by DragonflyWolfTen; 03-23-2007 at 02:34 AM.
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Old 03-23-2007, 03:27 AM   #51
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
I think many people here also have put the bar too high. No doubt will DNF be a fun game, but the interactivity fest some people expect will probably become disappointment.

It just seems like an exponential growth in work for every item you want to make totally interactive. Creating a pokermachine will take a lot of time, while 3DR also has to create the level content, enemies and such.

Now I tend to be skeptical so don't kick me in the nuts for losing a little faith in the awesomeness that is DNF. Now I've connected my PC to my HDTV I'm more likely to buy it.
Chances are I lost my point in this post after about two lines.
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Old 03-23-2007, 04:44 AM   #52

DI-MeisterM's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Sorry, but who actual still believes in what Scott Miller says? He said one time that he really doesn't like Steam and a few months later they released Prey on Steam...
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Old 03-23-2007, 04:59 AM   #53
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
I don't like the toilets in this building buy I still use them.


No that didn't make sense whatsoever.
Chances are I lost my point in this post after about two lines.
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Old 03-23-2007, 05:20 AM   #54

WestSeven's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Hey this may be selective memory but it seems like every year or two they make some announcement about how badly they've screwed up in that past (yay for honesty) and say that they are now on track and have been for the past x months.

Then it all happens again. Man it must be REALLY depressing to be part of the development team constantly seeing your work going nowhere.
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Old 03-23-2007, 05:32 AM   #55
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
They've been on track since 2003.
Chances are I lost my point in this post after about two lines.
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Old 03-23-2007, 06:19 AM   #56

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by IHerman View Post
They've been on track since 2003.
I was referring to this quote....

"In the last 18 months we've taken a much more realistic look at the project, we've hired a truckload of experienced help, and I personally believe we are now on the right track&finally."

which sort of implies they only got on track 18 months ago - late 2005. But yeah, I agree I'm putting my own interpretation on that.

That's how I read it anyway...
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Old 03-23-2007, 06:21 AM   #57
Kristian Joensen

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Re: Scott Miller Interview
They have their 3rd party games. But they certainly haven't got any offices in California. There are several other companies named "Apogee" though.
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Old 03-23-2007, 06:33 AM   #58
Re: Scott Miller Interview
fair enough.
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Old 03-23-2007, 06:39 AM   #59
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
I think what it means is for the last 18 months they have been targeting the "Gold master" so they can publish this thing. Which means they have left the idea of completely pissing on all other games and went with idea that this game needs to get done. So for 18 months they have been pulling it all together.
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Old 03-23-2007, 07:31 AM   #60
flying scotsman
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
What happend to the world?Everything sucks preety bad,games,cars,music,food,Me,my country.
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:54 AM   #61

Sang's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Well hey, they screwed up a long time ago and now they'll have to live with it and they'll just have to make it live up to their unrealistic expectations. Can't expect people to appreciate developers releasing a game after 10 years with none of the OMG AWESOME features they had promised, just because "we made some mistakes now and then and we figured our expectations were a bit high" - f**k that. You said it, make it happen
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:56 AM   #62
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
ok so maybe they did put expectations to high but still dont let all the work go to waste
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:20 AM   #63
Tim. Just Tim.
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Im seeing a lot of dissapointing comments like that coming out of 3DR recently (the past year or 2).

For the first 8 years it was all "this is going to be the best game ever", "this will put all other games to shame", etc etc.

But recently the comments have been more like "we aimed to high", "this wont be the perfect game we wanted it to be", "its not the second coming of jesus, its just a game", "honestly we just want to finish it".

Im sure it will be a wicked game but its dissapointing to hear all this downplay because theyre worried that our expectations are way too high.
I know mine are way high.
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:36 AM   #64

Nihilanth's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by Tim. Just Tim. View Post
Im seeing a lot of dissapointing comments like that coming out of 3DR recently (the past year or 2).

For the first 8 years it was all "this is going to be the best game ever", "this will put all other games to shame", etc etc.

But recently the comments have been more like "we aimed to high", "this wont be the perfect game we wanted it to be", "its not the second coming of jesus, its just a game", "honestly we just want to finish it".

Im sure it will be a wicked game but its dissapointing to hear all this downplay because theyre worried that our expectations are way too high.
I know mine are way high.
It only means that they've given up doing something that cannot by done and they've picked a more realistic approach which may actually lead to getting the game ready, unlike their first attempts.
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:49 AM   #65
crunchy superman

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Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
How is any of this news?

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Old 03-23-2007, 11:39 AM   #66

SyntaxN's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Working 10+ years to release a mediocre game...great
Iīm kidding, but seriously what were all those "development attempts" for when the final thing doesnīt really stand out. (just a thought, of course we donīt know how great itīs going to be)
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Old 03-23-2007, 11:50 AM   #67

Lethe's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by SyntaxN View Post
Working 10+ years to release a mediocre game...great
Iīm kidding, but seriously what were all those "development attempts" for when the final thing doesnīt really stand out. (just a thought, of course we donīt know how great itīs going to be)
I agree with that. They really have no excuse to make game inferior to lets say, Half Life 2.
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:02 PM   #68

TonyPessimist's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
I have one question...

YouGamers ask:
"YouGamers: We know you’ve heard them all but what’s been your favourite Duke Nukem Forever joke you’ve seen?"

Sccott answer:
"Scott: It’s hard to resist the cold, cruel, but true: Duke Nukem Taking Forever. My two sons, in particular, love to slam me with this one."

Humm, now de question.
Did Scott shows the game to his two sons? Did he shows some new image, trailer...anything? Ok, it's more than one question, and maybe the question apply to everyone who its working on DNF...They can leave the office with a image of the game to show to a friend or to a girlfriend, mom, anyone later...on dinner time? I bet they always get this type of question "Hey, can i see a image of Duke Nukem Forever? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:06 PM   #69

dan2091's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
The game will be ok, they say the just want to finish the game but polishing as it should be, that's why they haven't set a deadline and never do, because they take the time they want for a good game, it isn't that they are giving up things, I got faith the game will be done correctly, and everyone should.
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:10 PM   #70
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
"they have really no excuse..."
Yes they have! 10-12 years (it is not out yet) development time doesn't mean that the game should be great. It only complicates things and it is an even bigger challenge to deliver a game up to the standards and their own expectations.
But giving it another year or two and hiring a lot of experince people to help getting it all together gives at least me some hope that they will succeed.

As quoted .. It seems that the last 18 months have been constructive and they finally are doing some progress as regards making a GAME.
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:34 PM   #71
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
i see nothing wrong with the bar set really high, its better to wait 10 yrs for a really really good game then to wait 3 yrs for an average generic game.
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:37 PM   #72

avatar_58's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by Destroyer View Post
i see nothing wrong with the bar set really high, its better to wait 10 yrs for a really really good game then to wait 3 yrs for an average generic game.
It might mean the difference between release or cancelled.
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:46 PM   #73

Thewho's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
It'll be a great game sure, just not the earth-shatteringly awesome game some were saying it would be. It's good to see that 3DRealms finally admitting they badly screwed up though.
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:05 PM   #74

avatar_58's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Kind of like Stalker. It will be a good, fun game....but not the long awaited behemoth people hoped for. Thats fine by me, because I don't expect DNF to come within 200 feet of what the hype fans suggest.
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Old 03-24-2007, 01:59 AM   #75

Nihilanth's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Admits They've Screwed Up DNF
Originally Posted by avatar_58 View Post
Kind of like Stalker. It will be a good, fun game....but not the long awaited behemoth people hoped for. (...)
It's just a drawback of lenghty wait-time. In fact, there's no such thing that you would call the long awaited behemoth in reality. It's just a purely speculation-based vision of upcoming game in heads of fans which cannot be fulfilled no matter what. It comes from unrealistic expectations. Stalker is a good example. It features every long-awaited feature promised by GSC. Yet people say that it's fun but not a beast. This is because what GSC did not fulfill are those unrealistic expectations that have nothing to do with what was promised. DNF will be the exact same thing. Some people will love it, because it'll be (hopefully) fun to play, others will moan that it's not what they expected. And since comments like "this game is not what I expected it to be" mostly come from unrealistic expectations, there's nothing to worry about - people saying something like that about long-awaited games are expecting impossible.
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:45 AM   #76
Dead Meat
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Expectations or not, 3DR is making the best game they possibly can. I honestly hope they achieve what they set out to do. I've waited a long time for this game and I would gladly wait more as long as the game is better when it ships. I don't think that 3DR has given up on DNF. I truly believe that the game will deliver big time.

My advice to 3DR: don't give up! Finish the dream game you always wanted! Don't let us down!
Old 03-24-2007, 03:10 AM   #77

Destructor's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
I don't see why people seem to have to wait for Duke Forever. What I mean is you don't have to deliberately set out to wait for it in order to get it. When it comes out you can get it, whether you wait for it to come out or not. Maybe some people mean that they won't buy anymore games until Duke Forever comes out therefore making it more special in a way. As in, they deliberately build up a hugh sense of anticipation around it, like it is the Second Coming of Jesus. But then sometimes they get impatient and go from one extreme to the other, saying, in effect, "**** it, I can't wait any longer. I'm not going to get it, it'll probably suck anyway". And then they blame 3D Realms for their frustration, when they actually brought it on their own.

I say, only start building up substantial anticipation when you have a definite release date. And this is what 3D Realms really screwed up in the past: release dates. But now they're being extremely careful about such things. When was the last time they announced a release date? Of course, if you don't play games much anymore, or you are the patience master, then maybe you can start building up huge anticipation now. But unless those apply, you are well advised to keep your "hyperdrive" to a dull roar for now.
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Last edited by Destructor; 03-24-2007 at 03:14 AM.
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:28 PM   #78
Re: Scott Miller Interview
I said the same shit in 2001. Took them 6 years to figure it out?
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:44 PM   #79

Jiminator's Avatar
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by Dead Meat View Post
Expectations or not, 3DR is making the best game they possibly can.
no, they are making a game. the "best game" doesn't exist, just like the "best computer" doesn't exist. those things are always going to be moving targets because the technology and expectations continue to change, and todays best game will be obsolete tomorrow. I just hope they put out something soon, get past it, and can move on to the next game free of the burdens and industry jokes....
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:36 AM   #80
Dead Meat
Re: Scott Miller Interview
Originally Posted by Destructor View Post
I don't see why people seem to have to wait for Duke Forever. What I mean is you don't have to deliberately set out to wait for it in order to get it.
By saying that, I don't mean that I wait for the game all day long. I'm just saying that I'm looking forward to it. Don't take my words so literally.

Originally Posted by jiminathare View Post
no, they are making a game. the "best game" doesn't exist, just like the "best computer" doesn't exist. those things are always going to be moving targets because the technology and expectations continue to change, and todays best game will be obsolete tomorrow. I just hope they put out something soon, get past it, and can move on to the next game free of the burdens and industry jokes....
I believe these were 3DR's words: "We're making the best game we possibly can."

Correct me if I'm wrong.


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