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Old 03-23-2009, 09:39 PM   #81
d3ad connection

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Re: Max Payne 3
It's too early to tell if this is gonna fail, and I think it has some potential. Here's hoping the PC version is not like the suckfest that is GTA4 PC
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:02 PM   #82

mysteryperfecta's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
If it were Remedy, it would be an automatic buy. Without Remedy, I have no loyalty to this franchise.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:50 PM   #83

MegaMustaine's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by mysteryperfecta View Post
If it were Remedy, it would be an automatic buy. Without Remedy, I have no loyalty to this franchise.
Good thing everybody is giving R* Vancouver a chance.
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Old 03-24-2009, 12:44 AM   #84

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Re: Max Payne 3
He's got a point. If it were Remedy I'd buy it without hesitation. Since it's not then it has to be damn good.

As far as I'm concerned Max Payne 3 is not a real part of the series and thus the story won't make a difference to me (unless of course Sam writes it, which he won't).
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:22 AM   #85

Antosa's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by ReloadeR View Post

Ye angry's and dangerous guy's look..
Also I I immediately thought Sam Fisher.
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:41 AM   #86

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Maddieman View Post
As you can see, the facial features -- eyes, brows, nose, mouth, and ears line up almost perfectly. There's some artistic licence, but I think Timothy Gibbs is still Max, and if the photo is correct, then he still has a full head of hair (hopefully).

The lazy paintover fail makes me rage but I really want to see Gibbs as Max again.
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Old 03-24-2009, 04:03 AM   #87

Caine's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by MegaMustaine View Post
Good thing everybody is giving R* Vancouver a chance.
that's the new gaming community giving big studios always too many chances, ok it's not really for rockstar, as their games mostly are great, but chances for EA etc.

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Old 03-24-2009, 05:45 AM   #88

Tedades's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Look, it's awsome. Just with some resizing and cutting it fits perfectly on Niko Bellic. (Yes I did some smudging on the top/bottom because the color differences looked weird. No smudging on nose/mouth or anything, it fits almost perfectly.)
Max Payne 3's head is wider though.
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Old 03-24-2009, 05:55 AM   #89

Marty's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
wow, this is out of left field.
looking at the date, it's getting much close to April 1st, hope it's not a cruel joke...
this has alot to live up to, good luck Rockstar. If it does suck, i'd hope it was a cruel joke.
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Old 03-24-2009, 06:26 AM   #90

mysteryperfecta's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by MegaMustaine View Post
Good thing everybody is giving R* Vancouver a chance.
They've got as much of a chance as any other developer making any other game. But they'll have some convincing to do, whereas Remedy wouldn't.
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Old 03-24-2009, 07:07 AM   #91
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by BloodWolf806 View Post
Because Console games in general outsell PC games by a great margin. (I assume)

Don't fret though, it's on PC. Says so in the press release.
Or more likely, because PC isn't a brand so you won't have Sony's lawyers suing the crap out of you for not displaying their logo on a game released on their platform.
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Old 03-24-2009, 07:25 AM   #92
Monkey Butler
Re: Max Payne 3
this is gonna be the Fallout 3 pre-release discussion all over again.
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Old 03-24-2009, 07:33 AM   #93
Walking Alone

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Re: Max Payne 3
Poster (2550 x 3300 resolution). Sweeeeet.

Last edited by Walking Alone; 03-24-2009 at 07:52 AM.
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Old 03-24-2009, 07:39 AM   #94
Boo Boo Juice

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Re: Max Payne 3
I don't really know what to think from that picture. I think they could've released a better picture. It looks like he is bringing is head into himself too much - creating somewhat of a double-chin. He also looks like he might be bald. It just makes me think Sam Fisher or Bruce Willis from Die Hard 4 (I don't know why). I also don't see the sweet leather jacket.

Anyway, I think the game has potential to be good. Rockstar has a pretty solid track record so far. I have enough faith that the game will be, at the least, decent.

Personally, I'm interested in seeing where Rockstar goes with this.

Heh, at least the game most likely won't be as terrible as the garbage movie was :P
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Old 03-24-2009, 09:49 AM   #95
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Walking Alone View Post
Poster (2550 x 3300 resolution). Sweeeeet.

Max Payne is Joker!

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Old 03-24-2009, 10:15 AM   #96

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Monkey Butler View Post
Yeah, "probably". We know nothing about the game other than its a new setting and Max is old. The rest is just marketing puff that could come from a press release for any game, and the concept art is exactly that, just a concept. It's way too early to be jumping to conclusions regarding quality.
Well, to paraphrase Yahtzee - it's better to assume an upcoming game will turn out to be shitty and then be pleasantly surprised rather than the opposite
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:46 AM   #97

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Re: Max Payne 3

"The other blood-soaked badges on the Max Payne forum were going apeshit on the preliminary drawings. It was a cold day in March and Max III was'nt coming out any time soon. But it was on the way and I was eyeing the nurse at the other end of the corridor who helped to stitch my face back to something resembling a human being. A blurred image of Mona holding flowers or was it a bunch of grenades? stood like an apparition at the side of my bed. What was the Dylan song? (ra)Mona come closer?

"Ramona, come closer,
Shut softly your watery eyes.
The pangs of your sadness
Shall pass as your senses will rise.
The flowers of the city
Though breathlike, get deathlike at times.
And there's no use in tryin'
T' deal with the dyin',
Though I cannot explain that in lines."

The words ran through my head like a train over a Brooklyn flyover as her hair fell like snow over my face and she whispered it was gonna to be allright. "They won't let you down Max but they can't do anything about your looks." There was no remedy for my condition, even Remedy had deserted me and I was now in the hands of some Take-Two Rockstar geeks who might or might not give me a bright furture. I knew that there was a new guy in town by the name of Alan Wake, he was after my job. I was gonna have to shoot my way out of this. Meanwhile back at the mansion..."
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:52 AM   #98
Walking Alone

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Re: Max Payne 3
Max Payne in GTA SA

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Old 03-24-2009, 11:32 AM   #99
Re: Max Payne 3
What is waiting for Mona in this game? I think she'll get a place in a jail...
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Old 03-24-2009, 12:31 PM   #100
Walking Alone

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by ReloadeR View Post
What is waiting for Mona in this game? I think she'll get a place in a jail...
I think she's completely dead.
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Old 03-24-2009, 12:51 PM   #101
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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by MegaMustaine View Post
Good thing everybody is giving R* Vancouver a chance.
While a few people have chosen to completely sign off on the game, most people have not.
The majority of us are just approaching it with caution. With a new developer and writer... there's good reason to be cautious.

Originally Posted by Walking Alone View Post
I think she's completely dead.
Yes. Judging from Max moving to a new city, they are continuing the story from the Max Payne 2 ending in which Mona dies.
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Old 03-24-2009, 01:08 PM   #102

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Re: Max Payne 3
It's a shame they continued the storyline where Mona Sax dies. I always though Mona was alive and would live forever with Max... A game with Mona alive can be done!

You think I played Hard Boiled and Dead on Arrival just to see that Mona is still dead in Max Payne 3? How unfunny! I recall someone saying that to his point of view, the secret ending where Mona lives was just an easter egg, and should not be concidered as the real endind. But for someone like Maxy, to quote someone else in this forum, he really deserves a happy ending after all the things that happened to him.

Off Topic:
Oh, I just figured out that Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars was developed by Rockstar Leeds, the developers of Max Payne for the GBA. Me wants Max Payne 2 DS. . Remember, MP1 for the GBA was released after MP2, now why not MP2 DS after MP3?

On Topic:
Well, I don't think I'm up for a bald Max Payne but I like the bear they've added to him.

About the jacket.. One of the reason the games were cool to me was because of the effects on the jacket. I still find MP2 jacket impressive... I would love if there's an option where you can play with jacket or without jacket (if it's a sandbox game...:P, say like when you change your clothes in GTA: SA), but then again if it's a straight-forward story-telled game like the previous two, a moment without your jacket would be cool.

Maybe they want a totally new look for Max but there are some things that can't be omitted. I accepted Max didn't wear the hawaiian t-shirt from the first one. But the jacket is priceless.

And that thing about Hobo Duke and hobo heroes I'll remind you something: Max Payne hate hobos!

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal View Post
Yes. Judging from Max moving to a new city, they are continuing the story from the Max Payne 2 ending in which Mona dies.
Is he really moving from New York? It's a shame. That was the best part of the game, . I don't live in NY by the way, just in case; and would not like to live in there, because of crime, etc. But as a playground for a game like Max Payne, it was great. But it's a beautiful city anyway, an aunt of mine and her family live there. But I haven't visit them yet.

But, did the original quote said he was moving, I mean, leaving NY? If so, all I want is two things: That the new place where he's goings is real and not invented like Liberty City or Carcer City..... and the most important, wherever he goes, I expect a lot of snow!
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Last edited by dan2091; 03-24-2009 at 01:19 PM.
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Old 03-24-2009, 01:58 PM   #103
Re: Max Payne 3
Well i thought that game will continue, with Vlad's brother (if he had), or Monas problems with bad guys I don't know... I don't think that they continued a game without Mona...
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Old 03-24-2009, 02:06 PM   #104

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by dan2091 View Post
I would love if there's an option where you can play with jacket or without jacket (if it's a sandbox game...:P, say like when you change your clothes in GTA: SA), but then again if it's a straight-forward story-telled game like the previous two, a moment without your jacket would be cool.
Please no sandbox. I'd rather having something linear and very polished than a sandbox game that lacks in areas. Also I don't want "Hey Max, it's your cousin!" calls
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Old 03-24-2009, 02:17 PM   #105
Walking Alone

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by ReloadeR View Post
Well i thought that game will continue, with Vlad's brother (if he had), or Monas problems with bad guys I don't know... I don't think that they continued a game without Mona...
As for me I want to see Valkyr again... and some corruption from supreme circles of the power and authority (for example it may be mayor or members of new inner circle).

I want to see Fimbulwinter...
Last edited by Walking Alone; 03-24-2009 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 03-24-2009, 02:49 PM   #106

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Re: Max Payne 3
Hey Sang, you're right. Sandbox games sometimes don't have those little details like Max Payne (say the interactivity and the TV Shows, etc). But there is a chance that this could happen. I'm bad in open areas deathmatches, I'm better in close door combat... , but the levels from the Max Payne 2 Mod: Mona the Assassin were good, open enough and great. I'd like those kind of levels in Max Payne 3.

Probably, one of the things that I liked from the mod is the fact that levels were open and also in daylight. That incredible sunset in the Max Payne 2 engine is meaningful to me , that's one thing from the game or the storyline that was unused. But as Max said once, he hasn't seen the sun in a million years.

I hope there are sunsents in Max Payne 3! Daylight at least in one of the levels.

Edit -

Walking Alone I'm with you. Some corruption at high levels must not be left out of the game this time.
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Last edited by dan2091; 03-24-2009 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:01 PM   #107
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Re: Max Payne 3
I still believe Max's death at the end of a third game would be the best route. But, it won't happen.

I could see them almost screwing this up by trying to add in multiplayer.
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:04 PM   #108
Mr Bear

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal View Post

Yes. Judging from Max moving to a new city, they are continuing the story from the Max Payne 2 ending in which Mona dies.
Well, a bullet to the brain didn't stop her from coming back in the second game...

Something tells me we haven't seen the last of her......

Max Payne just isn't Max Payne without Mona.

Then again, that exact same statement could be made replacing the word "Mona" with "Remedy".
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:23 PM   #109

BloodWolf806's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
I'm pretty sure Mona's dead. Max left New York behind. Why would he want to leave and start anew when he could've done the same with Mona?
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:49 PM   #110

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Re: Max Payne 3
Of course Max was just dreaming about Mona in his hospital bed, dreaming while he was awake, the liquid in his body containing 90% morphene and all the pain killers the nurses could pack in his mouth between interrogations by the NYPD detectives whispering and smoking outside the door of his room which looked out over a blank redbrick wall punctuated by smoke rising from a ventilation shaft on the floor below. "Who killed Cognitti." seemed to be the main point of the day's discussions. Angelino Cognitti was the DA and he wanted to know what happened to the cousin to which he claimed not to be related. Max knew the score, accidental shooting by an officer as he left St. Barnabas Hospital on Third Ave in the Bronx. He blinked and Mona was gone. Where she stood was an old priest leaning over him with a black book in one hand and a rosary in the other. The priest moved his whiskey smelling mouth close to Max's ear, his stubble annoyingly itching Max's sore cheek. The old man whispered "A message from Angelino, you're dead you freakin' motherf***** cop, you know that, you're gonna be iced!"- The priest slowly stood up, blessing Max by touching his forehead with his short stubby, nictoine stained fingers and then continued loudly for the nurses to hear -My son." Max watched him with his blurred vision as he slowly faded away down the ward like a black cloud clearing from his eyes.
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Old 03-24-2009, 05:57 PM   #111

Bludd's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal View Post
I still believe Max's death at the end of a third game would be the best route. But, it won't happen.
Doesn't make sense that Rockstar, having spent millions on the IP, just plans to make one game.

If it tanks they may shelve the series, but I don't think they will intentionally kill off Max in their first game.

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Old 03-24-2009, 07:09 PM   #112

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Re: Max Payne 3
Who says a Max Payne 4 would have to be a sequel to 3? It could be a prequel.
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Old 03-24-2009, 07:14 PM   #113
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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Bludd View Post
Doesn't make sense that Rockstar, having spent millions on the IP, just plans to make one game.

If it tanks they may shelve the series, but I don't think they will intentionally kill off Max in their first game.
That's why I said it won't happen. Had Remedy and 3DRealms made the third game, I could see Max dying at the end.

But since Rockstar is doing it... I see them trying to get at least a few games out of it.
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Old 03-24-2009, 08:10 PM   #114

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Sang View Post
Please no sandbox. I'd rather having something linear and very polished than a sandbox game that lacks in areas. Also I don't want "Hey Max, it's your cousin!" calls
I also would not like a sandbox game, however how about a nice compromise no one ever considers: I'd rather have something replayable and not linear (ala Hitman) but obviously with the style and focus of Max Payne.
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Old 03-24-2009, 08:27 PM   #115

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Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Sang View Post
Also I don't want "Hey Max, it's your cousin!" calls
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:20 AM   #116

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Re: Max Payne 3
I love the MP series, but like a lot of you, I'm worried about the story.

This is being built on the GTA4 engine? If so, please, please include Euphoria. That was one of the strongest points of GTA4's gameplay IMO.
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Old 03-25-2009, 02:19 AM   #117
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal View Post
I could see them almost screwing this up by trying to add in multiplayer.
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:47 AM   #118
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by Maddieman View Post
I thought this might be of interest.

Attachment 1 is from the photoshoot of Max Payne 2.
Attachment 2 is the Max Payne 3 image superimposed on an enlarged version of the photo (flipped horizontally).
Attachment 3 is the same image, but I've adjusted the translucency to make it clearer.

As you can see, the facial features -- eyes, brows, nose, mouth, and ears line up almost perfectly. There's some artistic licence, but I think Timothy Gibbs is still Max, and if the photo is correct, then he still has a full head of hair (hopefully).
Finally some common sense, I was going to post this, glad to see someone else did. That is definitely a concept based off of Gibbs, so this is still MAX, why don't we wait awhile before we crucify the game. I am actually pretty excited about this. Mafia 2 and Max 3, two of my all-time favorite franchises are revived.

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Old 03-25-2009, 07:10 AM   #119

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Maxpayne Re: Max Payne 3

Max knew that as soon as he was fit to get to the bathroom all by himself he was going to have to make a break for it; clambering down a concrete wall so old it had fossilized into stone. New York city was over...even if just for the moment, everyone; the cops and the mob were too hot on his tail. Max was beginning to forget what all this was about. Suddenly the goal had become entirely unclear. Up till now he had been in two minds about it, now he was probably in three. Max had a feeling of ne'je vous, as if all this had never happened before. Perhaps the nearest he would ever get to the truth was to drown in a puddle of falsehoods. The nurse said "Don't worry, it's only a pin-prick and injected him in the arm. The cops had left the room, they had been trying to confuse him, one said Mona was dead, another that she was in jail, the nurse had said she was alive in another hospital. The injection began to work, for a moment he thought that he was lying on the floor of a thread in the 3d Realms Max Payne forum. He made a supreme effort to clear his vision and glimpsed a blurred patchwork of peeling paint on the green bloodspattered wall beside his bed. The next time Max Payne woke up it would be just after the cutscene at the opening of Max 3. For now he was tired of looking back over his shoulder at the future all the time. He just longed for the big sleep. Little did he know the big sleep would be for twenty years.
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Old 03-25-2009, 09:01 AM   #120

Cleric's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3
Originally Posted by NeoCrow View Post
Finally some common sense, I was going to post this, glad to see someone else did. That is definitely a concept based off of Gibbs, so this is still MAX, why don't we wait awhile before we crucify the game. I am actually pretty excited about this. Mafia 2 and Max 3, two of my all-time favorite franchises are revived.
Exactly why I think I'll stay out of this thread for a bit. There are going to be people absolutely freaking out about R*'s decision to make a third Max Payne. Pretty soon this thread's going to be filled with tons of unwarranted criticism.

I know some of you people would like the MP series to be left alone. I know you think the third game is going to ruin the series. But the fact is that none of us know anything about the game aside from the paragraph of information announcing it. Don't start bashing this game without knowing anything about it. Give it a chance.
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