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Old 04-13-2010, 07:21 PM   #1

Zaxtor's Avatar
Talking Who ever gets curious from a very unusual special trick in MODS and checks it?
Like when you see a very weird and unusual special effect, sector trick / exploit etc you have encountered in a MOD/TC you've played and you wonder how it is done and you use mapster to check the maps and or check its con files to see how is done?

If yes specify the MOD's name and what effect you have checked.

Me was Billyboy's bedron trying to figure how did he do that floor window trick thing such as that transparent water trick. That was long ago.

Also in (I think it;s SST) how did he do that massive mushroom cloud and rings of smoke from the nuclear missile launcher. Never figured this out tho.
OBLIVION'S STATUS. Maps are 100%, Textures are 100% {FINISHED}
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Old 04-14-2010, 12:47 PM   #2

Tekedon's Avatar
Re: Who ever gets curious from a very unusual special trick in MODS and checks it?
I'm that type. I often check maps in the editor. Can't specify any mod or map though. But I checked that level you mentioned (bedrone) and HOLY S**T is it big or what? I've played it for hours and I've still not finished it. Really cool effects.. and I wonder too how he did certain things. Never knew some of those things could be done in Duke3d. He seems to have some kind of stack effects (like in shadow warrior and blood) faked I guess, but nice anyway. But I must say that transparent water thing was the most impressive thing I've seen in duke ever. I thought I had figured out how he did it, but then I noticed you could shoot enemies through the water, and my theory fell through. Is it possible he has coded in some new effects (like transparent water and stacks) through the con files?
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:51 PM   #3

hightreason's Avatar
Re: Who ever gets curious from a very unusual special trick in MODS and checks it?
I'm gonna have to look at this map now.

Every map I have has been stripped down at least once, though not always in great detail. So I can't specify anything in particlar. Personally I have only really mapped properly for blood/sw until recently, so I learned most of the sector/spritework tricks from that or trial and error. I remember figuring out sloped shading myself, but I learned the SOS trick after spending hours looking at what I thought was a corrupt E1M1 in blood and Lunatic Fringe in Duke 3D.

The map I poked about the most recently was probably "Blown Fuses" by Gambini, mostly just to see how DukePlus worked and to look at the spritework in detail.

One thing I have been trying to figure out for years is how those multi-story elevators work in LameDuke - though I don't think that qualifies for this thread.
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