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Old 08-06-2007, 10:37 AM   #1
Vista Sound Fix
Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Max Payne © 3d realms/remedy
Vista © Microsoft
Sound Fix by Darkje ™

So you installed Max Payne on Vista and thought you had it working only to hear
there are lots of sounds missing? Well, this happened to me too. I started
looking what caused some sounds to be played and other ones to not be played.
Unpacked the game and soon discovered that vista did not play sounds that where
in a certain format. Then I tried to convert the intro sound to another format
and after a few attempts found a working one! After that I started looking for
other sounds to convert and ended up doing a batch conversion of them all.
I ended up getting Max's sound fully working in Vista.

Here’s what I did:
  1. Install Max Payne full install to "C:\Games\Max Payne", it’s important not
    to install in vista's program files because of UAC you would have to run an
    elevated command prompt complicating things unnecessary further on)
  2. Install 1.05 patch
  3. Install Max-FX-Tools to "C:\Games\MAX-FX Tools"
  4. Open a command prompt and change directory (cd) to
    "C:\Games\MAX-FX Tools\RasMaker"
  5. In the command promt type : Rasmaker -x "C:\Games\Max Payne\x_data.ras"
    "C:\Games\Max Payne" to unpack the data file.

  6. Press”cursor up” and change the line to: rasmaker -x
    "C:\Games\Max Payne\x_english.ras" "C:\Games\Max Payne"

  7. Repeat this for the files x_level1, x_level2, x_level3 and x_music .ras.

  8. Create a folder named "Moved" in your Max Payne game dir, and move all the
    .ras files there, if you are tight for space, you can delete the .ras files,
    they are no longer needed now.

  9. Open Goldwave trail 5.20 (
  10. Use file/batch processing... add folder "C:\Games\Max Payne\data\", type
    filter "*.wav" and "include all subfolders"

continued in next post...
Last edited by Joe Siegler; 01-25-2008 at 01:57 PM.
DarkjeThe2nd is offline  
Old 08-06-2007, 10:37 AM   #2
continued from previous post...
  • 11) At the convert tab set save as type to "wave (*.wav)" and attributes to "PCM
    unsigned 8bit, stereo"

  • 12) At the folder tab set "Store all files in their original folders" and
    "Overwrite existing files"

  • 13) Begin the conversion, it will process 1360 files, after it is done you can
    exit goldwave and Max should work in vista complete with all sounds even in the
    cut scenes etc. test it by starting a new game and watching the intro movie
    with the heli and cops and max at the top of the roof, enjoying the sound where
    it was silent before...

Please post back your results and vote this post for sticky if it helped you.

Goodluck, Darkje

Ok, here is the batch file, copy and paste from code below to an empty text file, save that and rename it MaxBatch.bat

- place the batch file in your maxpayne dir
- download and unpack sox from (# Win32 Binary (Win95/98/NT/XP): ) and place sox.exe in your maxpayne dir
- place rasmaker.exe and rl.dll in your max payne dir
- run it by clicking the batch file, if you run it again it restores the game.
you will notice sox complaining alot about eof, but the resulting files are fine.

Have fun, Darkje

@echo off
rem --- v0.2 28-Aug-07 ---
echo *** MaxPayne vista sound conversion script by Darkje ***
echo Welcome!
rem --- directory setup ---
rem --- default . requires all files in the game dir ---
rem --- specify paths if you like to use the files from an other dir. ---
set rasdir=.
set gamedir=.
set soxdir=.

rem --- restore if backup data deteced ---
if exist "%gamedir%\moved" goto rasrestore

rem --- check paths ---
if not exist "%rasdir%\rasmaker.exe" goto noras
if not exist "%rasdir%\rl.dll" goto norl
if not exist "%gamedir%" goto nogame
if not exist "%soxdir%\sox.exe" nosox

rem --- show paths found ---
echo RASmaker is found in: %rasdir%
echo Game dir is found at: %gamedir%
echo Sox is found in: %soxdir%

rem --- check if the ras files are there ---
if not exist "%gamedir%\x_data.ras" goto rasmis
if not exist "%gamedir%\x_level1.ras" goto rasmis
if not exist "%gamedir%\x_level2.ras" goto rasmis
if not exist "%gamedir%\x_level3.ras" goto rasmis
if not exist "%gamedir%\x_music.ras" goto rasmis
echo Required ras files found!

rem --- unpack ---
echo Unpacking...
for %%i in (*.ras) do "%rasdir%\rasmaker.exe" -x "%gamedir%\%%i" "%gamedir%"

rem --- convert by calling sox batchfile in a loop ---
echo converting wave files ...
for /r .\data %%i in (*.wav ) do call :convert "%%i"

rem --- create moved dir, and move ras files there ---
echo Moving ras files ...
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved" mkdir "%gamedir%\Moved"
copy "%gamedir%\*ras" "%gamedir%\moved"
echo Cleaning up ...
del "%gamedir%\*.ras"

rem --- all ok ---
echo All done, Game unpacked, Sounds converted. 
echo Run Maxbatch again to restore.  
echo Thanks for using MaxBatch.
goto end

rem --- subroutines ---

rem --- convert with sox ---
%soxdir%\sox -q %1 -u -b "%~d1%~p1outfile.wav"
del %1
ren "%~d1%~p1outfile.wav" %~nx1
goto :EOF

rem --- goto's ---

rem  --- restore game ---
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved\x_data.ras" goto rasmisb
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved\x_level1.ras" goto rasmisb
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved\x_level2.ras" goto rasmisb
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved\x_level3.ras" goto rasmisb
if not exist "%gamedir%\moved\x_music.ras" goto rasmisb
echo Backup files exist, restore original condition?
echo The ras files will be moved back to the 'Max Payne' dir,
echo extracted and modified data will be deleted,
echo restoring the game to its original condition.
echo To cancel press Ctrl+C followed by Y[enter] to quit now!
echo Moving ras files back...
copy "%gamedir%\moved\*.ras" "%gamedir%"
echo Cleaning up ...
rmdir /s /q "%gamedir%\moved"
rmdir /s /q "%gamedir%\data"
echo All done, Game restored. Thanks for using MaxBatch.
goto end

rem --- ras file(s) missing ---
echo Error: A ras file was not found, aborting!
goto end

echo Error: A backup file was not found, cannot restore, aborting!
goto end

rem --- no sox ---
echo Error: Sox.exe not found!
echo place it in your max payne game directory and retry.
goto end

rem --- no rasmaker ---
echo Error: Rasmaker not found!
echo place it in your max payne game directory and retry.
goto end

rem --- no rl.dll ---
echo Error: rl.dll not found!
echo place it in your max payne game directory and retry.
goto end

rem --- no game ---
echo Error: The path you specified as game directory does not exist!
goto end

rem --- end progam ---
rem --- clean up vars ---
set rasdir=
set gamedir=
set rasdir=
rem --- wait for key and exit ---
for the lazy people I have zipped up all files.
download it here:

unzip in your maxpayne game dir and click MaxBatch to run it.
if you run it again it restores the game.
you will notice sox complaining alot about eof, but the resulting files are fine.

Good luck, Darkje
Last edited by Mariamus; 08-31-2007 at 06:52 AM.
DarkjeThe2nd is offline  
Old 08-23-2007, 03:30 PM   #3

Mariamus's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
I stickied the thread because I tried it out, and it works.
I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.” - Queen Victoria
Indeed, America's new slogan is slowly becoming "Land of the free.. unless it offends anyone!" - Hudson
Mariamus is offline  
Old 08-24-2007, 04:06 AM   #4

Bludd's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Are the original files in 16bit? If so, there will be a significant loss of quality by applying this fix.

Just FYI.

"It's only rock 'n' roll but I like it."
What cat detector van? The cat detector van from the Ministry of Housinge.
Bludd is offline  
Old 08-25-2007, 05:03 PM   #5
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
The intro.wav I started testing with in the first place (because that was the first one I noticed missing) was ADPCM 44,100kHz; 4bit stereo, according to goldwave. That's one format that the game engine won't play in vista (wmp and goldwave play it fine). But actually there seem to be lots of different formats used for the game sounds, too many sounds to try em all one-by-one, and so I settled for the first working format I found.

I've finished the game in vista and all sounds seemed okay, I did notice a slight difference to playing in XP but i'm not sure if it is the vista sound drivers/model causing that or actual loss of soundquality because of (maybe?) downsampling on some sounds. You could try converting to a better format at the conversion phase if it bothers you that it's only 8bit, but really it's okay like this I think...

Mariamus: tnx for trying and sticking it up

hope it will be of good use to everyone still playing the game (again!)
DarkjeThe2nd is offline  
Old 08-28-2007, 10:22 AM   #6
Dead Chief
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Is there going to be an automatic fix in the future? I don't see everyone going through all this to fix the sound.
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Old 08-28-2007, 10:25 AM   #7

HP's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
probably not... At least not from Remedy or 3drealms.
Maybe, microsoft... but i doubt it.
Helder "hP" Pinto
HP is offline  
Old 08-28-2007, 11:20 AM   #8
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Dear DarkjeThe2nd, thank you very, very much for the trouble you have taken to put this in a form where even someone like me could use it!
Old 08-28-2007, 04:29 PM   #9
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Originally Posted by Dead Chief View Post
Is there going to be an automatic fix in the future? I don't see everyone going through all this to fix the sound.
I've considered a batch file, infact got it working for the extraction part, but I'm looking for a free commandline batch *.wav conversion tool to be used for the conversion part. I've not yet found a suitable program for this. Also I would have to spread the resulting file(s) and do not like to make you download something script-like from an unknown source like me, not that I plan to spread anything but you never know... if I come up with a solution I think I will publish the script in txt format in the forum and link the required files, like I did w. goldwave.

Originally Posted by Strizz View Post
Dear DarkjeThe2nd, thank you very, very much for the trouble you have taken to put this in a form where even someone like me could use it!
your welcome, thank you too
DarkjeThe2nd is offline  
Old 08-29-2007, 03:24 PM   #10
Dead Chief
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Thanks a lot, this is the kind of work one expects from a dedicated community, good job.
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Old 08-30-2007, 10:56 AM   #11

HP's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Originally Posted by DarkjeThe2nd View Post
for the lazy people I have zipped up all files.
download it here:

unzip in your maxpayne game dir and click MaxBatch to run it.
if you run it again it restores the game.
you will notice sox complaining alot about eof, but the resulting files are fine.

Good luck, Darkje
In the name of the community, thanks alot!
Helder "hP" Pinto
HP is offline  
Old 08-31-2007, 06:53 AM   #12

Mariamus's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
merged the 2nd post with the batch files post, as per request
I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.” - Queen Victoria
Indeed, America's new slogan is slowly becoming "Land of the free.. unless it offends anyone!" - Hudson
Mariamus is offline  
Old 09-22-2007, 02:14 AM   #13
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Hey, thanks for the great fix. I was just re-bought Max Payne and I was not happy that the sound didn't work. Thanks again!!!!
Old 10-01-2007, 02:52 PM   #14

Maddieman's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Nice work on the fix, but... I'm guessing it doesn't apply to mods, right? I know that Katana used the adpcm format quite extensively, so I'm guessing it would have some sound issues as well.

Can anyone with Vista would like to confirm this for me please? If there's enough interest I might be prepared to re-release a 'vista edition' of Katana (with a number of other bug-fixes too).
Maddieman is offline  
Old 10-04-2007, 04:50 AM   #15
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Well mods actually dont work with this thing. because after all the extracting etc. you end up with no ras's in your mp1 folder and you left with the data folder. and that gives errors when starting the mod unfortunately. so unless anyone packs the data folder ás the different ras("x_data, x_english.... etc. )
i dont think vista people will be able to play it:/

i tried recreating the ras but failed
andersenthemuss is offline  
Old 10-12-2007, 11:13 AM   #16

Maddieman's Avatar
Exclamation Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Okay, I've been talking to Andersen over at L4Y, and I think we've found a simple additional step to the fix to get mods working. The only problem is that some of the game music isn't working, and I'm not sure why yet.

In theory, to fix Max Payne permanently, you'd need to extract the game audio, fix it, and then repackage as .ras. Once that's done, it should only be mods that have sound issues.

Step 1. Fix the game and repackage.

Follow the steps of the original fix (above), exactly as they're described, until you're left with the entire game database (Data folder) extracted, with fixed audio; and the original ras files moved to a new folder (called 'Moved').

After you've tested the original game works, repack the Data folder using Rasmaker:

e.g. Rasmaker -a C:\Games\Max Payne\Data x_game.ras
Once it's done, x_game.ras should be the only 'RAS' file in your max payne directory. The other ones should be moved, deleted, or backed up on a CD.

Delete or rename the 'data' folder (I advise making a backup first), and try the game. Max Payne *should* still work. Assuming it does, try running mods -- they should work also (but with buggy sound & music, which can be fixed seperately in step 2).

Step 2. Fix the mod and repackage

This is an additional step, but assuming you can get mods to work, the next step is to fix the sound for them also. This is only necessary for mods that use heavy amounts of dialogue, such as Katana, Bladerunner Evolution, and others, since most regular sound fx should work already.

Essentially you're doing exactly the same thing as before - extract the mpm to a 'data folder' with Rasmaker, fix the audio in the data folder, then use Rasmaker to repack the mpm. It should be fairly straightforward, but I can explain the steps in detail if necessary.

So... anyone up for trying this? I'd be grateful if people could try it for Katana and The Real World demo, since the latter is still in development.

I can't guarantee it'll work 100%, but Andersen said it worked fine, except that there were problems with the music (especially on the menu screen). Obvisouly that's a huge issue, and I'd like to get it tested further, so that we can get everything working for Vista users.
Maddieman is offline  
Old 11-16-2007, 04:31 PM   #17
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Hey guys, I must be doing something wrong, because when I try this fix, I get no sound at all. Before, it was pretty much the same as everyone else (e.g, sound not working during cell dialogue and movies, but working fine in-game). After I extract all the files and convert them, do I have to re-compress them in a similar way to what Maddieman described? If that's the case, the MaxFX-Tool program won't let me, stating that the "source path must be relative when the -p option is not used."
Any ideas? Thanks!
Old 11-17-2007, 04:43 AM   #18

Maddieman's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
After I extract all the files and convert them, do I have to re-compress them in a similar way to what Maddieman described?
Well, the steps I suggested are optional. First try following what DarkjeThe2nd suggested, all the way to the end and see if the sounds work. If they do - good - you don't really need to do anything, unless you want to play mods also. If they don't, reinstall Max Payne and try again from the top.

After that's working, if you want to play mods, follow my steps.

If that's the case, the MaxFX-Tool program won't let me, stating that the "source path must be relative when the -p option is not used."
Yeah, Rasmaker is notoriously user unfriendly.

I don't know the exact answer, but try this:

 C:\Games\MAX-FX Tools\RasMaker\Rasmaker -a -p C:\Games\Max Payne\Data x_game.ras
I'm assuming that both Max Payne and Max-FX Tools are installed in the directory: C:\Games. If they aren't, simply replace C:\games with the actual install location.
Maddieman is offline  
Old 12-10-2007, 02:07 PM   #19
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Thanks so much. I was about to give up and put Max Payne back in the drawer when I saw this fix. I was a little nervous at first because the fix seemed a little out of my league but it turned out to be easier then I thought and worth the time. Thanks Again!!

Old 01-02-2008, 03:47 PM   #20
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Hi there, im having a bit of a problem with this fix. Long story short i lost my max payne disk and wanted to play it again so i bought it on Direct2Drive. Unfortunately when i did this i did not get the max-fx tools, which as i recall came on the disk version. So i tried it with a general ras maker that i found Quick ras, which didnt work. Tried the batch file option as well and i just changed the rasmaker line to quick ras, but then i ran into not having the rl.dll file.
Now im not really a computer wiz so all this stuff is really not my expertise. am i doing something wrong? Or do i jsut need the max-fx tools? if thats the case then where could i find those tools? i did some snooping but really didnt find anything.
I appreaciate any help, i really was looking forward to playing Max Payne again but it isnt as much fun with out the sounds.
train2837 is offline  
Old 01-02-2008, 04:29 PM   #21

Scotty's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Did Direct2Drive sell you Max Payne as being Vista-compatible?

If yes, can you put them on the hook for support, or for a refund?

If Direct2Drive patches up its source with the Vista fix, their end-users won't have to deal with the problem to begin with.
Scotty is offline  
Old 01-03-2008, 12:29 AM   #22
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
no i just looked at it right now and it doesnt say it does, i just assumed hey whats the big deal. this is like the first problem ive really had with vista but i can see where people are coming from with vista hate now. id really hate to do this and i dont want to at all but i know i could fix it if i found the max-fx tools is there a way to download them off bit torrent or limewire? i know its not really the right thing to do but i kinda got screwed over here. id rather avoid using a file sharing thing tho
Last edited by train2837; 01-03-2008 at 12:33 AM.
train2837 is offline  
Old 01-08-2008, 07:11 AM   #23

shotgun's Avatar
Post File Mirror
Mirror for files all zipped up:

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Old 01-18-2008, 03:19 AM   #24
Altered Reality

Altered Reality's Avatar
Re: Max Payne (1) Vista Sound Fix
Does this fix also work on the 64 bit version or vista, or only for the 32 bit version?
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Old 02-11-2008, 03:18 PM   #25
Re: Vista Sound Fix
I managed to get this fix working thanks a lot, i really don't know what i'd do without the mp community lol
Old 05-01-2008, 03:10 PM   #26
Re: Vista Sound Fix
I unzipped all the files, ran the MaxBatch file, but when I try to start the game it says, "Exception in startupInit: Directory \data not found."

This is killing me. What's wrong with it now?
Old 05-09-2008, 08:23 AM   #27
Caboose O'Malley

Caboose O'Malley's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Works well, but if you want to play with mods you'll have to mess around a bit, I think, at least I couldn't start a mod with the launcher, so I guess you'll need to make another backup(?) of your data folder and then extract the .mpm mod file over your files.
Please tell me if there's an easier way?
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Old 05-10-2008, 02:08 AM   #28

Chimera's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Just want to add my thanks - it worked a treat and was incredibly easy to do!
What am I reading?
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Old 05-26-2008, 09:03 AM   #29
Re: Vista Sound Fix
well done, great fix - flawless sound for the storyboard/ cut scenes - but the sound in gameplay is scratchy and jumpy. occasionally the sound is perfect throughout but other times it is scratchy. any suggestions as to why?

can u extract the in game sound files and perform the same fix operation? if so whcih files would need extracting? thanx, dan
Old 07-01-2008, 02:04 PM   #30

Psykomanius's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Nice one there.
Now i can play again in Vista...
Life can only be understood in reverse. But must be lived forward.
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Old 07-25-2008, 05:36 AM   #31

Sayantan's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Originally Posted by danaldo View Post
well done, great fix - flawless sound for the storyboard/ cut scenes - but the sound in gameplay is scratchy and jumpy. occasionally the sound is perfect throughout but other times it is scratchy. any suggestions as to why?

can u extract the in game sound files and perform the same fix operation? if so whcih files would need extracting? thanx, dan
Firstly, whatever I'll be saying would be from concept as I don't have Vista myself.

So anyways, the problem seems to be 1) Either most of the FX and dialogue sounds being mono or 2) It's the frequency issue. I'd presume (as it looks like) it's no. 1).

So if the issue is only 1 of those 2 problems, the fix should alter just that.

Scratchy Sounds - Usually scratchy sounds are produced when you force a low frequency sound into a high frequency sound. This 1) Doesn't help the quality of the sound and 2) instead pushes in some unwanted noises which in the original sound file was almost not-so prominent. Scratchy sounds are also produced when while recording, proper decibel-normalization hasn't been done. Apart from these 2 reasons, there are a few sounds which are either very high frequency dependent, or very low frequency dependent. So when you lower the frequency range, the sound decreases in terms of loudness. Hence if you later amplify that modified low frequency sound to match the original one, it often becomes a bit scratchy. Now I don't know if GW does this automatically or not.

Let's discuss it further on so we can get somewhere.
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Old 07-29-2008, 10:21 AM   #32
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Bit of a problem, i don't seem to have the "Data" folder. Any ideas where it might be?
Old 07-29-2008, 11:40 AM   #33

LMN0Potts's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Works great!

Question though, I could tell from the above posts, but has anyone gotten mods to work yet? I want to install Kung Fu 3.0.
Last edited by LMN0Potts; 07-31-2008 at 11:13 AM.
LMN0Potts is offline  
Old 08-07-2008, 10:07 AM   #34

Samji's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Doesn't running in XP compatibility mode work? I'm going to install Max Payne now, so I'll see for myself.
Sam's Py
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Old 08-13-2008, 02:52 AM   #35
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Perhaps someone can help me with this problem. I have followed the detailed instructions of DarkjeThe2nd on how to fix this issue to the letter, but I am experiencing the following problem: The sounds in the initial game cut-scene, as well as the scenes in between the episodes are playing on fast-forward. The sounds during the episodes are playing fine, though only out of one speaker on my 5.1 system. I have tried playing around with the attributes on GoldWave, changing it from PCM unsigned 8-bit stereo to a 16-bit stereo value. This makes the sounds in the initial cut-scene and the scenes in between episodes play fine, but the main sound dialog in the game sounds as if it's in slow-motion. Any suggestions on what to do? ... Steve
Old 08-22-2008, 11:11 PM   #36

alexgk's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Tried this method... and it worked
Playable demo this year! Confirmed!!
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Old 09-01-2008, 06:03 AM   #37

Maddieman's Avatar
Exclamation Re: Vista Sound Fix
Crimson Behelit has created a new fix which not only corrects the sound problem in Vista, but also recompiles the ras files so that you can play mods again. Not only that, but he's also created a batch file to convert the mods as well. I'm sure he'll be posting a thread about it soon, but in the meantime, you can check it out here:

Originally Posted by Sayantan View Post
Firstly, whatever I'll be saying would be from concept as I don't have Vista myself.

So anyways, the problem seems to be 1) Either most of the FX and dialogue sounds being mono or 2) It's the frequency issue. I'd presume (as it looks like) it's no. 1).

So if the issue is only 1 of those 2 problems, the fix should alter just that.

Scratchy Sounds - Usually scratchy sounds are produced when you force a low frequency sound into a high frequency sound. This 1) Doesn't help the quality of the sound and 2) instead pushes in some unwanted noises which in the original sound file was almost not-so prominent. Scratchy sounds are also produced when while recording, proper decibel-normalization hasn't been done. Apart from these 2 reasons, there are a few sounds which are either very high frequency dependent, or very low frequency dependent. So when you lower the frequency range, the sound decreases in terms of loudness. Hence if you later amplify that modified low frequency sound to match the original one, it often becomes a bit scratchy. Now I don't know if GW does this automatically or not.

Let's discuss it further on so we can get somewhere.
When I was working on Katana, I found that 3d sound effects converted to stereo caused a scratching/ripping sound sometimes (e.g. when shooting).

After checking the original files in Max Payne, I came to the conclusion that 3d sounds such as gunshots, impacts, and explosions, should always be recorded/saved in mono format (the sound is emitted to 3d space, so it makes no sense for it to be in stereo). The only audio which should be left in stereo format are 2d sounds (Music, graphic novel dialogue, Max Payne's voice overs, etc).

Looking at the original fix in the first post, it seems very likely that batch converting all sound to stereo is the cause (and will also greatly increase the file size). Crimson Behelit's fix appears to correct that.
Maddieman is offline  
Old 09-23-2008, 11:56 PM   #38
Unhappy Re: Vista Sound Fix
I have done exactly (and couple of times) as it is written here and I kept recivng the following error:

"Exception in engineInit: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID"
Last edited by Seban; 09-24-2008 at 12:00 AM.
Old 09-30-2008, 06:38 PM   #39
Re: Vista Sound Fix
I got the same error. Seems to pop up after the opening movie when the game tries to load the main menu.

I'm using the steam version. Copied the game folder from steam apps to the C directory and renamed it like they said before applying the patch. Then moved it back to steam apps folder.

I don't think that should affect it though cause the patch only extracted and moved files around in the game directory which was carried over when I moved it back to the steam folder.

Anybody else having problems? Suggestions?
psychic_psychotic is offline  
Old 10-09-2008, 10:42 AM   #40

LMN0Potts's Avatar
Re: Vista Sound Fix
Nooooo! It was working perfectly, but I'm at the very end chasing Nicole Horne up the stairs, then it starts a cut scene of us on the roof and Max shoots at her, and she runs around the corner... and its crashed every time! I've tried dropping everything to low, even lower screen res, nothing. Still crashes.

Is there a way to avoid cutscenes so I can finish the game?
LMN0Potts is offline  


fix, max payne, vista

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