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View Poll Results: Which Game Would You Prefer?
Shadow Warrior 2 71 59.17%
Rise of the Triad 2 49 40.83%
Voters: 120. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-22-2008, 09:01 AM   #41

Antosa's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
I voted for Shadow Warrior 2, i like Lowang.
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:35 PM   #42

MusicallyInspired's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by bobthefish View Post
i liked the shareware of ROTT, but shadow warrior was just so damn funny. im sorry, but if a sw2 lived up to that, ide be pissing myself laughing playing it.

case and point: the fortune cookies.
nuff said.
See I didn't find Shadow Warrior funny at all. Just stupid. I mean lines like:

"Row row row your boat gently down the stream! OH! I think my thingy's hanging out!"

...are retarded, childish, and not funny at all.
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Old 10-30-2008, 11:21 AM   #43

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
it's actually "Row row row your boat gently down the stream! OH! I think my dinghy's hanging out!"
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Old 10-30-2008, 02:35 PM   #44

Superczar's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by MusicallyInspired View Post
See I didn't find Shadow Warrior funny at all. Just stupid. I mean lines like:

"Row row row your boat gently down the stream! OH! I think my thingy's hanging out!"

...are retarded, childish, and not funny at all.
How could you not find that funny?!?!
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Old 10-30-2008, 03:59 PM   #45

ZuljinRaynor's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Superczar View Post
How could you not find that funny?!?!
Not everyone likes penis jokes.
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Old 10-31-2008, 09:23 PM   #46

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by MusicallyInspired View Post
See I didn't find Shadow Warrior funny at all. Just stupid. I mean lines like:

"Row row row your boat gently down the stream! OH! I think my thingy's hanging out!"

...are retarded, childish, and not funny at all.
While it is "bathroom humor" as some would call it, myself and others can still appreciate the play on words because it shows intelligence in the form of wit.

It sounds like you didn't get it... in which case it might not be amusing because its value for some comes from this secondary meaning created by the play on words.
Point being that sometimes one can appreciate the quality of work in a painting without really caring for the content.
If you did understand the play on words in reference to a dinghy (as pointed out in another response/post) and you don’t care for crude, immature or primitive forms of humor, then I don’t guess it would have any value.

I would really like to see either of them on modern engines and tech... with or without "stupid" one-liners.

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Old 11-02-2008, 05:57 AM   #47

LiquiD's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad

Shadow Warrior was an asian knock off of Duke. But the nukes were cool

Although come to think of it ROTT had similar theme to Wolfenstien... Even the dogs... Haha Does anyone remember you could type a code to be a dog... Or be god? And he did that weird yawn thing? lol

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Old 11-02-2008, 02:45 PM   #48

Kennedy's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Dog mode was pretty cool. There was like a bone power up or something that would activate it and then if you held down the fire key long enough you could trigger the "power bark" that would hit all targets on screen as I recall. It also had all those neat multiplayer modes like "Capture the Triad" where the little triangle things were actually moving away from you.
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Old 11-04-2008, 08:12 AM   #49

Reaper's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Kennedy View Post
There was like a bone power up or something that would activate it and then if you held down the fire key long enough you could trigger the "power bark" that would hit all targets on screen as I recall.
Are you just pulling things outta yer ass now? Cause I don't remember no bone power up or power bark... Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
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Old 11-04-2008, 11:21 AM   #50

Nukkus's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
Are you just pulling things outta yer ass now? Cause I don't remember no bone power up or power bark... Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
It's common knowledge dood.
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Old 11-04-2008, 06:01 PM   #51
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
I voted for both
That's not possible.
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:55 AM   #52

Antosa's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
However, unfortunately i do not believe it will sw2 it rott2
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:04 AM   #53
Altered Reality

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
I voted for ROTT2 because I'd only like a SW2 if it's NOT in the same spirit of the original game. I'd hate another game with a caricatural Asian Duke ripoff, while I'd love it as a serious sneak'em up where you have to use actual ninja techniques and equipment.
On the other hand, ROTT is sufficiently "generic" and without an actual "style" of its own, a sequel could be easily developed without worrying about "being faithful to" or "betraying" the original.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:42 PM   #54

MusicallyInspired's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by MrBlackCat View Post
While it is "bathroom humor" as some would call it, myself and others can still appreciate the play on words because it shows intelligence in the form of wit.

It sounds like you didn't get it... in which case it might not be amusing because its value for some comes from this secondary meaning created by the play on words.
Point being that sometimes one can appreciate the quality of work in a painting without really caring for the content.
If you did understand the play on words in reference to a dinghy (as pointed out in another response/post) and you don’t care for crude, immature or primitive forms of humor, then I don’t guess it would have any value.

I would really like to see either of them on modern engines and tech... with or without "stupid" one-liners.

Ok, now I get it. Still don't think it's funny. It's not just that line, though. His whole attitude throughout the game is just....lame. His character seems more like an attempt to be funny that failed miserably. I suppose one could argue the same about Duke's character, but Lo Wang's is just not my taste. Either way SW missed out on the charm factor for me personally for gameplay and design besides the character, so I'd much rather have a ROTT 2.
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Old 02-12-2009, 04:23 AM   #55

ShadowsWake's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Personally, I'd much prefer Shadow Warrior 2. Though realistically I know that will never happen, as George Brousard I believe it was seems to be against all things Shadow Warrior related. Shadow Warrior is definitely my single favorite FPS to come out of 3DRealms. It had an insane amount of gore, tons of weapons with alternate fire modes, and the single greatest secondary fire in FPS history, the nuke! Not Duke Nukem himself had his own own secondary nuke launcher!

And the game had anime chicks, I loved that. The whole game felt like starring in your own crazy violent 3d anime, and to imagine what 3DRealms could do with Shadow Warrior in this day and age, (I'm thinking quality gore content like in Gears Of War, and Sexy anime-ish characters like Tina & Kasumi from Dead Or Alive 4)

I never really got into Rise Of The Triad, for some reason everything just looked really, really flat. Like the enemies, the fact that they were just 2d sprites looked a lot more obvious then the enemies on Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior did.
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Old 02-12-2009, 04:44 AM   #56

DissidentRage's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Shadow Warrior was actually my first exposure to FPS gaming, so I voted for it.
Alt for djevelen!
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Old 02-12-2009, 06:02 AM   #57
Commando Nukem

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
I voted for ROTT 2. Shadow Warrior 2 just won't ever happen for the reasons that have been previously stated. I'd imagine a "ROTT 2" would probably be a remake though if anything, for the simple fact that ROTT is essentially just a cult game. Which would still be awesome. Modern graphics and sensibilities combined with the classic fun factor of ROTT is a win win.
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Old 02-12-2009, 07:43 AM   #58
The Carnage Man

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
ROTT2... always loved the game and it made me love 3D shooters alot more..
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Old 02-12-2009, 10:01 AM   #59
Commando Nukem

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
Why exactly is george broussard against everything shadow warrior related? it is because shadow warrior didnt sell as expected?
I believe it is because the game had a very poor reception in regards to it's "racist" nature?
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Old 02-12-2009, 01:37 PM   #60

Kennedy's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
The nice thing about RotT is that it was lacking the juvenile toilet humor that was present in SW and Duke. However if you got rid of the potty humor than I would vote for a SW sequel.
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Old 02-12-2009, 02:31 PM   #61

ZaphodB's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Kennedy View Post
The nice thing about RotT is that it was lacking the juvenile toilet humor that was present in SW and Duke. However if you got rid of the potty humor than I would vote for a SW sequel.
Without the "potty humor" as you so put it, SW wouldn't be SW. It would be another quiet FPS like HL. Doom, Quake, etc., which would make it not worth playing. Too many quiet ones out there already.
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Old 02-12-2009, 03:52 PM   #62
KO Gilligan

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
I love this poll... If I coult vote for ROTT again I would

I hoped some people would vote for it... to me it was the best game and far ahead of it's era.

Maybe 3DRealms notices how much support there still is for ROTT and considers the sequel's potential. 40% is pretty impressive going up against Shadow Warrior.
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Old 02-12-2009, 06:49 PM   #63
Triad Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
ROTT 2 because any sequel to SW would have nothing really innovative.

ROTT, on the other hand, had lots of potential, that were just limited by computing power at the time. ROTT is one-of-a-kind, unique gameplay, a unique engine, a unique sense of style, and a unique intensity of action. Then there's Comm-Bat. A ROTT sequel would be a smorgasboard of really cool and innovative shit, and has a LOT more going for it than any follow up to SW.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:35 AM   #64

hightreason's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
SW2, flame me if you will, but i really hate rott. i dunno why, it just does not appeal to me.
Just my opinion, but if a new one came out, id still be pleased.
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Old 02-13-2009, 06:44 AM   #65
Blade Nightflame

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Shadow Warrior 2 definitely. While RotT was nice, it was Shadow Warrior which sold me. A great character (I happen to like his lines, actually. ), some very masterful ambiance in the game and all that happen to make the game a favorite of mine.
If SW2 came to be, I can only hope dearly it'd be as memorable as the original in terms of.. Pretty much everything it had.

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Old 02-14-2009, 05:18 PM   #66

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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Rise of the Triad. Please.
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Old 02-17-2009, 08:01 AM   #67
Joe Siegler
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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
Why exactly is george broussard against everything shadow warrior related? it is because shadow warrior didnt sell as expected?

Originally Posted by Commando Nukem View Post
I believe it is because the game had a very poor reception in regards to it's "racist" nature?

Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
You know, probably thats the reason why. Reading up on shadow warrior's backstory, of the game after it was released, it does have racist overtones.
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Old 02-18-2009, 04:12 AM   #68
Duke's New Chainsaw

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Wink Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
He meant in regards to the reason why.
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Old 02-18-2009, 05:31 PM   #69
Joe Siegler
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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
Really? Do you think all ninjas look like the old chinese dudes from old martial arts movies, and have chinese sounding names?

Here's a hint:

I was answering the questions. Not being sarcastic like you were.
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Old 02-18-2009, 10:13 PM   #70

shiranui's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
They'll bury you in a lunchbox, if a ROTT sequel is not forthcoming!

Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Rise of the Triad 2. Not even funny how much more that's needed.

/me thinks of abusing his admin powers to manually adjust the poll results to prove it. hahahaha
Admit it, Joe, you are just itching to climb back into that pink chair and get your hands on them staplers...

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Old 02-18-2009, 10:26 PM   #71

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Devilish Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
the very idea of a japanese ninja called Lo Wang, a name that sounds chinese, not japanese

Way back when, being intensely interested in all things Japanese at the time (having lived in Japan for over 10 years now, that interest has all but disappeared) my first reaction to the announcement of the name "Lo Wang" was, WITBF (I = in, B = bloody) are they thinking!?! I proceeded to write a, rather angry, email to Georgie B about that exact issue, as soon as the details were released.

I was very, pleasantly, suprised when I received a reply from the man himself a few hours later!

In his kind response, he took the time to explain to me the reasons for the choice, explaining that the game had changed direction since the initial announcement the year before. I can't remember the exact words, but I recall that they were sufficient to satisfy me, allowing me to go back to anticipating the game, rather than fuming over its apparent lack of authenticity. I did indeed love the game when it was released, with the funky Japanese on the signs adding to the enjoyment.

I wish I had saved that email. (is netscape mail still around?)
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Old 02-19-2009, 12:12 AM   #72

Rellik66's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by shiranui View Post

I wish I had saved that email. (is netscape mail still around?) -> you will be redirected to an AOL login screen, just enter your full netscape email addy in if you can remember it.

That would be an interesting e-mail to see if you still have it
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Old 02-19-2009, 01:00 AM   #73

shiranui's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Rellik66 View Post -> you will be redirected to an AOL login screen, just enter your full netscape email addy in if you can remember it.

That would be an interesting e-mail to see if you still have it
I tried, but to no avail. It let me log in with my old address and password (had to insert a few extra details too) but the inbox was empty. I guess I'm not so suprised, afterall, I havent logged in for over 10 years

Maybe George has my email saved somewhere
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Old 02-19-2009, 06:44 AM   #74

necroslut's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by tommy-vercetti View Post
Really? Do you think all ninjas look like the old chinese dudes from old martial arts movies, and have chinese sounding names?

Here's a hint:

Oh, come on. There is really nothing indicating that Lo Wang would be japanese, except the "ninja" thing. On the back it even says "Lo Wang is coming to the land of the rising sun (that's Japan)", indicating he's not from there. And you obviously have never seen a Hong Kong ninja movie.

And how is having a chinese ninja racist? Because he's not ethnically japanese?
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:34 AM   #75
Joe Siegler
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Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by shiranui View Post
Admit it, Joe, you are just itching to climb back into that pink chair and get your hands on them staplers...
Yes I am. I've never hidden from that fact.
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Old 02-19-2009, 06:41 PM   #76

shiranui's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Yes I am. I've never hidden from that fact.
Just remember to take the staples OUT first this time.
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Old 02-19-2009, 07:20 PM   #77

Ramen4ever's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
I've been neglecting this poll. I only played a little of ROTT. It was very interesting but I somehow didn't like ROTT's first person feel. it didn't feel as natural as Duke for example. Shadow warrior was okay, I really liked the music but the game itself got boring quickly. It had it's good points. Particularly Wang's one liners and the ninja style weaponry. the sticky bombs were simply genius. I also like the death sequences. Duke also had good death sequences. I hope DNF does as well.
If I had to pick. I'd say ROTT. Shadow Warrior lacks potential. A new ROTT could be pretty good. Though I think some ignorant people would simply label it a wolfenstein ripoff without giving it a chance. If the remake/sequel kept the traps/hazards and made the game super interactive it could be pretty good.
PS, add coop, it already has multiple characters. ^_^
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Old 03-06-2009, 10:52 AM   #78

Jinroh's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2 vs Return of the Triad
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Yes I am. I've never hidden from that fact.
Yeah and we'd need Tom Hall again as a Reborn El Oscuro and we'll be set. Wish I could link that awesome picture of him from my work. But sadly Firewall.

As for RoTT vs. SW umm...I think RoTT. I mean Shadow Warrior was cool and all, the engine was nice and such, but it was just kinda too much like Duke. I still really liked it though. ^_^

Originally Posted by Kennedy
Dog mode was pretty cool. There was like a bone power up or something that would activate it and then if you held down the fire key long enough you could trigger the "power bark" that would hit all targets on screen as I recall.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Dog Mode - Turns the player into a dog by decreasing the height of the player and displaying a dog's nose instead of a weapon. The dog is invincible to all attacks, and can charge up its 'bark blast' which is an attack that kills every enemy in view. The dog can also bite enemies in melee range during the duration of this powerup. This mode is sometimes needed when the player needs to go through small holes in the level.
Oh man, that's right I forgot about that awesomeness. I loved that mode!! LOL That's where Bolt got it from. Nintendo also stole it when they had you transform into Wolf Link for some parts of Twilight Princess. Man Joe, everybody's ripping off RoTT.
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