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Old 03-25-2009, 02:53 AM   #41

ZuljinRaynor's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by Telee View Post
Heh, that explains DNKROZ
Hehe, just figured that out too.
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:22 AM   #42
The Cool One

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by Telee View Post
Heh, that explains DNKROZ

don't do that
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Old 03-25-2009, 09:01 AM   #43
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
This is such a huge relief. My old computers were trashed in a flood not too long ago, and I lost the ability to play the 7 Kroz games I had installed. Now I don't have to blow money on eBay again.

Thanks for the release!
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Old 03-26-2009, 03:56 AM   #44
The Cool One

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
well time to start making a C port of Kroz i suppose. Anyone wanna help?
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Old 03-26-2009, 05:55 AM   #45

Frenkel's Avatar
Cool Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Woo-hoo! My name is in an official Apogee release . My next goal in life is getting my name to appear in the high score list of an Apogee / 3D Realms game when you start up a game for the first time .

I knew Joe was going to release Kroz as freeware; I've talked to him and helped him a bit with it. But releasing all the other discontinued games, except for Balls of Steel, also as freeware was a big surprise for me.

I've tried to compile the source code of Word Whiz in Turbo Pascal 7 and I only had to change the path to the file WW1.Q&A to make it work. The source code is of Word Whiz episode 1 version 1, while the freeware release features version 3.0 of all four episodes. Now that I have the source code of Word Whiz, I found out how to cheat in this game. Press the ~-key (Shift + `) to answer every question right. This also works in Trek Trivia.

Version 1 of Word Whiz is featured in the Super Game Pak. (DOSGuy might like to put this version on his website .)
º SUPER GAME PAK º                                                  Only $10

This is a new disk that's been put together to introduce you to Apogee's game
line. All games are fully playable, there's no "demos" or "crippled" versions.

The games are:   þ Shrine of Kroz -- Same as Return to Kroz
                 þ Raiders of the Lost Mine -- Avoid the Skull while you dig
                           for gold nuggets
                 þ Word Whiz -- Volume I of the new word challenge series
                 þ Rogue Runner -- Kinda' like Pac Man, but a lot different!
                 þ Trek Trivia -- Volume I for Star Trek fans
                 þ Asteroid Rescue -- Fly through asteroids as you save
                           astronauts from being crushed
                 þ Block Five -- Play computer in ancient strategy game

Even if you have one of two of these games already, it is still worth the
low "trial" price to get the other games.  Also, knock five dollars off the
Super Game Pak price if you order $30 or more of any other Apogee games.
Groeten van Frenkel
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Last edited by Frenkel; 03-27-2009 at 02:45 AM.
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Old 03-26-2009, 06:27 PM   #46
The Cool One

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
are we gonna have an ekroz32 now with a Kroz HRP?
It's time to kick ass and compile KDE
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Old 03-27-2009, 11:25 PM   #47

Rellik66's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Yah, Kroz should have full unicode support!
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Old 03-29-2009, 09:02 PM   #48

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
What would be the point really?
I made the first post on the VB!
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Old 05-18-2009, 01:05 PM   #49

DOSGuy's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
It seemed like someone should do something with some of this source code, so I'm developing a DOS trivia game based on Word Whiz. You can contribute to its development in this thread.
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Old 05-18-2009, 02:19 PM   #50

Frenkel's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!

There is a quiz topic somewhere in this forum that could be used as a basis for your trivia game. I didn't participate in that topic, because it ended before I joined this forum. Joe said he was going to resurrect it, but that never happened. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? And could someone provide me a link to it?
Groeten van Frenkel
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Old 05-18-2009, 04:31 PM   #51

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
I don't need any help with the programming, by the way. I'm a Pascal programmer, so I'm perfectly at home in this source code. I've already gotten the game up and running, and I'm working on a really cool title screen to replace the Word Whiz title screen. I'm gradually replacing the vocabulary trivia with DOS trivia, which is where I need help. I could probably come up with 100 questions by myself, but I think it will be more interesting if more people contribute.
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:47 PM   #52
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by DOSGuy View Post
I don't need any help with the programming, by the way. I'm a Pascal programmer, so I'm perfectly at home in this source code. I've already gotten the game up and running, and I'm working on a really cool title screen to replace the Word Whiz title screen. I'm gradually replacing the vocabulary trivia with DOS trivia, which is where I need help. I could probably come up with 100 questions by myself, but I think it will be more interesting if more people contribute.
This stuff is really cool , except for the source code being in Pascal, way before my time...
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Old 05-29-2009, 11:11 AM   #53
Blast Vortex

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Sweet! I didn't know until recently that 3DR had released these bad boys as freeware. Adventure, ahoy! Although I am a little surprised by the disclusion of Paganitzu (must not've had the original creator's permission?), this is more than enough to satiate the appetite when I have the time. Besides, it'll probably get there sooner or later. Thanks, dudes!
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:29 PM   #54

Litude's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Paganitzu is still being sold.
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Old 05-29-2009, 08:07 PM   #55
Blast Vortex

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by Litude View Post
Paganitzu is still being sold.
Ah. I only knew that it wasn't made by Miller, Replogle, or Broussard like the other games were and banked on it, though I suppose the fact that it wasn't done by one of the "in-house" guys might be one reason it's still up there (since it is pre-1992). It's a pity that Trilobyte went the way of the dodo ages ago or it might be a different story (thanks a bunch, Learning Company).
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Old 05-30-2009, 09:56 AM   #56

DOSGuy's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Paganitzu wasn't made by the Trilobyte that made The 7th Guest. Keith Schuler chose the name Trilobyte to use as his publishing label without knowing that a company named Trilobyte already existed. According to Keith Schuler:

Originally Posted by Keith Schuler
First a correction on the "Trilobyte" name. It's best if we ignore that. It was a time when the details of legal name usage and proper copyrighting were completely ignored by young and stupid garage developers like me. A real developer already had claim to that name; they were the guys who made The 7th Guest. There was no Chagunitzu or Paganitzu team at that time, it was just me, and inclusion of the name "Trilobyte" was no different than me saying "Wouldn't it be cool if I called myself 'The Death Scorpions?'"

---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

Incidentally, all of the download links on 3DR's site are wrong. The shareware and freeware folders are now in a folder called pub, so becomes Click any of the links on 3DR's site and you'll get an error like: "550 /freeware/ No such file or directory".
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Old 05-30-2009, 11:45 PM   #57

Kennerado's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!

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Old 05-31-2009, 04:47 AM   #58
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by DOSGuy View Post
The 7th Guest
Oh, man. I loved that game so much! In fact, I think I'll go play it right now!

By the way, I always thought the sequel (11th Hour) was underrated. Has anyone else played that? Proof that higher production values don't make a better game.
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Old 06-02-2009, 11:17 AM   #59
Blast Vortex

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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by DOSGuy View Post
Paganitzu wasn't made by the Trilobyte that made The 7th Guest. Keith Schuler chose the name Trilobyte to use as his publishing label without knowing that a company named Trilobyte already existed.
Haha. That's a pretty big blunder to make. It also makes it a bit harder to keep track of actual companies since to this day there have actually been a total of three entities using that name (the current one being a IT company or something, although in respect to the guys that made The 7th Guest they have some related game downloads on their site, IIRC). Thanks for the info, dude.
Last edited by Blast Vortex; 06-02-2009 at 11:20 AM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 02:05 AM   #60

Frenkel's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
It's not like there's only one company named Apogee .
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Old 06-03-2009, 02:54 PM   #61
Joe Siegler
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Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Originally Posted by Frenkel View Post
I never updated that with Apogee LLC.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:23 PM   #62

WoodenSword's Avatar
Re: Several old Games released as freeware!
Furthermore, we are a privately held company. There is no "stock" you can buy in the company. Don't bother getting excited when you see "Apogee" on a stock ticker - it isn't us.
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